Talented Genius

Chapter 2355: carry on

For Ye Tianlong, Kong Feihan's death will not end the storm. Without the support of Mingyue Group, how could Kong Feihan attack the Ye family rampantly?

Even if the Mingyue Group was involved in these things, Ye Tianlong didn't mind pulling them in and beating the dog and the owner together.

Only in this way will the Ye family no longer be bullied.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Taicheng South District.

Chen Zhengzhan, the housekeeper of the Chen family, dressed in Armani, tied a striped tie, dragged a suitcase, and walked out from HSBC with his head upright.

He walked towards the Cadillac caravan across the street with a clear goal. Later, he followed four or five bodyguards with different costumes.

In addition to the housekeeper of the Chen family, Chen Zhengzhan has another identity, the black gold collector of the Chen family, who contacts hundreds of companies that support the Chen family throughout the year.

In layman's terms, he is the Chen family who specializes in collecting protection fees, but the gang collects small merchants and hawkers, and all he collects are large companies and large enterprises.

In order to obtain the support of the Chen family and to better obtain official projects, these companies will regularly give large sums of money to the Chen family all year round.

This money is equal to 20% of the company's profits, so the Chen family has eaten a lot over the years, and Chen Zhengzhan has also made countless money.

However, Chen Zhengzhan came to the bank today not to deposit money, but to withdraw three million US dollars and fifty catties of gold bullion according to the orders of the owner.

This was the first time he withdrew money this year, and he knew how much the money was used to arrange the departure of the Kong family members.

Although Mingyue Group was forced to freeze the account of the Kong family for the first time due to the pressure of public opinion and the stare of the Ma family, it made every effort to investigate the illegal behavior of the Kong family.

But in the bottom of the Mingyue Fourth Lao's heart, he was thinking about how to transfer the important backbone of the Confucian family. This was not because they were talking about the old feelings of the past, but because they were worried about them being arrested.

If they were taken down by the Ye Family or the Ma Family, and there were more scandals in the Mingyue Group, then the Mingyue Five Elders would really have to withdraw from politics.

So while they acted boldly, they pooled money for the Kong family members to escape.

"Oh shit!"

Feeling the heavy luggage of Chen Zhengzhan, he felt a little annoyed when he thought of these things to be sent out: "Kong Feihan is really a waste."

"Holding so many people, holding so many guns, and getting the acquiescence of the entire Mingyue Group, but even a dilapidated Ye family can't handle it."

"I also lost my life, and it was so embarrassing that we paid and worked hard. It's really a shame."

In Chen Zhengzhan's eyes, although the Ye Family was a bit famous, they were all illusory things. After the Ye Family couple died, the Ye Family was completely disabled.

In his opinion, if the Ye Family kicked it just a few feet, it would fall apart, and he felt it was ridiculous to get this ending.

Chen Zhengzhan also criticized the group's approach. He felt that after the car accident killed the Ye family, he should continue to brutally kill the rest of the Ye family.

Although all the Ye family members were killed, the public opinion and the Ma family would get to the bottom of it, but no matter how much trouble the man dies, there will be no actual effect in the end.

It's a big deal to sacrifice a wave of people and go to jail, which is much better than the current chaos.

"If I change to Laozi, Ye Family has long since kept the chickens and dogs. Ye Tianlong and Ye Tian worms were taken away by me long ago."

"Even Ye Qiuqi has been circled and crossed by me ten times eight times."

Chen Zhengzhan and Ye Qiuqi had a face-to-face meeting, and his mouth became dry when he thought of Ye Qiuqi's face, figure, and the surging arrogance of the pair.

He wondered whether he should take the initiative to ask Ying to deal with the Ye family, so that he would have the opportunity to ravage the famous beauty in Taicheng.

At this moment, in the far corner of the street, a man wearing a mask leaned against the pillar on the street, staring at Chen Zhengzhan's every move from the corner of his eye.

