Talented Genius

Chapter 2507: The first in the new country

In the next few days, the pattern of the new country changed, but there was no storm.

Just as Ye Tianlong said, few people will fight for the dead.

For many people, Guo Dongzheng is dead, and revenge has lost its meaning and value. No matter what, no matter how you start, it is purely a dead end.

And those loyal loyalists and backbones, who were killed by Ye Tianlong, plus the official declaration of the "seven deadly sins", so the storm subsided quickly.

Guo's properties and fixed assets were officially taken over, Ding Liuyue did not fly back to the new country, but directly authorized Xu Qing to take over the science and technology city project.

Xu Qing became Ding's spokesperson in the new country, and also became the head of the "Science and Technology City" project.

At the same time, Qi Sanqiu cooperated with Luo to divest his assets, and began to transfer the backbone to the front station in the United States, preparing to complete the relocation within three months.

Everything is tense but developed step by step. The Qi family and Ding family are in a good situation in the new country.

After the explosive attack in Taicheng, calm quickly recovered. Emperor Ma Qing could not find the murderer, and the murderer did not appear, and the incident was temporarily annihilated.

Ye Tianlong also relaxed down.

However, his calm was quickly broken. This morning, Ye Tianlong finished breakfast and just wanted to go out for a stroll, but Xu Qing stopped him:

"Ye Shao, are you free today?"

Ye Tianlong turned his head to look, and saw Xu Qing coming down from upstairs, the woman who had come out of the fear of kidnapping and had been busy for four days, today is particularly beautiful.

The woman is wearing a new fashion from Bahrain, a long black dress with open back and shoulders, two black belts, and a bow tied at the back of the neck.

As long as you pull on the knot, the whole dress will slip off. It is a very **** design.

Xu Qing's pink shoulders and snow-slip back muscles were looming under the shawl. The most terrible thing was that she couldn't see the buckle on her chest.

A thought flashed through Ye Tianlong's heart, could it be that she was in a vacuum?

Xu Qing added a little makeup on her face today, and she was still gorgeous and glamorous, and what attracted Ye Tianlong the most was her two beaded lips.

After putting on the seductive lipstick, the smile with red lips and white teeth was particularly charming, Ye Tianlong secretly called that she was really a charming woman.

Later, he reacted quickly and smiled: "I'm free today, what's the matter? What can I do for help?"

"At noon, there was an exchange meeting on the eighth floor of the Municipal Building, which was also a small cocktail party. Many of the new country dignitaries attended, co-hosted by the Ding family and the government."

Xu Qing smiled: "There are two themes, one is that Ding officially signs a contract with the government, and the other is that Ding selects some powerful people to participate in the cooperation."

"Officially, the science and technology city project cake is too big and rich, but the division of Ding and the official will easily cause the rest to be jealous."

"I hope Ding can take out 10% of the cake and select some powerful and powerful people from the new country to participate."

She told Ye Tianlong the meaning of the reception: "This can also attract more attention and funds, so that the science and technology city project can sit bigger."

"Of course, Mr. Li said, regardless of the cake, choose not to choose the rich and powerful to cooperate, it is up to you in the end."

Xu Qing looked at Ye Tianlong and smiled and said, "It's a big deal, and 10% of the cake is a lot of money, so I'm going to take you to the reception and let you decide."

Ye Tianlong heard that there were not too many waves, and then smiled and took the topic:

"The Science and Technology City is an air force airport that has been abandoned for 30 years. It covers an area of ​​3 million square meters. It is the only large-scale undeveloped inner ring area in the global capital."

"In the future, there will be a four-country high-speed rail running through China Cloud City, Manchester, Malaysia and Singapore. The Science and Technology City is the nerve center of this high-speed rail network."

"Its future value is difficult to estimate. It is far from being as simple as 20 billion in start-up capital and 100 billion in the subsequent."

"It's just that its development period is not small, at least more than ten years. If something changes during this period, the project may be stranded."

"So Li Jiapo is also a very correct and appropriate idea to get more people involved."

Ye Tianlong made a decision: "I don't mind dividing another 10% of the cake. This matter, you can make the decision."

"I think so too."

Xu Qing smiled playfully: "But I still decided to take you to the reception, and it is up to you to decide whether to cooperate or refuse. After all, this is offensive."

The cake is so rich, people who don't get it will inevitably resent.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Okay, I will go to the reception with you, I will attract firepower."

Instead of letting them resent Xu Qing, and stabbing a knife in the future, it is better to attract firepower by himself. After all, his methods are enough to deter resenters.

"Then go."

Xu Qing held Ye Tianlong happily: "Mr. Li will also come and sit at noon."

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly: "Okay, go to the reception."

When Xu Qing saw that she was rude, she embarrassedly let go...

Ten minutes later, Ye Tianlong and Xu Qing got into the car and drove to the municipal building.

In order to change his fierce image, Ye Tianlong also wore a pair of plain glasses. By the way, he changed a lot. At first glance, he looked like a graduate of the normal school.

The two talked and laughed all the way, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Soon, the car came to the destination, and Ye Tianlong let the six Dragon Bu children stay where they were, taking Xu Qing and a female bodyguard with him.

Today is a business reception, too many bodyguards will cause tension, and there are many guards in the municipal building.

Today's reception is obviously very important to the powerful and powerful in the new country. If Ding is selected to cooperate, it will not only get a share of the pie, but also get closer to the Li family.

Therefore, although there is still an hour before the reception, many luxury cars drove early in the Municipal Building, and many powerful and powerful people shuttled up to the eighth floor among civil servants.

"Tianlong, wait for me in the lobby."

When she walked into the municipal building, Xu Qing's eyebrows frowned, her pretty face was a little bit uncomfortable, and then she said to Ye Tianlong embarrassingly: "I'll go to the bathroom."

Ye Tianlong didn't ask much, and nodded: "Okay."

When Xu Qing took the female bodyguard to the bathroom at the end, Ye Tianlong stood in the bright and clean hall and scanned the environment, and then came to a propaganda wall.

This is the publicity wall of the Science and Technology City, on which there are not only project prospects, but also future blueprints.

The virtual picture is very gorgeous and prosperous, especially the Shikoku high-speed railway, which is like a dragon running through the pearl, full of vitality.

Ye Tianlong couldn't help sighing: "Five people are really not easy."

No matter how the five people fight in and how their privileges are, it is undeniable that China's economy is indeed developing rapidly and it is beginning to go out of the world.

"Water...Sail Dragon?"

At this moment, a woman's voice that was not sure but hesitated, tentatively sounded from the side:

"No, are you Ye Tianlong?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, turned his head to look, and saw a young woman approaching with her handbag in a bohemian style, with a wreath on her head.

Upright, proud, and full of literary youth.

Ye Tianlong quickly recognized Shen Tianmei's foreign best friend.

The first in the new country, Li Fenghua!

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