Talented Genius

Chapter 2513: Are you ok?

"Li Changjin? Good name..."

Ye Tianlong took Li Changjin's business card and glanced at it. There were only names and phone numbers on it. There was no occupation or name embellishment, which won his favor.

After all, there are too few dudes who don't care about their names.

But Ye Tianlong didn't worry too much. He took a business card and US dollars into the car after a few small chats, and didn't even leave his name.

He acted to save people only based on his own principles and bottom line, and didn't think about any rewards, so he didn't bother to inform himself.

Of course, there is another point, that is that the other party is not a beauty...

The long-haired young man was also immersed in the excitement of his life. He temporarily forgot to ask Ye Tianlong's phone number and name. When he woke up, Ye Tianlong had disappeared.

On the way to the target clubhouse, Huangque made a phone call to the children of Quetang. Soon, at an intersection, Ye Tianlong changed his car.

The three of them got into a Cadillac, and the broken car was repaired by the children of Quetang.

Half an hour later, the car appeared in a beautiful clubhouse in Malaysia. Li Wanwan had booked a yard here and wanted to sign a contract with Ye Tianlong.

Although Ye Tianlong reminded Li Wanwan not to let reporters or dignitaries appear, he didn't want to socialize like yesterday, and he didn't want Li Wanwan to make use of the topic.

But when he came to the parking lot of the target courtyard, Ye Tianlong found that there were still many cars.

"Ye Shao, good morning."

When Ye Tianlong got out of the car door with the oriole and Canshou, a red BMW also pushed open the car door, and Li Fenghua, dressed in hidden clothes, got out;

When Li Fenghua came out sideways, Ye Tianlong was in a daze, with a touch of surprise.

He suddenly discovered that the profile of Li Fenghua dressed in this way was three points similar to Yan Fei.

Noble, proud, yet hard and soft.

But when the woman was fully presented face-to-face, she regained her style and became Li Fenghua.

As always, it is fresh, unique, and exudes a youthful temperament.

"Miss Li, good morning,"

Ye Tianlong quickly recovered his calm, smiled and walked over, and asked directly: "Are you here to wait for me?"

Li Feng's flowers are generous and generous: "Ye Shao has a great mind. That's right, I stayed in the car and didn't get off. I just wanted to wait for you to have a chat alone by the way."

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "What can I do for you? Just ask, everyone is friends, and if you can help, you will definitely help."

In other words, she is also Shen Tianmei's best friend, Ye Tianlong is willing to help.

"Ye Shao, I know that my parents signed a contract with you today, and I also know that they sold you tens of billions of shares for one billion."

Li Fenghua revealed a small dimple: "But don't get me wrong, I am not here to complain, nor to block your signing."

"Although tens of billions of shares are sold to you for 1 billion, it seems that Ye Shao has taken a big advantage, but I know that my parents are fishing for a long time."

"The reward they will get from Ye Shao will be countless 20 billion."

Li Fenghua showed the wisdom he deserved: "I am indifferent to money, but it doesn't mean that I have no vision."

She told her own thoughts, and did not forget to show her ability, let Ye Tianlong know that she was sincere.

Ye Tianlong smiled softly: "You really have a good vision."

Li Fenghua added: "Of course, today's interception was not for the purpose of signing a contract. I am looking for you mainly to talk about our relationship."

Her pretty face turned red and hesitated, but in the end she still had courage.

Ye Tianlong asked playfully: "Our relationship? What is our relationship?"

"Actually, I know that my parents do so much. In addition to thinking that you are profitable, they also hope to bring you and me together."

Li Fenghua was embarrassed: "To say something ashamed, they persuaded me to chase you all night, crying, making troubles and hanging themselves."

"I also said that this is for my own good, for the good of the family, and for the good of my little brother."

There was a touch of helplessness on her pretty face: "My mother is about to kneel down..."

Ye Tianlong smiled and asked, "Then you decided to compromise?"

"Although I do my own way, I still can't get rid of the **** of family, but my heart is still firm, you are not my cup of tea."

Li Fenghua shook his head: "I can't bear to let my parents be disappointed, but I really have no feeling for you, so I hope to tell Ye Shao clearly in advance."

Ye Tianlong whispered: "What do you want me to do?"

"Under the pressure of my parents, I might treat you a little better, be gentle, and make them look a little lover."

Li Fenghua smiled: "But that was acting, not my inner reaction."

"I hope that Ye Shao will not get me wrong, and I hope that Ye Shao can occasionally show some face and cooperate with me, everyone will behave and make the atmosphere harmonious."

She landed and said: "Ye Shao don't worry, I won't disturb you normally, I won't even contact you, and I will definitely not cause you trouble."


Ye Tianlong laughed at the words, knowing what Li Fenghua meant by waiting for herself: "You are actually telling two things when you wait for me here."

"First, you are not interested in me, and second, I hope I will act like you."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "Okay, there is no problem at all. Who would call us friends?"

Li Fenghua was very happy: "Then it's a deal."

She raised her right hand to high-five, and Ye Tianlong smiled and patted three times to confirm the promise of both parties.

Afterwards, Li Fenghua lightly left his side: "Ye Shao, the yard is here, come with me."

Ye Tianlong nodded and followed Li Fenghua. After walking more than ten meters, he laughed and said:

"Fenghua, I'm actually a little curious, I'm so handsome and gold, how can you not like me?"

He curiously asked: "Why am I making you unpleasant?"

Li Fenghua smiled: "Where does Ye Shao make people uncomfortable?"

"Being able to marry someone like Ye Shao is the dream of countless women, but my heart is too small to squeeze into one person."

She said wittyly: "Ye Shao came too late and can only wait for the next life."

"My heart is too small? Oh, Miss Li has a sweetheart?"

Ye Tianlong quickly digested the information in the conversation: "Then you should tell your parents clearly, and then bring him out to show them."

"In this way, they won't match you up with me, hello, me, everyone, don't behave."

Li Feng's fancy face dimmed: "My parents won't accept him... he is the armed chief of a place in Africa..."

"African local armed chief?"

Ye Tianlong was slightly surprised, secretly calling Li Fenghua really unique, not only wandering around, but also fond of armed bosses, really romantic and surprised.

"The boss or chief of which place? More prestigious and handsome than me?"

He also joked: "I know Africa very well, if you tell me his name, maybe the one you like is my friend!"

Li Feng's fancy face turned red, and he said softly: "He is not a native, he is of Chinese descent, he... Forget it, Shao Ye, don't mention him."

She still doesn't want to talk about this relationship that is difficult to be blessed by her parents.

"Let's go to the yard, for you, my father moved out the ten-year Tibetan wine..."

At the same time, Li Fenghua raised her head, looked at the distant sky, looked at the cloud in Africa, and remembered the softness in her heart.

The domineering man who wants to be the king of Africa...

That lonely figure that sings in heaven and earth but is lonely in the dark...

That poor man who hugged himself but called the wrong name...

"Wei Xuan, how are you?"

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