Talented Genius

Chapter 2445: believer

After confirming that Somchai was going to hold a funeral for Babu, Zhao Wenguang and Huangque quickly started operations.

Ye Tianlong took advantage of the rain and drove the jeep straight to the other end of the city. He wanted to show up to attract the National Defense Forces who were searching.

The best way to attract the National Defense Forces is to kill another important person, and the ‘great beast’ will be on the death list of Ye Tianlong.

Compared with backbones like Zhuotai and Wa Ci, who are capable of literary and military skills, one of the three cadres and generals is a little bit more characterful of the "big beast".

Infinite power, brave and belligerent, and lack of IQ, this is the evaluation of the "big beast" in intelligence.

And the lack of IQ is that the giant beast was hit by a stray bullet in his head when he was a child. Although he had his life lost, his IQ was affected.

It is precisely because the hero is a Yongfu who often does not obey the command, so even though he has made a lot of contributions to Somchai, he still cannot be on the stage.

If the non-powerful beast's combat power is indeed amazing, and the hard work needs him, Song Chai is afraid that he has long been far away.

This is the case, the beast is notoriously fierce, and he also served as the head of the wolf cavalry group, but the income and status are less than one-tenth of that of Zhuotai and others.

"Lack of IQ?"

Ye Tianlong remembered that when he attacked the Jade Mansion, he muttered to himself, "General Howe strictly ordered the guards to stand on their posts."

Ye Tianlong also saw from the intelligence that on the day Babu was killed, the giant beast should have been sitting in the Jade Mansion, but he went out to do private affairs that day.

Even when he heard that someone had attacked the Jade Mansion, Haoju just called to give instructions. He did not rush back immediately, and did not arrive at the scene until noon.

The data also showed that the giant beast disappeared almost every week in the morning, and only he knew what to do.

So after Babu died, Somchai was very angry. He beat the giant beast bitterly and removed the giant beast's position, asking him to return to his home in the north of the city to reflect on it for a week.

"Really an interesting guy."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the navigation, locked the Emerald Garden where the beast was, then increased the throttle by two points, and the jeep whizzed forward...

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the door of an old Japanese-style villa, which had only three two-and-a-half-story granite buildings.

One is in the middle, larger in size, and more exquisite in appearance. There is an angry stone lion at the door, which looks like the place where the owner lives.

There are also two small buildings on the left and right sides. The area is smaller and the decoration is relatively simple. They look like the residences of servants and guards.

Ye Tianlong picked up the binoculars and glanced at it. Compared with the presidential palace, the guards here are much looser. There are only three guards and two probes at the door.

In the garden, there are no patrol soldiers walking around, and even the servants are hard to see.

If it wasn't for Ye Tianlong to come to the Emerald Garden on a temporary basis, he would have thought that the enemy had expected him to come here, so Ming Song secretly set up an ambush.

However, Ye Tianlong still didn't care. He took a binoculars and observed it carefully for fifteen minutes, confirming that there were not many signs of personnel activities in the Jade Garden.

Afterwards, he got out of the car again, went around to observe for a while, and found no ambush.

At this point, Ye Tianlong concluded that the giant beasts are naturally arrogant and highly confident in their own safety, and Guess them, they don't care about the giant beasts in their bones.

"It's easy."

When he judged that the garden could not support ten people to death, Ye Tianlong was completely relaxed, and after a swaying sentence, he cut off a tree and dropped it on the wall.

When the tree crushed the two-meter-high power grid and leaned firmly against the wet wall, Ye Tianlong pressed the eagle's suit and floated into the wall against the wood.


As soon as Ye Tianlong restored the eagle's battle clothes to its original state, a large wolfdog of nearly a hundred catties roared, his big **** mouth open.

Ye Tianlong's body flashed, and at the same time he raised his foot, hitting the big wolf dog's apple, with a crisp sound, the big wolf dog snorted and flew out.


After falling to the ground, the wolf dog struggled twice, and then died with a tilted head.

Ye Tianlong stepped over it, moving towards the middle building swiftly, and after destroying three probes and killing two wolfhounds, he never stopped.

Compared to sneaking into the Jade Mansion, this jade garden is really not difficult, except that the building where the giant beast is located has only the front entrance and no side entrances.

But it was not difficult for Ye Tianlong. He glanced around and locked a window on the first floor. He walked over quietly, directly destroying the anti-theft net.

Subsequently, Ye Tianlong smashed the window glass with a click, and got in after a few pulls.

As soon as he landed, Ye Tianlong smelled a strong scent of sandalwood. He rubbed his nose, then narrowed his eyes to adapt to the environment of the room.

"Damn! What are these all?"

Ye Tianlong was surprised to find that the room was large, at least 100 square meters, and the layout was similar to that of a Western church, except that the seats on both sides were missing.

In the middle of the front, there is a small podium. There is a podium on the podium. Behind the podium, there is a statue hanging in the air.

"Why is this statue a bit familiar..."

The light was a little dim, Ye Tianlong looked down on the statue for a while.

On the left side of the podium, piled up with sandalwood, root carvings, portraits, wind chimes and scriptures, and on the right side, there is an expensive white piano.

Ye Tianlong originally wanted to open the door of the room and continue to look for the giant beast, but when he saw the decoration of the room, he became more curious, not knowing which church it was.

He walked seven or eight meters before he came to the podium, took a scripture in his hand, and looked up at the statue in midair.

"Kang Dang!"

It's okay not to look at it. At first glance, Ye Tianlong fell directly to the ground with a shocked face, even more surprised than seeing a ghost.

Because the face of the statue is not someone else, it is Ye Tianlong. Although there is an additional dragon tail and two dragon horns, it is indeed Ye Tianlong's facial features.


Ye Tianlong couldn't help being rough. This giant beast carved his own dry bird. Could it be that he likes himself, but he doesn't know him at all.

Afterwards, he stood up again, with a red knife in his hand, and his ears had caught a movement.


At almost the same moment, the door opened without wind, and a huge figure flashed in, still holding a gun in his hand, his voice was cold:

"Don't move!"

The muzzle was firmly locked on Ye Tianlong, and his killing intent was as cold as rain.

Ye Tianlong looked sideways and saw a middle-aged man pressing down, his eyes flashing with a carnivore breath, and his appearance was a bit similar to the beast of Nian.

It is a beast.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "It's worthy of being a monster, and its alertness is more sensitive than normal people."

When Ye Tianlong was about to kill the giant beast, the giant beast had already seen Ye Tianlong's cold facial features, his body was shocked, and his face was shocked.

The next second, the giant beast released the gun in his hand, fell to his knees with a thump, and exclaimed: "Lord Dragon? Are you the Lord Dragon?"

Then he shouted again:

"Leader Glory, Haoyue is all present..."

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