When Chen Zhengzhan walked into Cadillac full of desire, the man in the mask flashed a remote control in his hand and rushed over with a drone.


Hearing the harsh flying sound, Chen Zhengzhan, who was about to stuff his suitcase into the car, turned his head and glanced, then his face changed drastically:

The drone is carrying a piece of explosive.

Chen Zhengzhan yelled: "Be careful!"


Before the other bodyguards could react, the drone crashed into the crowd with a roar. There was a loud noise, and the drone exploded into fragments.

Chen Zhengzhan and the others were blown up on the spot. Although the explosives were not powerful, they were still injured, and they fell to the ground and groaned.

The car was also damaged, and two windows shattered. Glass dross all over the floor.

At the same time, a large cloud of smoke rose up, blinding people's eyes, and causing passers-by to scream, throwing their legs away from the place of right and wrong.

As people fled around, the mask man slowly stepped forward, came to Chen Zhengzhan and them, and took out a short gun from their waist.

"Boom boom!"

The masked men pointed their guns at Chen Zhengzhan's heads, and did not hesitate to pull the trigger. One by one, the bodyguards' heads bloomed and they screamed and fell to the ground.

Finally, the muzzle pointed at Chen Zhengzhan's forehead.

Chen Zhengzhan just wanted to touch the hand of the gun, subconsciously stagnated, his whole body stiffened, and then he whispered, "Who are you?"

"The money grabber."

The man in the mask made a cold voice, then the trigger was pulled and a shot exploded Chen Zhengzhan's forehead.

Afterwards, he dragged up the heavy suitcase and evacuated into an alley calmly...

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in a long street in the suburbs, Dongmen Wufeng, the backbone of Dongmen, waved his hand, and thirteen bulldozers were pushed toward this long street.

Of the thirty households, twenty-five households were coerced and lured by him to get out of the market with money below the market, and there were five households who worked as nail households to fight a protracted battle.

Dongmen Wufeng was not interested in dealing with them, and directly blocked the two ends of the street, and let the bulldozers start rumbling.

Seeing more than a dozen residents waving the flag and shouting in grief and indignation, Dongmen Wufeng not only showed no sympathy, but also a touch of joking on his face.


At this moment, a bulldozer passing by suddenly turned, knocking Dongmen Wufeng directly to the ground, and then crushed it from above...

Dongmen Wufeng turned into a pile of meat sauce on the spot.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, an important member of the Ximen family, Ximen Palace came out of the Taicheng Film and Television School with a briefcase in his hand, with a man's smile on his face.

He is not only a policy adviser to the government, but also the deputy dean of the Performance Department of Taicheng Film and Television University. He is greedy for money and lustful, and he has unspoken rules for countless female students.

Today, he reminded two eight-pointed girls that if they want to graduate smoothly, they should go to his house tonight to find him for counseling.

The two girls finally nodded and promised to be there before nine o'clock in the evening.

Thinking of picking two delicate flowers tonight, Ximen Palace is full of energy, and it makes him walk with his head high and no one looks at him.


Just when he came to the parking lot to open the door, his palm suddenly stuck, his right hand seemed to be stuck with glue, and he couldn't pull it off.

In the next second, he felt a pain in his palm, an electric current spread across his body, he let out a scream, and flew out. After two twitches, he lost his breath.

Half of his right hand turned into coke...

At five o'clock in the afternoon, an important nephew of the Cai family also lost control of the elevator and fell directly from the eighteenth floor. He could not die again...

On this day, the Cai’s, Chen’s, Dongmen, and Ximen all had their backbone and nephews having accidents. Eighteen people all turned into corpses without exception...

At six o'clock in the evening, Snow Wolf walked into Ye Tianlong's room and went to the balcony to look at Ye Tianlong who was eating carrots: "Eighteen people are dead..."

Ye Tianlong snapped a bite of the carrot: "Continue..."

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