Talented Genius

Chapter 2447: Meet old friends (four more)

When leaving from the Emerald Garden, Ye Tianlong still remained in a trance.

Braving heavy rain to drive fifty or sixty kilometers, ran away from the other end of the city to kill the giant beast, only to find that he was his own **** believer. How absurd?

It's just that Ye Tianlong can't laugh or cry no matter what, the beast's pious attitude of fighting and killing all shows that he and Ye Tianlong are on the same front.

Ye Tianlong once wanted the giant beast to kill Song Guai, but after some thoughts, he finally lost his thoughts.

In addition to being unable to completely determine the loyalty of the heroic beast in his heart, there is also a rebellious mentality for him to start with Songcai who has been with him for many years.

Of course, Ye Tianlong didn't want the giant beast to take risks.

For the enemy, Ye Tianlong is cruel and ruthless. For the followers, Ye Tianlong will think in another position, and the beast will be his important chess piece in the future.

The five pills that Ye Tianlong gave Hao Beast not only relieved the pain, but also made Hao Beast sleepiness. He hoped that Hao Beast would not go out for five days.

Without killing the giant beast, Ye Tianlong went to the Oriole to ask for the address of the redhead, and when he found that it was in the vicinity, he turned around and looked for her.

Although the Peace Casino was burned down, all the staff went home to stand by, and the redhead was considered to have left the casino, Ye Tianlong still wanted to see it.

By the way, give each other one million to fulfill his promise to Zhao Junbao.


At dusk, in the slums on the outskirts of Cuiguoda city, amidst the rain, it was quiet.

Ye Tianlong parked the car a hundred meters away, and then walked into the seventh alley of the slum under an umbrella.

This is a red light alley in Cuiguo, a dark and dirty narrow alley of more than two hundred meters. The two rows on the left are low wooden houses with curtains hanging down.

Fifty rooms are all hidden into the darkness, doing things that are not visible.

On the right is a three-meter-high thick wall, ruthlessly separating it from high-end residences, and there are several trash cans stacked at the root of the wall.

There was a burst of peculiar smell from the mouth of the barrel, and a few mice would inevitably be alarmed when passing by, and the environment was harsh.

Except for the people at the bottom, no one will pass through here again. Even the rangers stay away, but Ye Tianlong doesn't care much.

In an environment ten times worse than this, Ye Tianlong and Yan Fei had also been together.

Ye Tianlong ignored the flirtatious curse that came from behind the wooden door, and moved forward without hurries or slowness under the umbrella, with a clear goal for the last room.

The cardinal's information shows that the red-haired girl, Nan Suhong, lives in that room.

When he was about to walk to the target wooden house, Ye Tianlong suddenly smelled a few sharp breaths, his eyes jumped, and his nerves subconsciously tightened.


Before he knocked on the door of the house, the door suddenly opened, and a beautiful woman with wet hair flashed out.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the top of his head first, caught two pinhole cameras, and then looked at the fiery woman in front of him.

She was wearing a black nightdress, wrapped in a shawl, her white and tender legs were exposed, and her nail polished toes shone red.

No need to look closely, Ye Tianlong also knew that she didn't wear underwear.

The dress is very simple and the body is very fragrant.

The scent of shampoo, perfume, exquisite face, attractive figure, and harsh environment mixed into a lowly and sinful temptation.

It is the redhead, Nan Suhong.

"Sir, good evening."

The redhead obviously didn't recognize Ye Tianlong as the supreme dragon, and approached Ye Tianlong with a coquettish smile: "It's nice to meet you."

Although she showed the attitude of a call girl and tried her best to make her smile enthusiastic, Ye Tianlong could feel that she was wary.

The redhead stretched out her tender hands and flexibly touched Ye Tianlong's tough chest: "Thank you very much for your patronage, but I'm sorry tonight."

"A guest arrived three minutes earlier than you, so I can't do your business tonight."

"Sir, maybe one hour late, or come back tomorrow night?"

Nan Su Hongjiao smiled: "I can give you a 20% discount."

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly, not that she shouldn't do this business. She had been in the Peace Casino for so long, and she was numb to these things.

It's just that Ye Tianlong felt that she was lying to herself, if she would really pick up guests, the door should have the same sign as other wooden doors.

And if there are guests inside, why would Nan Suhong throw away the guests and deal with him? More directly yelling at yourself to get out.

Of course, the most important point is, what does a call girl do with two pinhole cameras installed at the door?

Too much incomprehension made Ye Tianlong look at her more, but thinking that she had nothing to do with him, Ye Tianlong lost his curiosity again.

He directly took out a check and handed it to Nan Suhong, saying, "The mysterious swordsman thank you for your care. He asked me to give you a sum of money."

"I hope you take this money to live again."

Ye Tianlong added: "Life has a better quality."

"Mysterious swordsman?"

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Nan Suhong shuddered and looked at Ye Tianlong in surprise: "He asked you to give me money, how is this possible?"

Immediately, she subconsciously turned her head and glanced inside the room...

Because of her tilted head, Ye Tianlong's field of vision was much wider. He caught the pink floor inside the house with a white bow.

That bow is exactly Park Xuanwu's weapon.

Ye Tianlong's face changed slightly. He knew Pu Xuanwu's love for the Bai's longbow, unless forced to do so, otherwise he would not abandon the longbow.

And this Nan Suhong had intersections with Zhao Junbao and Park Xuanwu, and obviously he couldn't get rid of the Rong family.

"thank you."

At this moment, Nan Suhong had already reacted, smiling and using her body to block Ye Tianlong's eyes again: "I and the mysterious swordsman are friends."

"I just didn't expect that he would let you give me a sum of money, how is his injury?"

She accepted the check in Ye Tianlong's hand: "The casino was bombed, and I haven't been back for several days."

Ye Tianlong smiled calmly: "I don't know, he was picked up by the casino. This million, he reminded me when he was sober before."

Nan Suhong nodded: "Understood, thank you, you have the opportunity to meet him, and thank him for me."

"Okay, I will, you will do your job first."

Ye Tianlong smiled and stepped back four or five steps: "I'm going back, the wind and rain are heavy, you should rest early."

Nan Suhong hurriedly waved goodbye to Ye Tianlong: "Go slowly."

Ye Tianlong smiled and turned around. The umbrella was held high, and the tip of the umbrella pierced between the two pinhole cameras, making the surveillance dark.

Nan Suhong didn't notice the clue, she stepped inside, closed the thick solid wood door with her backhand, and glanced at the surveillance camera but did not see Ye Tianlong.

She instinctively thought that Ye Tianlong had already left, and the darkness of the screen was caused by the night, so she was relieved.

Afterwards, she looked at a masked man in the corner who came up from the basement, and said respectfully: "Young Master, that guy is gone..."


Before he finished speaking, Nan Suhong saw the face of the man in the mask change drastically, and rushed to the side window as soon as he moved.

When Nan Suhong's expression was stunned, the door made a loud noise. The next second, Ye Tianlong rushed in like a whirlwind and kicked a stool...

The stool slammed into the masked man who threw on the window.

Quick and ruthless.

The man in the mask was about to touch the window and felt the bad wind behind him, so he could only hold the window with his hands, whirl his feet, turn, a little.


The stool was hit by the toes of the masked man, and there was a loud noise, and it fell to the ground...

"I can't find a place to step through the iron shoes..."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly: "Old friend, meet again."

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