Talented Genius

Chapter 2506: Poetry and distance


Ye Tianlong continued to explain to Xu Qing: "In the new country, there are almost no forces other than the Li family that can fight against the Guo family."

"The Qi family was brilliant before, but it was still not enough to beat the Guo family, so the Li family finally set their sights on Ding Liuyue."

He added: "It doesn't matter what power is behind Ding Liuyue, a woman in charge of a trillion fund, there are definitely awesome people behind."

Xu Qing gave Ye Tianlong a white look, seeming to say that she was not serious.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "After Mr. Li decided to use Ding Liuyue's knife to hit Guo's house, he let the official reach an agreement with Ding Liuyue as quickly as possible."

"At the same time, the release of the Science and Technology City is a hugely profitable project. The wind that Ding Liuyue is bound to win has led Guo Jimeng to buy and sell forty billion yuan."

Ye Tianlong said leisurely: "As soon as Guo Jimeng intervenes, you know the rest..."

"So that's the case, if you think about it, it's true."

Xu Qing let out a sigh of emotion and a touch of admiration, and then asked: "But how did you find that the Li family was going to deal with the Guo family?"

"From the Science and Technology City project to last night, no one seems to show up in the Li family."

Her red lips lightly opened: "Where did you find the shadow of the Li family?"

Ye Tianlong raised his head: "Science and Technology City is such a project that benefits the country and the people. With the Li family's love for the new country, he will let Guo Jimeng take this project?"

"Don't the Li family know that Guo Jimeng snatched the project in order to sell it to the Dings?"

"Don't the Li family know that Guo Jimeng's intervention will ruin or even abort the Science and Technology City project?"

"Knowing that Guo Jimeng will break the project, affecting the interests of the new country, and allowing Guo Jimeng to win the bid, the purpose is clearly visible."

The corner of his mouth curled up: "One more thing, Murong Jun recognized me at Caesars Palace."

"I am a ninth-level master, and Murong Jun will report to the Li family as soon as possible. If the Li family hopes that the Guo family is okay, he will stop him from doing wrongdoing."

"At the same time, the Security Bureau will try its best to drive me out of the country."

"But until I washed the dock in blood, the Guo family didn't know who I was, and the security bureau didn't drive me away. The Li family's intention was very obvious."

"After I confirmed Mr. Li's intentions, I had a bottom line in my heart, so I changed my previous cautious style and killed the Guo family mercilessly."

Ye Tianlong said his trump card: "Because I know that Mr. Li is watching behind him, he will deal with the end of the hand and protect me if necessary."

Xu Qing suddenly realized: "It turns out that Mr. Li's calculations are really deep, so he didn't move a soldier, so he would use your knife to suppress the Guo family."

"What a scheming politician."

She couldn't help but sighed, Li Jiapo is really an invisible figure of murder.

"He is really scheming, but he still miscalculates a bit, that is, I have never been a man's knife."

There was a gleam in Ye Tianlong's eyes: "So I killed Guo Dongzheng directly in the end."

Xu Qing asked curiously: "What do you mean?"

Ye Tianlong's eyes became profound: "In Mr. Li's eyes, he doesn't like to see whether it is the Qi family dominating or the Guo family dominating."

"He likes that the two are not big or small, and they like to check and balance each other."

"So in Mr. Li's original plan, he hoped that I would defeat the disabled Guo family and let the Guo family be a man with his tail clipped in the future, but he did not want me to destroy the Guo family."

He smiled faintly: "This is also why Li Xian'er said'end' at such a critical moment."

Xu Qing figured it out: "Mr. Li hopes to keep Guo Dongzheng and one more enemy for the Qi clan, so as to limit the Qi clan's future dominance."

"I can see through his mind."

Ye Tianlong took the topic: "So he directly exploded Guo Dongzheng's head, destroyed the Guo family, and also destroyed Mr. Li's calculations."

"Mr. Li was also angry because of this. My knife not only cut Guo Dongzheng, but also cut his hand."

"I also gave him a warning. Only I can dominate myself. No one can use me as a swordsman."

He showed a touch of pride: "If you want to borrow this knife from me, you have to cut your hands carefully."

Xu Qing sighed faintly: "You slapped him in the face like this, don't you worry that he will be angry and kill him?"

"Is it an easy task to kill me, and once he hits me, he has to consider the consequences."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "However, in order to avoid the Li family suppressing the Qi family and the Ding family, I still gave him a little face and offered three concessions."

"The Qi family left the new country for the United States, and the Ding family took over the science and technology city project. At the same time, the fixed assets of the Guo family were used as the national treasury."

He didn't tell Xu Qing that Li Jiapo had been murderous, whether in the Guojia Garden or the Guoshi Hotel, but unfortunately he didn't find a chance to start.

He believed in Li Xian'er's sense of danger when he appeared.

Xu Qingjiao exclaimed, "Huh? The Qi family evacuated, took over the project, and confiscated the fixed assets of the Guo family? The Li family took advantage of it, what do we get?"

"Are we?"

Ye Tianlong's smile was as bright as the spring breeze: "The cash and financial assets in the Guo family account, plus the funds that Lin Rudao looted from the stock market..."

"Almost 400 billion..."

For Ye Tianlong, nothing is more meaningful than real money.

"Ye Tianlong, you are really a talent. You not only know what you want, but you also know what to give up."

Xu Qing stared at Ye Tianlong in a daze, and squeezed out for a long time: "I understand now, why did you win the country in just two years."

"thank you."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the front, then raised a smile and said, "The wind is a bit strong, I will send you back to the room to rest."

Xu Qing shook her head lightly, her voice softly: "I stayed for a day, it's a bit bored, you can chat with me for a while."

Ye Tianlong hesitated for a moment: "Okay."

"What are your plans next?"

Xu Qing brushed her hair lightly, then slowly walked to the balcony railing, put her hands on the white railing, leaned forward, looking into the distance:

"Follow King Qi to the U.S., or return to China to rest, or consolidate the achievements in the new country?"

Xu Qing wears a comfortable chiffon short skirt, which is not short, and it is difficult to go out under normal circumstances.

But she was leaning against the railing, nearly ninety degrees, and the scenery under the skirt was unobstructed.

And Xu Qing didn't know what she was thinking about, and she didn't notice that she was gone.

Everyone has a natural base.

On the beach, so many beauties in bikinis can stare at them openly, but not many people feel it, at least not physically impulsive.

However, once a beautiful woman puts on her coat and slightly reveals her half-undressed, faint underwear, it is enough to make a man's hormones surge.

Ye Tianlong was a man and a passionate young man in his twenties, so he was about to answer. Seeing the scenery in his short skirt, his eyes instantly stiffened.


Without hearing Ye Tianlong's answer, Xu Qing turned her head curiously and asked softly, "What do you think?"

After catching Ye Tianlong's gaze, she knew the spring light had leaked, her pretty face instantly flushed red, she stood upright, and instinctively said:

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Tianlong reacted and replied in a panic:

"Life is not only about poetry and the distant place, but also the present sorrow...

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