Talented Genius

Chapter 2512: Out of control car

Early the next morning, Ye Tianlong didn't get up until eight o'clock in bed.

When she got up, Xu Qing had already left the Qi's Garden and asked Qi Sanqiu to tell her to go out to have a meeting with the partner, and she might not be back at noon or night.

Ye Tianlong sighed secretly, with a complicated expression. Knowing that Xu Qing was avoiding him, he took out his phone to say something, but saw an unread message.

It is what Xu Qing left for herself, a simple one line: Sorry, I drank too much...

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth was moved, knowing that she took the responsibility on her body and avoided herself to reduce self-blame and avoid apology to Ding Liuyue.

Ye Tianlong wanted to make a call to Xu Qing, but he thought for a while and finally gave up. Talking too much would only embarrass each other, and he finally returned three words.

My fault.

After sending the text message, Ye Tianlong went to eat breakfast and went to see Li Wanwan after eating. The two parties agreed to sign a share transfer agreement at noon.

Perhaps it was to avoid reporters, or perhaps it was to hold Ye Tianlong's thighs alone. The place of signing was not in the new country, but in Malaysia.

A club invested by Li million.

Ye Tianlong saw that the distance was not far, and he hadn't returned to Malaysia for a while, so he took the Oriole and Canshou along with him.

Newland and Malaysia are connected, and the two sides have close economic exchanges. Many people work in the new country and live in Malaysia, so the customs is crowded every day.

However, the long and narrow team is not difficult for Ye Tianlong. He who has the token of Wengsha directly enters the territory of Malaysia through a special channel.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Ye Tianlong arrived in the territory of Malaysia, and at a glance he saw the Emperor's Island, which was transferred to Malaysia's official state not far away, with a gentle touch on his face.

The 200 billion Emperor Island was replaced by an independent and sovereign Tianlong Island. It was really a good deal.

Subsequently, Ye Tianlong restrained his emotions and let the oriole drive to the destination.


When Ye Tianlong's car was driving on the highway in Malaysia, a roar suddenly sounded behind him, and a sports car roared up from behind.

The speed is extremely fast, like a crazy bison.

Although there are no vehicles on this fast lane, the speed of the sports car is still shocking, as long as it is hit, at least the car will fall apart.

The car owners on the road evaded when they saw it, and at the same time they did not forget to yell, the oriole also slightly deflected and gave way to the middle road:

"The racing in broad daylight is really undead."

The Oriole glanced at the yellow sports car behind: "It seems that every country has a lot of cheating dudes."

Ye Tianlong leaned against the seat and smiled: "They will hit the wall sooner or later, just like Guo Jimeng."


While speaking, the yellow sports car had rushed up from behind, swishing past Ye Tianlong, at an astonishing speed, almost a hundred kilometers.

Compared to the shook heads of the oriole and Canshou, Ye Tianlong frowned and smelled something strange. He just faintly heard the call of ‘help’ in his ears.

Ye Tianlong waved his finger: "Sorrel, go faster, keep up with that car."

The Oriole was taken aback for a moment, but didn't ask much, stepped on the accelerator and chased the yellow sports car faster.

After chasing seven or eight kilometers, the two cars drew closer, and Ye Tianlong let the oriole accelerate again, and the cars were almost side by side, allowing him to see the sports car.

In Ye Tianlong's field of vision, inside the sports car, a gorgeous girl was tapping the windows and doors of the car, and she kept screaming screaming and desperate:

"Help, help us..."

The sound came from the gap of the car window, because of the glass and speed, the shouting was not obvious, but Ye Tianlong was able to catch the other party really calling for help.

Sure enough, something went wrong.

Ye Tianlong made a judgment in his heart, and then looked at the driver's seat. A long-haired young man was holding the steering wheel, his face pale and his right shoulder trembling.

He kept stepping on the brakes, but the car didn't react at all, and the speed couldn't drop, it seemed that he lost control.

Ye Tianlong sat up slightly and glanced at the opponent's dashboard: 100 per hour!

He looked at the navigation again. After passing through this fast lane, the car will diverge into the city or the suburbs, which is a place with dense traffic.

