Talented Genius

Chapter 2539: First class conflict


At two o'clock in the afternoon, the plane took off, like a big bird flying to the Chinese city of Australia.

Ye Tianlong sat in the second row of the first-class cabin, flipped through some materials with his mobile phone, and then summarized the situation in Singapore and Malaysia.

This time I came out and took control of Cuiguo, controlled the global jade mining industry, and developed a science and technology city, which can affect the fate of the new country in the next 15 years.

Killing Ma Baipao gave the Chu family a chance to take a strong position in Malaysia.

As long as the Chu Zifeng brothers and sisters can stabilize the achievements of Malaysia, Ye Tianlong will influence the entire Malaysia in the future and influence the important global route of Malacca.

Ye Tianlong is still satisfied with this record.

In the next step, Ye Tianlong hopes to get rid of Mr. Plum Blossom and the Monster Killer. Only in this way can he truly complete the layout of Southeast Asia, allowing him to advance or retreat.

Later, Ye Tianlong watched Bailihua's briefing again and also looked at the situation in Grandstand City.

There was no change in Taicheng. After Uncle Bai's hand was blown off, the whole Taicheng became calm again, but the Ma family made a different voice after the bombing.

The veteran of the Arima family believes that the radicalization of Emperor Ma Qing has endless troubles, and he hopes that he will be a low-key man, surrender his interests, and regard peace as the most important thing for long.

For this reason, several veterans of the Ma family not only showed good intentions to Cai Jiujin and surrendered part of the Ma family's interests, but also responded to Mingyue Fourth Elder's request to rectify the treatment of the army.

The most important thing is to reduce the pensions of retired soldiers, which has caused the Ma family's military support to drop sharply.

"Self-digging a grave..."

Ye Tianlong shook his head after reading it. The Ma family's elders were really weak. It was sad that they didn't deal hard with their political opponents, but hoped that their opponents would survive.

If it weren't for the talent of Emperor Ma Qing, it is estimated that the Ma family would be eliminated in less than four years.

After Ye Tianlong thought about going to Australia City, he went back to Taicheng City and had a good chat with Ma Qingdi, hoping to suppress the discordant voices inside the Ma family.

Then, he read Ye Qiuqi's briefing again. After Ye Qiuqi joined the Mingyue Group, he quickly became familiar with the rules of the game and began to show the Ye family style.

She not only actively promotes cross-strait trade, but also often walks to the bottom of the private sector to speak out for the fruit vendors and the homeless wanderers.

To this end, Ye Qiuqi also opened a hotline to select two typical questions from the collected questions every day, and put them on the six o’clock news to solve them.

After the people in Taicheng were disgusted with the Mingyue Fourth Lao and the Ma family members, they welcomed Ye Qiuqi who was doing practical things very much, and the public support rate rose sharply.

The organization of returning home also reappeared.

Seeing this briefing, the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth was curved: he was proud of Ye Qiuqi's performance.

"Ye Shao, what do you think?"

As Ye Tianlong's thoughts turned, the oriole came over and chuckled at Ye Tianlong: "Miss Jiang, Miss Feng, or Miss Mo?"

Ye Tianlong smiled bitterly: "I didn't think about them, I just thought about how to relax..."

"Back to Australia, after taking down Lady Nie, you can relax."

The oriole was inaudible and said: "Compared with Cuiguo and Malaysia, Australia is a paradise."

Putting aside the prosperous factors, there is also the fact that Australia City is a Longmen site, Shenye and Yuan Shazi are all his own, and the Feng Family is also considered an ally, and it is safe enough.

Ye Tianlong smiled: "When you arrive in Australia, take a good rest, lock your target and then take action. After doing this, I will give you a holiday."

The oriole smiled: "When the time comes, I will definitely pull Jie Jiang and Lord Lei to get drunk."

Canshou also laughed: "By the way, send a circle of friends to make Tianmo and Lao Han crazy."

"Okay, I will let Xu Donglai bring good wine over, everyone will not be drunk or return."

Ye Tianlong breathed out a long breath, many brothers and sisters did not get together for a long time.

The oriole suddenly remembered something: "I heard that God's health is getting worse and worse, and I can't sleep with a headache for several nights."

Ye Tianlong's movements were slightly stagnant, and then he sighed helplessly. Although the toxin in the god's body was resolved by himself, his body was also the end of the battle.

It is a miracle that the gods can live up to now, and the rest of the day is almost a day to earn a day.

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head: "When I arrive in Australia, I will prescribe a prescription for the god, so that he can reduce the pain a little."

The Oriole hesitated and asked: "Ye Shao, if the gods leave in the future, who are you going to let take over the magic sword gate?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "There is no candidate for the time being. The city of Australia is an important place. We need brothers who are capable and loyal."

He rubbed his nose hit by the strong perfume, looked at the oriole and asked in a low voice, "Do you have a suitable candidate in your heart?"

"I don't have anyone to choose."

The oriole exhaled a long breath: "I just thought that the **** is not in good health, so I came up with this idea on a whim, but I heard that Tiger Shark's cousin wants to be in position."

Ye Tianlong's smile became playful: "Tiger Shark's cousin?"

The oriole nodded slightly: "Yes, his name is Chen Yaoyang, the former bearer in the West District of Port City."

"Later, the magic knife gate needed manpower to enter the major casinos, so two thousand elites were transferred from Hong Kong City to join, and Chen Yaoyang also brought the backbone to Australia City."

"Seeing that he is capable, he is still a relative of Tiger Shark, so he gave him the important task of the main hall and let him enter the Baojia Casino."

"Chen Yaoyang gained a firm foothold because of this, but he also became arrogant and arrogant because of the admiration of all parties."

"Especially seeing the gods are weak and lacking courage, and gradually they don't take them seriously."

"It is rumored that he is under the banner of Tiger Shark's backing, telling people everywhere that he is the next master of the sacred sword."

"Moreover, he also likes to make things difficult for the crew or singers who go to the Australian city to film. The second and third-tier actresses who are targeted by him almost have to sleep with him for two or three days.

"Otherwise the crew or activities will be difficult to proceed."

"Once when he was drunk and molested Yuan Sako, if it was not Yuan Sako's face, he was probably killed by Yuan Sako."

The oriole told Ye Tianlong of the contradiction between the magic sword gate without a trace, because Chen Yaoyang involved tiger sharks, and Ye Tianlong needed to deal with this contradiction.

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes when he heard the words: "It seems that going smoothly is really not a thing. It is always easy for people to lose their minds and think that the **** is the second child."

The cardinal said softly: "Ye Shao, should I tell Tiger Shark and let him take care of Chen Yaoyang or transfer back to Hong Kong City?"

"No, I will handle it myself."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "If he is really evil, I will sink him in front of the tiger shark."

The siskin nodded slightly: "Understood."

After stopping the conversation, Ye Tianlong took a look at the cabin and found that everyone was closing their eyes to rest, so he also adjusted the seat and prepared to sleep for a while.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

At this moment, a woman's sharp voice sounded: "What is the seat down for? Don't you know how to squeeze our space like this?"

"In public places, I only care about my own comfort and ignore the feelings of others. Is there a sense of ethics?"

The hard, stern voice came from behind Ye Tianlong's seat:

"Hurry up and adjust the seat back."

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