Talented Genius

Chapter 2384: Stealing

After coming out of Ye Weiguo's room, Ye Tianlong put eight badges and sheepskin rolls into his bedroom, and then took some photos for Bailihua.

Although it's a long time ago, I don't know whether the promise is still valid, but if you try to get in touch with the pros and cons, it might become a network resource for the Ye family.

After all, the Ye family lacked allies the most.

After taking photos of Bailihua, Ye Tianlong went to eat breakfast, and then helped Ye Qiuqi and the others arrange the garden while checking for security loopholes.

There can be no assassinations in the birthday banquet tomorrow.

Ye Tianlong wandered around the garden twice, glanced at the banquet menu for tomorrow, and then walked into the hall to rest.

When he walked to the lobby, Ye Tianlong saw Wu Xinran talking on the phone at a glance, still holding a pen in his hand to draw the outline, as if confirming the guest list.

For five full minutes, Wu Xinran also let out a long breath and put down the signature pen in his hand.

Ye Tianlong carried a cup of tea and went over: "Xin Ran, all the invitations have been sent out? How many people have confirmed to attend the banquet?"

Those who can come to the birthday feast may not be friends, but those who do not come to the birthday feast are definitely not friends.

Wu Xinran smiled a little at the list: "The invitation was sent out yesterday, and Mingyue Si Lao also posted it. As for how many people can come tomorrow, I don't know."

Ye Tianlong responded with a smile: "In fact, I hope in my heart that there will be fewer people coming tomorrow, so that cleaning will be more enjoyable in the future."

The more enemies there are, the more benefits will be gained after purging in the future, and oneself is not as embarrassed to start.

Then Ye Tianlong remembered something: "Did you send Pu Zhongjian's invitation?"


Wu Xinran was taken aback for a moment, then touched her head and replied: "I thought about posting an invitation to Pu Zhongjian, but everyone said it was unnecessary."

"Whether it is Missy, Ma Shao, or even Park Ciqiu and Park Zhanjun, they all said that they don't need to send an invitation to Park Zhongjian."

"After all, he never attended private banquets."

"Whether it is Mingyue Fourth Lao, Ma Family or Lone Star, Pu Zhongjian has only talked about official affairs over the years, not going to private banquets or setting up private affairs."

"Cai Jinyin's funeral, Ma Qing's nephew's full moon wine, Lone Star Master Tai's birthday banquet, Pu Zhongjian did not attend."

"It has become the consensus of the whole Taicheng that he will not attend the private banquet."

"He will definitely not come to the birthday banquet tomorrow, so I didn't even think about inviting him."

According to Wu Xinran's understanding, Park Zhongjian only attends necessary official or business meetings, and private affairs have never been limited to the Park family gatherings.

There has been no exception in ten years.

"Bring an invitation, and I personally invite him to a banquet."

Ye Tianlong smiled vigorously: "If he refuses, I will cry and hug his thigh. In any case, I will let him attend the birthday banquet."

Wu Xinran smiled bitterly: "Don't you worry about hitting the wall? Park Shaoke said that after the shooting at Mingyue Villa, Consul Park was in a very bad mood."

She worried that Ye Tianlong would be driven out.

Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "Don't talk nonsense, take advantage of the early hours, and bring the invitation."

Wu Xinran quickly brought a blank invitation, Ye Tianlong asked her to bring ink and brush, and then flew the pen, writing a few lines on it.

Dragons and phoenix dance, sweet and dripping.

When Ye Tianlong wrote an invitation to Park Zhongjian, more than two dozen cars were slowly driving into Mingyue Villa.

After yesterday's attack, Mingyue Villa has become more severe. Not only are there helicopters patrolling the nearby hills, but there are also a few more bazookas at the commanding heights.

If someone makes trouble again, Mingyue Elite will mercilessly hit the killer.

The car did not stop outside, and all drove into the closed safe garage. The door opened and Chen Huanghe and others got out.

Ten minutes later, Chen Huanghe walked into the study, which was already brightly lit, and Cai Jiujin and the three waited for a long time.

Chen Huanghe smiled: "Lao Cai, Laocheng, Yangtze River, good morning."

Ximen City and Dongmen Changjiang nodded in response.

Cai Jiujin opened the thermos, took a sip of wolfberry and red date water, and then looked at Chen Huanghe: "Old Chen, just waiting for you, what's going on?"

"Lao Cai, Sophie was blinded by hatred. What she said is not credible."

Chen Huanghe squeezed out a cigar: "I recognized Sophie 10 photos yesterday, all of which can be found in public information."

"Four photos of Yejia Ye Tianlong last year, six photos of Mingjiang Ye Tianlong, she all said they were Mingjiang Ye Tianlong."

He put his finger on the table, and the projector snapped open, revealing ten photos: "I can only say that Ye Tianlong is very similar to Ye Tianlong."

"If Ye Tianlong puts down the bangs, there seems to be a little difference between the two sides. If you remove the bangs, it will be difficult for someone who is not familiar to recognize it."

Chen Huanghe pointed to the projector for everyone to check it out. Cai Jiujin and the others looked at it and found that if they had the same hairstyle, it was indeed difficult to distinguish their appearance.

Dongmen Changjiang narrowed his eyes: "What does that mean?"

Chen Huanghe stood up, walked down to the projector and said, "Three meanings."

"First, Sophie's mind is flooded, and her judgment is just that she hates overreaction, purely a guess."

"Second, Ye Tianlong and Ye Tianlong are very similar. If the two of them change their identities, it will be difficult for ordinary people to identify them."

"Third, that is the point. Although Sophie has a big brain, it reminds us that there may be an identity replacement."

"We used to think that Ye Tianlong was another Ma Qingdi who was dormant for many years, soaring into the sky."

"In fact, there is another possibility that the Ye family is dying, and Jingcheng is worried that the loyalty of the Ye family will not be protected, so they come to steal the dragon and turn the phoenix."

"They let Ye Tianlong replace Ye Tianlong to prop up the Ye family to change the situation in Taicheng."

Chen Huanghe sighed: "Facts are also due to this, we are now in a panic..."

The four of them had been shocked by Sophie's speculation yesterday, so they were not so excited when they heard Chen Huanghe's analysis that Ye Tianlong was a stand-in.

On the contrary, the four had an indescribable calm.

"In fact, think about it deep down, where are so many Ma Qingdi?"

Dongmen Yangtze River faintly said: "Emperor Ma Qing can't copy his family history, ability, and connections, at least the Ye family does not have this strength..."

Ximen City looked at Cai Jiujin: "Old Cai, I think this Ye Tianlong is really suspicious, we must do something."

Chen Huanghe also straightened his body: "Yes, whether Ye Tianlong is true or not, let's identify the pros and cons."

"Old Chen, you send someone to collect the hair or blood of Ye Weiguo, Ye Qiuqi and Ye Tianlong, and conduct professional genetic testing on them."

Cai Jiujin's eyes were cold: "Old Town, you contact the respected experts of the authoritative hospital, ready to notarize the genetic test at any time."

"Yangtze River, you contact the special guard battalion and the anti-terrorist team. Three thousand people are standing by, waiting for my order to surround the Yejia Garden."

"Ye Tianlong let us go to the banquet, we will go to the banquet happily tomorrow, and give the Ye family a big gift by the way..."

She snorted: "Not only will Ye Tianlong be taken, but also Ye Weiguo, Ma Qingdi..."

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