Talented Genius

Chapter 2385: You got the wrong person

After writing the invitation, Ye Tianlong went to the Park’s Garden in person.

Sending invitations is actually just a cover. The real purpose is to see Park Ciqiu's situation, and the other is to see Park Zhongjian's reaction.

Yesterday was upset, Ye Tianlong wanted to see Park Zhongjian's attitude and the bottom line he could tolerate.

Although it was raining and there were many cars on the road, Ye Tianlong's classic cars were still unimpeded, and many cars saw him take the initiative to get away.

This car's slogan worth 100 million makes many car owners stay away. In case of accidentally rubbing it twice, it can be as small as one million or as many as ten million.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong drove very comfortably, and the journey went smoothly.

Just when he was about to arrive at the front intersection of Park's Garden, a beetle rubbed the ground and bumped into it, panicking and out of control.

Ye Tianlong hurriedly stepped on the brake to avoid.

The classic car hadn't stopped, the Beetle had slammed into the lamppost nearby, the headlight of the car broke on the spot, and the car shook twice.

When Ye Tianlong frowned, three more black cars came after him.


While Ye Tianlong was on guard, a car slammed into the Beetle.


There was another loud noise, and the Beetle pitifully rushed forward!

The front of the car is destroyed again!

When the black car stepped back more than ten meters, another black car rushed past and hit the Beetle again.


The Beetle completely turned over, dragging the concrete road forward, and the harsh metal scraping sound made Ye Tianlong frowned slightly.

Ye Tianlong, who didn't know what happened, didn't act rashly.

Jianghu fights and kills every day, always drawing his sword to help will only make him die faster, and he doesn't know who is in the car.

So even though Ye Tianlong saw that the Beetle was smashed into pieces, he still remained calm and prepared to wait for the black car to clear the way and leave quickly.

Just when the third black car was about to rush towards the Beetle, a fashionable woman crawled out of the broken car window, her face covered in blood and pain.


Ye Tianlong whispered, the woman in front of him was Sophie, and then he confirmed that Miss Six had not recognized the wrong person in Mingyue Villa.

Ye Tianlong was surprised that Sophie appeared here, and was surprised that she was hunted down.

She is the person next to Cai Jiujin. Someone actually attacked her in public? It's just unbelievable, but the facts happen bloody.

At this time, seven or eight figures emerged from the black car, a graceful middle-aged woman, and seven men like thugs.

They spread out and surrounded the past with grinning faces,

The middle-aged woman walked in the forefront, her eyes gleaming with hatred: "Bitch, you killed Shuihui, killed the Cai family, and made me stay a widow."

"Not only did you not clip your tail to hide, you also dared to come to Taicheng to cheat money and your identity. You can fool Mr. Cai, but you can't fool me, Chen Sansi."

"I tell you, I won't let you establish a foothold in Cai's family, let alone give birth to a child."

"Whether you have Cai Shuihui's child or not, it is a wild species to me."

"Today, I will not only knock out the wild species in front of you, but also scratch your face so that you can no longer seduce men."

She waved her left hand and shouted: "Hit, hit me, hit me hard, it's better to give me a dead body and two lives. If anything happens, I will carry it."

Following her instructions, the seven thugs roared, twisted their necks, and rushed towards Sophie.

"Don't hit my child..."

In Ye Tianlong's vision, Sophie grabbed a piece of glass and waved it wildly, deterring the seven thugs from getting close to him.


Although she resisted fiercely, she couldn't hold the siege of the seven people. Soon, the glass in her hand was knocked off, and then she was kicked to the ground.

Seven thugs rushed up, punching and kicking Sophie, their stomachs were the focus of their attacks.

Sophie screamed: "Ah—"

Sophie was able to stop twice at first, and soon she could only protect her belly, curling up like a cooked prawn to offset the violent damage of the seven.

The middle-aged woman was very happy when she saw it, her fingers clicked wildly: "Hit, hit, hit me hard."

Sophie soon had a blue nose and a swollen face, and her nose and mouth started bleeding.

Ye Tianlong had no good impression of Sophie for a long time, and even thought of murdering and concealing her identity, but at this moment, seeing her about to be beaten to death, he couldn't bear it.

He was initially worried that this was a trap, but he could see that the seven thugs were really going to die, and the hatred of the middle-aged woman was not watered.

The middle-aged woman had a headshot or killed Sophie directly. Ye Tianlong would definitely persuade himself not to mix up, but the current situation made him frown slightly.


Ye Tianlong finally pushed the car door and walked out. Yang Yiyang shouted with the mobile phone in his hand: "I have already called the police. If you don't leave, you will be finished."

"Boy, nosy, don't you?"

The middle-aged woman uttered a sentence: "If you don't get out, I will beat you up."

Ye Tianlong picked up the phone and started to record...

"Move him!"

The middle-aged woman tilted her head slightly, and the five thugs' complexions sank, and turned and rushed towards Ye Tianlong.

"Boom boom!"

Before the middle-aged woman could react, the five thugs screamed and fell to the ground, all kicked by Ye Tianlong, and a mouthful of blood spurted from their mouths.

After falling to the ground, the five of them reluctantly stood up, but they no longer had the strength to fight.

The other two thugs saw that their faces changed dramatically, and then roared, drew a dagger and rushed over, stabbing Ye Tianlong.


Ye Tianlong was merciless, and passed through them with a flick of his body. At the same time, he broke their knife-holding hand, and then kicked the two of them flying again.


The two screamed and flew out, slammed into the black car, and then landed with pain on their faces.

The middle-aged woman became flustered in an instant. She didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so powerful. She pointed her finger at Ye Tianlong and shouted, "You--"

Ye Tianlong's expression was cold: "Go away--"

The middle-aged woman was very angry, but helpless, stared at Ye Tianlong bitterly, and then quickly ran away with seven thugs...

"Are you OK?"

Seeing the three cars leaving, Ye Tianlong walked to Sophie, helped her up to the side of the road, and then took out her mobile phone: "I'll call you an ambulance."

"Ye Tianlong——"

Sophie, who was originally weak, opened her eyes and saw that face, and immediately added a touch of hatred: "It's you—"

She grabbed a piece of glass on the ground, stabbed it at Ye Tianlong, and yelled: "You are the one who harmed me, and you are the one who harmed Mr. Cai."


Ye Tianlong avoided her attack on one side of his body, and then reached out to pat off the glass she was holding.

"Yes, I am Ye Tianlong, but I don't seem to know you, nor do I hate you."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Miss, you are afraid that you have admitted the wrong person."

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