Talented Genius

Chapter 2538: Casino opens

In the next two days, the country of Ma was further turbulent. With Ye Tianlong's help, the battle between the Ma family and the Guo family began to intensify.

The mainstream version of the destruction of Ma Baipao and Majia Garden has also begun to circulate among all parties in the country.

In their eyes, Ma Baipao sent five hundred elites and Ma Xiangu to the alley to attack Wei Xuan in order to cooperate with Monto, but was surrounded by military police.

The Guo family seized this opportunity, so they attacked with heavy weapons, killing Ma Baipao and blowing up half of the top of the mountain.

This version was not only accepted by all parties, but also recognized by the Ma family, so Ma’s nephew hated the Guo family even more and felt that they were too petty.

The two sides continued to fight.

One party hopes to avenge Ma Baipao and stabilize the Ma family's interests, while one party breaks the pot and suppresses the Ma family.

While the Guo family suppressed the Ma family, they also offered a reward for finding the murderer of Ma Baipao and Shentu Yuanqing.

Taking advantage of this gap, Chu Zifeng transferred a large number of elites from abroad and shifted his focus to the country of Malaysia.

Chu Zifeng coerced and lured the Ma family over and gave them money and weapons to fight against the Guo family so that the Chu family could win more space.

Chu Zijiao also took the clues given by Ye Tianlong and under the banner of the Phoenix Group, contacted the president's wife Ansawa.

Ye Tianlong gave Chu Zijiao two preparations, one is money bribe, and the other is evidence pressure.

If the President's wife is willing to accept the money and become the patron of the Chu family, then Chu Zijiao will not have to move out of the Ma family to bribe her.

If the president's wife refuses to stand in the Chu camp, then Chu Zijiao will poke out evidence of her bribery and directly pull her and the president down.

Ye Tianlong believed that carrots and sticks would definitely make Chu Zi arrogant and succumb.

During this period, there was also an episode, that is, Lan Lan offered a reward for the Guo family and ran to the Guo family to tell that he knew who killed Shentu Yuanqing.

While the Guo family was fighting fiercely with the Ma family's remnants, they sent someone to the small courtyard with Lan Lan to see who was behind the scenes.

Over 60 people from the Guo family were blown up during the trip, 40 people were killed and 20 people were injured.

The Guo family regarded Lan Lan as a spy of the Ma family, ignored her explanation, and exploded her head with a shot...

When the situation in Malaysia was turbulent, Ye Tianlong became an idler again, and he had nothing to do after briefing every day, and his attention began to shift.

After killing Shentu Yuanqing, killing Ma Baipao, and killing Monto, Ye Tianlong turned his eyes to Nie Shemale, one of Mr. Meihua's messengers.

It's just that the oriole rummaged through the country and didn't see him. The Ma family was killed to the ground, and Lady Nie did not show up.

Ye Tianlong could only ask Bailihua and Red Arrow to assist the Oriole to see if Lady Nie had left Malaysia.

"Ye Shao, I found the whereabouts of Lady Nie."

On the fifth day after Ma Baipao's death, in the morning, Ye Tianlong was looking at the local newspaper, and the oriole strode the meteor came from outside:

"He left China at noon on the day Shentu Yuanqing died."

The oriole exhaled a long breath: "Red Arrow saw his camera at the entry and exit. He entered the new country from Malaysia, and then flew directly to China Capital."

"Then Bailihua checked the capital again and found that he flew from Beijing to Hong Kong again last night."

He added: "We have contacted Tiger Shark in Hong Kong and asked him to send someone to secretly search for the whereabouts of Nie Yao."

Ye Tianlong slightly stagnated what was in his hand: "The capital? He flew to the capital and stayed for three days. What did he do?"

The oriole shook his head slightly: "I don't know, there is no specific trajectory for him, there are only traces of entry and exit."

Ye Tianlong said peacefully: "Contact Zhan Qinglou to check and see where he lives in Beijing, who he has contact with, and what he did when he flew to Beijing."