The yellow sports car will go down at this speed. Sooner or later, the car crashes.

Seeing the desperate eyes of the gorgeous girl and the trembling of the long-haired youth, Ye Tianlong thought for a while, and finally turned his head to the oriole:

"Get closer."

The oriole quickly deflected the car, so that the two cars were almost in line.

When the gorgeous girl slapped the car window to let Ye Tianlong go away, Ye Tianlong leaned out half of her body regardless of the danger, and then directly pried a car window down.

He yelled at the long-haired young man: "Listen, our car will be in front of you later, and you will be facing the rear of our car."

"We will slow down slowly and stop the car together."

He repeated it again, and then shouted: "Have you heard?"

The long-haired young man and the gorgeous girl nodded together, sweating that they knew what Ye Tianlong meant.

After the communication, Ye Tianlong turned his head slightly to the oriole: "One hundred and two per hour, faster than them."

The cardinal nodded, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car swished forward, quickly overtaking the yellow sports car.

After passing the long-haired young people, the cardinal drove the car in front of the yellow sports car, and Ye Tianlong decisively issued a command: "One hundred and one."

The cardinal slowed down slowly.


The cardinal slowed down again.

"ninety five!"

Cardinals as instructed.

At this time, as the oriole slowed down, the yellow sports car drove over, and the two sides pulled closer again. The long-haired youth was sweating profusely and clenched the steering wheel.

He started to collide with Ye Tianlong's car. Eventually, the head of the sports car hit the rear of the car, and Ye Tianlong's license plate cracked and fell off.

A sports car running at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour collided with Ye Tianlong's car at a speed of 95 kilometers per hour. The impact force was only 5 kilometers per hour, and there was no harm.

After feeling the collision, Ye Tianlong tilted his head to the oriole: "Continue to slow down, ninety..."

Cardinals do what they say.

Eighty five, eighty, seventy, sixty...

Ye Tianlong felt the impact of the car, while sending out speed-down instructions to the Oriole. Soon, the speed of both sides dropped.

When the speed dropped to sixty, Ye Tianlong obviously felt that the impact had disappeared, and when he turned his head, the yellow sports car started to slow down by itself.

"It can be controlled, it can be controlled..."

The long-haired young man became happy, the roar was clear, and then he stepped on the accelerator and stopped the car on the emergency road.

Then he hugged and cheered with his female companion.

Ye Tianlong also stopped.

"Brother, thank you so much, thank you so much."

When Ye Tianlong got out of the car, the long-haired young man directly threw away his beautiful female companion and rushed up to hug Ye Tianlong, extremely excited.

"His uncle, originally wanted to shake the car on the road and set the car to cruise at a constant speed, but after setting it, it couldn't be restored."

"The speed of the car is getting faster...The police and technicians will come later, and I have to kill the car company..."

He was unobtrusive and carefree: "Fortunately, I met my brother and saved our life, otherwise we would become a desperate mandarin duck."

"You're welcome."

Ye Tianlong slowly let go of the other party, and after scanning the two people for no injuries, he tilted his head slightly: "Call the police or the tow truck. Let's go first."

The long-haired young man grabbed Ye Tianlong and said, "Brother, you saved our life. We haven't thanked you well yet. How can you leave?"

"Stay and wait for the police with me. At noon, I will treat you to a big meal, make beautiful women, and then change you to a 10 million car..."

The long-haired young man also took out his wallet and drew out a large stack of dollars into Ye Tianlong's hand: "This is a little appetizer, please take it with my little brother."

This stack of US dollars is almost 10,000, which shows that the long-haired young people are generous.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have an important business at noon, so I don't have time to eat a big meal, and it's easy, you are welcome."

Ye Tianlong shook the banknote in his hand and smiled: "This money, even my car repair fee, goodbye."

"Is there something important?"

The long-haired young man was full of regrets, but he didn't bother, and then took out a business card and handed it to Ye Tianlong:

"That's OK, make an appointment with me another day, and then your sisters."

"By the way, my name is Li Changjin..."

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