Talented Genius

Chapter 2495: Lunch, dinner

"Tianlong, you must leave the country immediately."

On the car leaving the golf course, Ding Liuyue's pretty face faded away, with an undisguised concern:

"We killed Guo Jimeng like this, and neither the Guo family nor Xinguo will let you go."

She was worried about Ye Tianlong's accident: "You need to leave the shelter immediately."

Ye Tianlong didn't have too many waves, but smiled while holding the woman's hand: "I'm leaving, what do you do? What about Xu Qing and others?"

Ding Liuyue exhaled a long breath: "I didn't kill anyone, they have no excuses to target me."

"Moreover, there are many forces behind me. I am dead, and nearly one trillion fund will be damaged. The Guo family dare not touch me."

She added: "Xu Qing and the others don't have to worry. With your deterrence today, the Guo family dare not act for a while, and I will try to negotiate."

Ye Tianlong's book touched a woman's pretty face: "What a silly woman."

Ding Liuyue urged Ye Tianlong: "Don't say so much, let's go to the customs now, instead of going back to China, we can go directly to Malaysia."

Although Emperor Island was taken back by the country of Malaysia, Ye Tianlong had a good friendship with Wengsha and the others. Ye Tianlong was safe when they ran to the country of Malaysia.

"If you don't go to customs or Malaysia, I won't go anywhere."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "These days, I will stay in the new country until Xu Qing and the others are released, until the situation in the new country changes."

"You won't go?"

Ding Liuyue was helpless: "The Guo family's revenge is coming soon, even if you can carry the Guo family, can you still smash with the new Guozheng Mansion?"

"Murong Jun let us go just now, just as you said to avoid Guo Zhongxing's death, he will not shelter us anymore."

"He also has no ability to suppress Guo Jimeng's death."

She advised Ye Tianlong: "I know you are very powerful, but there is no need to smash with the state machine. The best result is that both sides will lose."

"Don't worry, I will be fine."

Ye Tianlong's eyes flashed a ray of light: "Moreover, the New National Security Mansion will not touch me."

Ding Liuyue firmly held Ye Tianlong's hand: "You killed Huang Pu Ao, Guo Jimeng, or the public, how could the official let you go?"

"I didn't do it, it's just that I'm not ready yet. I'm worried that the casualties will be too great. Once the elite gather, they will smash with you."

She sighed faintly: "After all, if you don't take you down, how can the official face remain?"

"Officials care more about interests than face."

Ye Tianlong bowed his head and kissed the back of the woman's hand: "My dear, you haven't seen until now, is the science and technology city project robbed a round?"

Ding Liuyue was taken aback after hearing this...


Just when Ding Liuyue was about to ask for details, Ye Tianlong's phone vibrated, and Ye Tianlong pressed the hands-free button with his finger: "Hey, who?"

"Ye Shao, this is Murong Jun."

Murong Jun's voice soon came from the other end of the phone, but compared to the former high spirits, he was exhausted at this moment:

"Mr. Li wants to have lunch with you. I wonder if it is convenient for you now?"

He added the last sentence: "If it is convenient, I will pick you up."

Ding Liuyue patted his head, secretly calling out that he forgot that Mr. Li existed, and if he had a good relationship with him, the situation might get better.

It's just that Ye Tianlong's words quickly made her vomit blood: "It's not convenient at noon. I have a personal matter to deal with, but I can spare time at seven tonight."

Murong Jun seemed to be surprised by Ye Tianlong's rejection again, and then whispered back after being silent for a while: "Okay, I will pass your words to Mr. Li."

Then he hung up the phone.

Ding Liuyue looked at Ye Tianlong who had retrieved his phone and asked, "Why don't you see Mr. Li? A good relationship with him can buffer the situation."

Ye Tianlong smiled very warmly: "I will meet him, but it's not the time now. I'll wait until six o'clock in the evening."

Ding Liuyue's red lips lightly opened: "Is it not time yet?"

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "That's right."

"Noon meals are usually business set menus, which are too cheap; evening meals, mostly to entertain guests, will be richer and more refined."

He burst into a playful smile: "I have come to the new country, how can I have a cheap set meal? I must have a good dinner to make Mr. Li bleeding..."

"I also believe that Mr. Li will invite me to dinner."

Ding Liuyue's eyes flashed, as if he had caught something...

At this moment, in another jeep five kilometers away, Zhang Yizheng had an ugly face, watching Murongjun say:

"Mr. Murong, is Ye Tianlong too self-righteous? Doesn't he know that he has caused a disaster?"

"Even though he has great skill, he is still not a god, what right does he have to put on airs like this?"

"Does he really think he can hold strong boats and guns?"

"Mr. Li sees him now, it is tantamount to saving him a life. If he doesn't respond well, he has to eat dinner, something."

She and Murong Jun’s good intentions were trampled by Ye Tianlong mercilessly. The most depressing thing was that without their help, Ye Tianlong had not suffered.

This made her feel extremely frustrated and frustrated, and also made her vent her anger on Ye Tianlong's arrogance.

"He has this capital arrogance."

Murong Jun glanced at Zhang Yi: "He is a Ninth-Rank master. Have you not seen his destructive power yet?"

"Guo Jimeng, Guo Xiaohua, and Huang Pu Ao you admire are all dead in his hands."

"As long as he has a murderous intent, it is not a joke to kill the Guo family."

He reminded him: "He can only appease a master like him, and he can't go head-on, otherwise he can make the new country uneasy."

In Murong Jun's heart, to appease Ye Tianlong, besides his amazing skill, there is actually another reason, but it is not convenient for him to say it.

Zhang Yi still refused: "He can beat ten people, one hundred people, and five hundred people, one thousand people? Not to mention we have guns."

"Moreover, there are more than 80 people in the Guo family, more than 300 guards, many of whom are good players, sharpshooters, can he kill the Guo family?"

Zhang Yi instinctively retorted: "He means just saying something cool. If I am Guo Dongzheng, I won't let anyone go. It depends on how he kills..."

Murong Jun shook his head: "Naive."

Zhang Yi raised a stubborn pretty face: "It's not that I'm naive, but you look at him too much. I think Mr. Li will definitely not agree to dinner."

In her opinion, Ye Tianlong has repeatedly refused Mr. Li's invitation. Mr. Li must have been angry for a long time. How can he continue to whisper and ask for dinner?


Just after speaking, Murong Jun's phone rang, opened the answer, and soon a respectful voice came:

"Mr. Murong, Mr. Li said, in accordance with Ye Tianlong's wishes, at seven o'clock tonight, Guo Shi Hotel, waiting for your visit."

dinner? Guoshi Hotel? This is the treatment of the head of state...

Zhang Yi was shocked...

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