He not only wanted to know what Lady Nie was going to do, but also wanted to know what he had done.

The oriole nodded: "Understand."

Ye Tianlong said again: "Remind the brothers in Gangcheng to prepare 300 elites to take action at any time to take down Lady Nie."

The oriole took the topic: "I have already told Tiger Shark, he will arrange it properly."

"And to be safe, I let the dinosaur fly over and sit in town."

He showed a sense of self-confidence: "Once Monster Nie is locked, we can start."

Ye Tianlong nodded with satisfaction: "This is the arrangement I want..."


When the oriole turned to make arrangements, Ye Tianlong's mobile phone vibrated. He looked down and found that Lei Jiu from Australia City pointed to the phone.

Ye Tianlong smiled and answered, "Hey, Lao Lei, it's been a long time."

Lei Jiuzhi let out a burst of laughter, followed by endless joy:

"Ye Shao, long time no see, how have you been recently?"

Lei Jiuzhi greeted respectfully and cordially: "We miss you."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "My life is average, but I know that Brother Lei has a good time. Look at you, all that happiness came out of the phone."

Lei Jiuzhi did not conceal his emotions either: "Hahaha, you found all of this, but I am really happy."

"Because the casino has been working overtime and has been completed, it will open in a few days."

Lei Jiuzhi told Ye Tianlong: "We need another casino in Australia."

"So fast?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect the Tianlong Casino to be built so quickly: "I thought it would be completed next year."

At the beginning, Caoji Street was shoveled and hundreds of neighborhoods were left homeless and could only live in hotels. The church became ruins and needed to be rebuilt. The project was huge.

Ye Tianlong thinks it will take at least a year to complete the construction, but he didn't expect it to be completed so soon, and he was ready to open it.

Lei Jiuzhi smiled and replied: "As the people wanted, all parties helped, and Mrs. Feng strongly supported, so the casino was completed earlier than expected."

Hearing Lei Jiuzhi talking about Mrs. Feng, Ye Tianlong thought of the glamorous woman, and then thought of the ‘unknown case’.

Who on earth did you **** that night?

Then, Ye Tianlong recalled the portrait that hadn't been opened for a long time.

"Ye Shao, it's like this..."

When Ye Tianlong turned his mind, Lei Jiuzhi knew that his time was precious, and he was straightforward: "I called you today to see if you are free."

"Next week we will open the ribbon cutting. I hope you can participate in the ribbon cutting."

"One is to show your identity as a master to make the casino business more prosperous, and the other is that everyone hasn't seen you for a long time and wants to take this opportunity to gather together."

Lei Jiu quickly added: "Any day next week will do. We can accommodate your time."

Ye Tianlong asked back: "Which date did you originally set?"

Lei Jiu pointed out and replied: "Next Saturday, weekend, there will be many people, and there will be many people joining in the fun."

Ye Tianlong directly made a decision: "It's Saturday, I will definitely participate, anyway, I'm boring this time."

And he also hopes to take down Lady Nie himself.

Lei Jiu said he was very happy when he heard the words: "Then it's so set, I tell everyone, let them make arrangements."

After speaking, Lei Jiuzhi hung up the phone, as always vigorously.

Ye Tianlong smiled and didn't care, he knew the style of Lei Jiuzhi, and then leaned back on the seat, thinking about going back to the three women this time to observe.

He wants to see if anyone is pregnant...

Ye Tianlong acted swiftly. After deciding to go to Australia City, he went through the affairs of Singapore and Malaysia again. After confirming that they were in control, he bought a plane ticket and flew to Australia City.

Han Qinhu stayed in the new country to help Qi Sanqiu consolidate the situation, and Tianmo stayed in Cuiguo to maintain the rule of the giant beasts, so only Canshou and Orioles accompanied.

On the sixth day after Ma Baipao died, Ye Tianlong flew from Malaysia to Australia...

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