Talented Genius

Chapter 2496: Full-scale war

After getting a reply from Murong Jun, Ye Tianlong decisively sent Ding Liuyue to leave the new country after having dinner with Mr. Li at seven o'clock tonight.

Only Ye Tianlong and Mr. Li knew what the dinner meant.

This also means that in the next six hours or so, the new Congress will cause a big storm.

On the way to the customs, Ye Tianlong first spotted two cars following them, but didn't catch up and didn't get into trouble, so they didn't get too far to follow.

Afterwards, more and more cars arrived. When they arrived at the customs, almost thirty cars followed, all of them filled with people.

Ye Tianlong didn't need to ask too much. He knew that it was a member of the Guo family and couldn't use official power to crush him. The Guo family moved out of the diehards that he raised in captivity.

Ye Tianlong knew in his heart that they were staring at him and gathering people, but once they left, these people would take action without hesitation.

"Boom boom!"

When Ye Tianlong got out of the car, all thirty cars opened their doors, and more than a hundred men in black outfits emerged, staring at Ye Tianlong with strong hostility.

There was no response from the patrol near the customs, and the Guo family had apparently greeted him.

Some passers-by quickly ran away when they saw this, and several vendors who set up their stalls also got out. There were more than a hundred black-clothed hunks in battle, which was really scary.

"Canshou, send President Ding to Malaysia, and let General Wengsha send troops back to Hong Kong."

Ye Tianlong ignored the stupidly moving enemy, and sent an instruction to Canshou without delay: "Don't let Ding always get hurt."

Canshou nodded: "Understand."

Ding Liuyue subconsciously said: "Tianlong, I am not going, I have to go together."

Although Ye Tianlong was confident, Ding Liuyue was still worried when he saw the black crowd, and hoped to leave the place of right and wrong together.

"These diehard Guo family members are here for me."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "When I move, they will definitely rush to block them, and they will surely fight hard and hurt you if they are not careful."

"Moreover, the customs may not let me leave and go together. It is easy to implicate you, so I can't go."

"Besides, I'm still waiting for the seven o'clock dinner tonight."

"Liu Yue, leave with Canshou. I will be fine. Not only will I return to you safely, I will also bring Xu Qing and the others back."

Ye Tianlong gave the woman a hug: "Don't worry, we can meet in two days at most."

Ding Liuyue's pretty face was tangled, watching more and more black-clothed hunks, and finally gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'm going, you take care."

She also knew that if she did not leave, not only would she not be able to help Ye Tianlong, but she might also become a burden, so she decided to leave.

Canshou tilted his hand slightly: "President Ding, let's go."

Ding Liuyue nodded, and walked to the customs under the **** of Canshou.

When Ding Liuyue moved, more than a hundred black-clothed men leaned forward, and others flashed sharp daggers in a gesture of group attack at any time.

"Old Han, teach them how to be human."

Ye Tianlong leaned on the front of the car and calmly faced these Guo family loyalists: "Let them know that things can't be done by too many people."

His gaze swept across the crowd and jumped a few times, locked on a dozen gunmen with a vicious look, and then sent a text message to the Oriole.

Following Ye Tianlong's instructions, Han Qinhu got out of another car, dangling a cigarette, and smiled at the black-clad hunk who flocked to Ding Liuyue:

"Our sister-in-law does not need you to send it off."

Han Qinhu exhaled smoke: "How far are you rolling?"

The black-clothed hunk of the blocked man's face sank, and all of them flashed a hatchet and shouted:

"court death!"

"Avenge Shao Guo!"

"Kill one person, ten million, kill Ye Tianlong, one hundred million."

After Han Qinhu broke the subtle silence, the black-robed men and the others fry the pan instantly, all of them hoarse, as if they were beaten with blood.

It's just that the oriole they all heard that the shouting inside contained fear, and they hoped to increase their courage by shouting about Ye Tianlong's fear.


More than a dozen black men rushed to Han Qinhu first.

Facing a siege by more than a dozen people, Han Qinhu did not retreat but moved forward, his figure changed as he moved, his slender body shining in the cold light, his body bursting.

He was like an axe that broke out of the ground, slashing out in the blink of an eye, sharp and full of killing intent!

At a distance of more than ten meters, Han Qinhu arrived almost in an instant, and his body wrapped in a windbreaker suddenly exerted force and rushed directly to the front enemy.

Suddenly shot.

Take the axe, hit your chest with your elbow, shake it away!

The one-meter-eight enemy flew out in a sudden, and the sternum fell to the ground with a ‘click’, and blood was spilled.

Han Qinhu kept walking, squeezing into the enemy group without stagnation, his hatchet flew, pouring wanton!


The two of them had no time to escape, and he was hit in the neck with an axe, and fell back and flew out with a scream.

Afterwards, Han Qinhu turned and rushed forward, his sharp eyes as sharp as a blade quickly approached an enemy.


The two people collided together, and the opponent's body flew back, making an explosive sound of broken bones in the air, and bleeding from the mouth and nose.

Han Qinhu continued to move forward without any obstacles.

No one can beat the windbreaker!


On the way, three shadows flashed by, I don't know who threw a hatchet at him, wanting a dark arrow to hurt people.

Han Qinhu leaned back, his axe brushed past, and smashed into the car next to him, the glass shattered.

Then Han Qinhu raised his left hand, and a shadow of an axe flashed in the light, and shot at the attacking enemy, fast and urgent!

The head of the axe is like long eyes, and it sinks into a person's neck fiercely.


Han Qinhu kicked his left foot, and another cold light flashed, and a man rushed not far away, his body was shaken, and he held his abdomen and retreated.

When he fell to the ground, Han Qinhu shot it again like a sharp arrow, leaping up, and a scissor foot clamped the neck of an enemy who was stabbed with a dagger.


The enemy's neck was twisted instantly, and his stomata fell to the ground with bleeding.

A minute later, twelve people fell on the ground, none of them survived.

This fierceness makes the surrounding enemies show dignity.

Han Qinhu grinned and hooked his finger at them: "Continue..."

Nearly a hundred enemies were like a big enemy, holding weapons to surround Han Qinhu, and then roared and attacked him together.

Han Qinhu laughed and rushed into the enemy group without retreating. The axe in his hand screamed, rolling up a stream of blood in the crowd.

The roars, screams, and metal crashing sounded constantly, which was very harsh, which attracted many people to watch the battle, but many people thought it was a movie.

After all, no one thought that there would be a real fight at the customs gate.

Ye Tianlong didn't even look at them. He just watched Ding Liuyue walking into the customs, quietly waiting for her to appear on the other side...

Soon, Ding Liuyue left the border of the new country and appeared at the Malaysian customs. Ye Tianlong smiled, and then turned his head to the Oriole and them:

"Tell Qi Sanqiu, full-scale war!"

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