Talented Genius

Chapter 2446: Forever

Your uncle!

Seeing the giant beast put down his weapon and knelt in front of him, and still kowtow in fear, Ye Tianlong was stunned, not knowing what was going on?

It's just that Hao Beast lost his gun. He suddenly didn't seem to be kind, and sneered at the moment: "Hoo Beast, what are you playing?"

"You think I don't know your little abacus, throw away the gun, kneel down, and talk nonsense, just delaying time and waiting for the guard to come."

"At that time, you will attack together."

"With all the guns, the probability of you killing me is two points higher."

Ye Tianlong looked through everything, and at the same time the little red in his hand was ready to go. Once the giant beast had a different color, Ye Tianlong would kill it with thunder.

Hao Beast shook his head again and again after hearing the words, and explained anxiously: "The leader misunderstands, the leader misunderstands."

"The giant beast has never hurt the heart of the leader, and will not let the guards shoot the leader. The gun was just a misunderstanding."

"Since kneeling and worshiping the leader, my head pain has been reduced by 80%, and I secretly swore to follow the leader for the rest of my life."

"The heart of the beast for the leader can be learned from the sun and the moon."

"On the other hand, if the teacher kills the giant beast, the teacher will not complain, and will only be grateful."

Hao Beast's words are true: "Because it is the honor of Hao Beast."

After speaking, he banged his head again, as loud as possible, blood was almost on his forehead.

Hearing the word leader, Ye Tianlong frowned again, wondering what to do, but it didn't seem to be teasing him to look at the beast.

Ye Tianlong, who bit his lip, glanced at the scripture in his hand, his eyes widened: "Tianlong Scripture"?

When he turned over the cover, the whole person almost got cold. The cover was also Ye Tianlong, and there was a line beside him... The Heavenly Dragon Scriptures were extremely powerful.

He glanced at the wind chimes and root carvings, all engraved with the words of Tianlong Sect, and even the bundles of sandalwood had the propaganda of Tianlong Sect.


Ye Tianlong shook his head in shock. He soon remembered what Zhao Wenguang had said. The Tianlong Sect founded by Uncle Mi had already affected 300,000 people.

Ye Tianlong disagreed at the time, feeling that this number was very watery, and the so-called impact, it is estimated that Uncle Mi cheated everyone to take oil and rice.

Unexpectedly, Hao Beast is also a believer of Tianlong Sect.

And judging from the layout of this room and what the giant beast said, this guy is really a real senior believer.

It was a little hard for him to imagine that Uncle Mi really fooled so many people into the meeting, and even more absurd tyrants joined in, and was brainwashed to this point.

Ye Tianlong felt that his head was a little confused, but he still didn't let go of the giant beast, grabbed the gun on the ground and pointed it against the giant beast's forehead:

"You think it's an honor to die in my hands, so I'll give you a ride."

Feeling the coldness of the muzzle, the giant beast's body shook, but instead of avoiding or resisting, it closed his eyes and smiled:

"My pain was relieved by the leader, and the leader took my life because of glory."

"Furthermore, Uncle Mi said that believers who can die in the hands of the leader can go to heaven after death, and there are 108 beauties to serve..."

The giant beast is very calm and free and easy, and even smiles with a hint of expectation: "After my flesh is extinct, I will be reborn outside of the flesh."

"Burning my remains, raging, how happy is life, and why is death?"

Seeing how the giant beast looks like a bird, Ye Tianlong's trigger couldn't be pushed down forcibly, and he wanted to drag Uncle Mi out for a beat, and beat him hard...

However, Ye Tianlong also judged that the Beast was really not hostile to him.

Ye Tianlong let out a long breath: "Although I am the leader, I am also your enemy."

"Zuotai, Watts, Babu, they all died in my hands, you don't want to avenge them?"

"And I killed Babu, and it also affected your dismissal. Staying at home and thinking about it, don't you hate me?"

His words are sharp, and the gun is still on the forehead of the giant beast. As long as the beast has any hatred, the bullet will pass through without mercy.

Hao Beast replied respectfully: "The leader of killing Zhuotai and the others must have deep intentions of the leader, and Hao Beast dare not speculate."

"Moreover, Zhuotai and I can't be called true brothers. I ridiculed him for relying on female sex. He said that I have insufficient IQ.

"As for the leader of killing Babu, it seems to affect my career, but it actually allows me to gain more."

Hao Beast is still pious to his bones: "The fact is also true. I have now seen the real body of the leader and listened to the teachings of the leader."

Ye Tianlong sighed, and the muzzle was invisibly lowered. This baby was really brainwashed by Uncle Mi.

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong asked faintly: "You just said that your pain has been reduced by 80%?"

He wanted to know what pain the giant beast was.


Hao Beast said seriously: "I was hit by a stray bullet in my head when I was young, and the bullet could not be taken out in my head. It didn't have much effect before I became an adult."

"I started to suffer from labor as an adult, and in recent years it has been severely painful. Every time, life is worse than death, and I have seen many doctors."

"Once by chance, I met the leader, no, Uncle Mi's preacher."

"Uncle Mi told me that if you believe in the Lord, you will have eternal life, and all things will be eliminated."

"I didn't believe in the leader at the time, but when I knocked forty-nine times at the leader, I found that my head pain was more than half less."

"From then on, I regard the leader as the **** who saves me."

"In fact, every time I have a splitting headache and kowtow to the leader, most of my pain disappears."

Hao Beast took out a piece of jade from his heart: "Master, although you haven't seen me, I am really a believer in you. I am a believer in Tianlong doctrine."

"Whether it is suffering, hardship, persecution, hunger, or danger, swords, nothing prevents me from loving the leader."


When his head was in pain, he knocked his head forty-nine times, and he would definitely relieve the pain with pain. Ye Tianlong muttered in his heart that his IQ was indeed affected.

After that, he picked up the jade and scanned it again, and found that the three words Tianlongjiao were indeed engraved on the front, and the three words "Yi-Hao Beast" on the back.

Look at that stroke, there is indeed a shadow of Uncle Mi.

Ye Tianlong adjusted his mood and gave the jade back to the giant beast: "Well, I know your identity, hide it, don't let people know it."

"I'm telling you now, I was testing you just now to test your loyalty to the Dragon Cult. Congratulations, you passed my test."

"I am here today with another purpose, and that is to help you eliminate another bit of pain."

Ye Tianlong took out five homemade pain-relieving pills and solemnly placed them in Haoju's palm: "For these five days, stay at home and recite the scriptures with peace of mind."

"When you have a headache, take a pill."

Ye Tianlong's voice is very majestic: "After five days, I will spend it again and help you completely remove the pain."

The giant beast threw himself to the ground, gratitude: "The leader will be forever..."

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