Talented Genius

Chapter 2354: The game has just started

After coming out of Wei Zhanguo's room, Ye Tianlong arranged a servant to stare at him, waiting for Ye Weiguo's instructions at any time.

He returned to the lobby and visited Ye Qiuqi and Wu Xinran. After confirming that they were in good condition, he went to the security building again.

Although Chen Honghu arranged for police officers to guard the scene after cleaning up the scene, Ye Tianlong still let Xuelang and the others settle here in a low-key manner.

The attack has passed, but the danger may not disappear. Ye Qiuqi returned from the hospital, so Ye Tianlong needed the power of Snow Wolf to protect.

But Ye Tianlong came to the security building, did not have much contact with Snow Wolf, and went to the top floor after saying hello.

He came to Chen Taishi's room.

Chen Taishi's wound has been bandaged and treated with medicine. He was originally exhausted and should sleep well to heal, but he kept a touch of clarity.

When Ye Tianlong entered, Chen Taishi was staring out of the window, looking intently, like a stone.

Ye Tianlong walked over and raised the temperature of the air conditioner easily: "Stone, why don't you take a good rest?"

Hearing Ye Tianlong's voice, Chen Taishi's body first shook, then he struck a spirit and turned his head to look at the approaching Ye Tianlong.

"Ye Shao, I'm sorry!"

Chen Taishi yelled out in pain, and at the same time he rolled from the bed to the ground with a plop, kneeling straight: "I almost killed the Ye family."

"Don't do this, get up, I know everything. You can't blame you, I can only say that Kong Feihan is too mean."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward, helped Chen Taishi from the ground, and then pushed back to the bed: "I also want to thank you for guarding the gate."

"If you weren't alone in carrying them to charge, and winning a little time to wait for me to come back, the Ye family would really suffer."

Ye Tianlong has a sincere face and his hands are steady and strong: "So I won't blame you."

"No, it's my fault. I took your relocation allowance but didn't arrange Sankang's family members. They still let them live in the orchard in the suburbs."

Chen Taishi had a deep self-blame on his face: "This allowed the Kong family to take advantage of the emptiness and threatened Sankang by holding them. I was careless."

"If Sankang's family members are not threatened, they will not worry about choosing, and they will not have the danger of last night."

Eight people and eight guns, if they are united, are enough to block Kong Feihan's attack.

"Don't be afraid of a thief stealing, just afraid of a thief thinking about it."

Ye Tianlong looked at Chen Taishi: "To tell you the truth, no matter how you arrange Sankang's family, as long as they are in Taicheng, they will be found out by the Kong family."

"Long Po wanted to sneak into Ye's house last time, you blocked her outside the wall, and Long Po was shocked by your strength."

"After she went back, she filed your master, and found out the details of you and Sankang, and then Kong Huaxiang let the porcupine monitor the orchard."

Ye Tianlong said all the Long Po's confession: "Kong Huaxiang's original intention was to take the family members of the orchard and threaten you to deal with me and Ye Qiuqi."

"But it's a pity that he was shot to blow his head before he even reached this point, so the hole card fell into Kong Feihan's hand."

"He didn't expect to use Orchard's family members to threaten him at first, but his inability to attack for a long time made him feel crooked."

"So the Guoyuan family was the Confucian goal early in the morning. Unless you send them all out of Taicheng at that time, they will always fall into the hands of the Confucian family."

Ye Tianlong comforted Chen Taishi: "And you are born and raised in Taicheng, how can you leave the country without a last resort?"

Chen Taishi didn't expect that he had listed the Kong family list in the morning, let alone that his family was locked down by the other party long ago, Kong Huaxiang's methods are really pervasive.

Afterwards, he sighed again: "Even so, I am ashamed of you and Sankang's family. If I were not careless, how could this result?"

A trace of anxiety passed through Chen Taishi's eyes, and he wondered what happened to the family members of the orchard held by the Kong family.

If they were all killed by the Confucian family who was ashamed and angry, then I would really be Sankang's sinners.

"I understand your mood."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "You don't need to worry about your family members. I was able to rescue them the first time last night. Thirteen people were all fine."

"Now I have arranged for them to recuperate in a safe place."

His voice was calm: "When the situation calms down, I will give them a sum of money to let them go home or go abroad to live a good life."

He has an in-depth understanding of Chen Taishi, knowing that this is a person who does not blame his brother for being sorry for himself, but for fear that he cannot be sorry for his brother.

So Ye Tianlong gave Chen Taishi another reassurance.

Chen Taishi's body was shocked when he heard this, and he looked at Ye Tianlong in disbelief: "Ye Shao--"

He didn't expect that Sankang and the others had almost betrayed Ye Tianlong and were sorry for the Ye family, but Ye Tianlong still tried to rescue their family.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Sankang and the others are sorry for me, but their family is innocent after all. I can save it, so naturally I have to go all out."

The corners of Chen Taishi's mouth moved uncontrollably, as soon as he grasped Ye Tianlong's arm, he was indescribably grateful: "Ye Shao, you are such a good person."

"I thank you for Sankang, thank you."

His heart was completely impressed by Ye Tianlong.

"Say thank you for this, so you can save it."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flickered: "I really feel sorry for me, I really want to thank me, so don't think about what happened last night, and heal your injuries."

"When you get better, take the big blessing and they will protect the Ye Family Garden for me."

Chen Taishi has gained Ye Tianlong's complete trust, so Ye Tianlong is willing to give him the opportunity to stand up wherever he falls.

Chen Taishi was startled at first, then straightened his chest, and said loudly, "Thank you, Shao Ye for your trust, I won't let you down again."

"Okay, I hope you remember these words."

Ye Tianlong asked Chen Taishi to lie down: "You can rest first. At noon, the Dafu Brothers will come back and live with you to heal your injuries."

Chen Taishi smiled and nodded, smiled, there was a touch of warmth in his heart, and the corners of his eyes were a little bit sad...

As soon as Ye Tianlong left the security building, the phone vibrated slightly, put on earplugs, and soon came the voice of Emperor Ma Qing:

"Ye Shao, I already know what happened last night, don't talk nonsense, just ask, how do you plan to play next?"

The wind is light and the clouds are calm, but it contains a fierce meaning.

"Of course it is to let go and play."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "The chaos the better, it's best to turn the world upside down."

How can you give the Pu family a bargaining chip if things are not turned upside down?

At 10:30 in the morning, Tianmo, Canshou, Huangque and others successively received a different piece of information.

In the data, there are eighteen shameless backbones or nephews, including Cai family, Chen family, Dongmen, and Ximen.

Everyone's activity patterns and head portraits are impressive. Looking at the situation of these people, a frosty sneer crossed their faces.

The game is not over, but from now on...

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