Talented Genius

Chapter 2580: Let's start

Half an hour later, the crew evacuated from the dock restaurant to make up the remaining shots. The crew also withdrew, and the restaurant resumed business.

"Oh, today, the teachers are moving, the most important shots were not completed, and millions of dollars were lost."

"No way, who made the sister Ling who Xie Zuiyi annoyed be angry? That's the result of her bad mood."

"That's the same with Xie Zuiyi. After enduring it eight times, he can't endure the last time? Will he die if he endures one more time? I don't know how to come in..."

"I heard that it was introduced by Director Zhang Qingmen. Think about it, if it's not a backdoor relationship, can this inland girl come in for filming?"

"I really miss the time when the Mishima Circle decided the right to speak. All the inland people have their tails in their lives, whether they are supporting actors or protagonists..."

"Yeah, back then, the mainland hero played in Wudang Mountain. He was the number one male. He earned ninety yuan a month for shooting. I am a small officer and soldier, five thousand a month."

"I eat tenderloin, he eats sweet potato porridge, I live in a standard room, he lives in an eight-person room..."

Although Xie Zuiyi was the victim, no one dared to criticize Xiao Lingling, so everyone could only blame Xie Zuiyi for letting the crew return without success.

If Xie Zuiyi hadn't offended Xiao Lingling, how could she deliberately make things difficult so that the crew could not shoot?

Therefore, except for a few words of encouragement from Director Liu Jing to Xie Zuiyi, everyone else glanced at Xie Zuiyi with mocking eyes, and then left together.

Several actresses with a bit of coffee sneered even more, and left the words "go back to buy milk powder if you don't know how to act".

Xie Zuiyi was not angry or fighting, and seemed to be used to the snobbery of this circle.

She simply removed her makeup, packed her things, and then got into her Audi car, ready to start the car and leave.

"The wound should be treated before leaving."

At this time, the car door was opened, and a person got into the passenger seat. Ye Tianlong was holding a medicine box, and then watched Xie Zuiyi speak.

Xie Zuiyi was taken aback, then smiled: "Ye Shao, why are you here?"

Ye Tianlong opened the first aid kit: "I happened to be passing by. I saw you were filming, so I took a few more glances."

Xie Zuiyi expressed an apology: "Then you saw it just now? Sorry, I let you down."

"It's not your fault, it's Xiao Lingling's fault, she deliberately fixed you."

Ye Tianlong took out the alcohol and hemostatic patch, and then took Xie Zuiyi's hand: "Come on, I'll treat the wound for you."

"Thank you, Shao Ye, but I'm fine, a little injury, it doesn't matter."

Xie Zuiyi seemed to be worried that Ye Tianlong saw his wounds: "I will go back to the hotel and apply hot water to apply it."

"do not move."

Ye Tianlong's eyes widened and stopped Xie Zuiyi from retracting his arm: "The wound should be treated in time, and hot water is useless."

"I have trauma medicine."

When Xie Zuiyi's cheeks were reddening and let Ye Tianlong handle it, Ye Tianlong slowly rolled up her sleeves, only to see a **** mouth at the bottom of her white elbow.

It's not big, it's just the hole in a nail. It was obviously punctured by a rivet, but the wound was not big, but the elbow was extremely red and swollen, with seven or eight bruises.

The rolled up clothes are tight.

"That woman was really ruthless."

Ye Tianlong treated Xie Zuiyi's wounds carefully: "Plastic swinging sticks beat you like this, and replacing them with iron sticks will probably kill you."

"I don't know where to offend her."

Xie Zuiyi smiled bitterly: "She has always been a big name, she will come if she wants, she won't come if she doesn't come, and whoever wants to toss will be tossed."

"Although I can't understand her behavior and feel sorry for the crew, but the director and investors did not say about her, so I didn't talk too much."

There was a touch of confusion in her eyes: "I didn't expect to escape her bullying."

Xie Zuiyi didn't know where he had offended Xiao Lingling, letting the latter target him like this, even hurting himself with falsehood.

Ye Tianlong put a hemostatic sticker on her: "Are you wronged? Have you ever thought of leaving this circle?"

Xie Zuiyi smiled and took the topic: "I feel wronged a little bit, but I have never thought about leaving this circle."

"Besides I signed a ten-year sales agreement with Tianlong Entertainment, there is even this point of grievance that I can't bear. What can I do in the future?"

"And think about the older brother Hua, who was filmed with a gun to his head, and Brother Long was forced to kneel in public..."

"They shame me ten times a hundred times, and they have survived the same way?"

"If you don't experience wind and rain, how can you see a rainbow?"

"Even if I withdraw from this circle in the future, it will be after my success, rather than retreat by a little setback."

Xie Zuiyi revealed a sense of tenacity.

She chooses this choice, and she will work hard to persevere, no matter whether it is fair or not, she will try her best to adapt and not to disappoint Ye Tianlong's appreciation.

"Yes, I have personality and good mentality."

Ye Tianlong showed a touch of approval, and then the conversation changed: "But you can't be bullied or isolated arbitrarily like this, I will let Yaoyao..."

"Trust me, I can hold it."

Xie Zuiyi smiled: "And don't you think that if you feel a little bit angry and suffer a little bit, can you grow better in this circle?"

"Experiencing the ups and downs and the scorching state of the world, you can easily control the roles in the play, otherwise you have not experienced that emotion, how can you perform?"

Hearing her say this, Ye Tianlong smiled helplessly and stopped insisting.


At this time, Xie Zuiyi's mobile phone vibrated, she opened it and glanced, her pretty face added a smile, turned to look at Ye Tianlong: "Are you free today?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Yes."

"Go, accompany me back to the hotel to change clothes, I will take you to a party later."

Xie Zuiyi's smile turned bright: "I will show you, I am not without friends in the entertainment industry."

"The three Xiaohuadans from the mainland are all familiar with me..."

Ye Tianlong did not refuse Xie Zuiyi's invitation. Apart from having nothing to do for the time being, he also wanted to learn more about Xie Zuiyi's circle status.

Because Xie Zuiyi's arm was injured, Ye Tianlong let her sit in the passenger seat and drove to the destination Dynasty Bar Street.

At almost the same moment, an Oriental cargo ship arrived on the waters of Australia City. In addition to the cargo, there were more than 30 people standing on it.

More than 30 people were dressed in gray costumes with bulging waists, as if they were hiding weapons.

Among them are several Western men, with indifferent expressions and arrogant expressions, flowing with the tempered breath of blood.

Zhao Dongfeng, dressed in white, stood on the bow of the ship with his hands on his back, looking at the Australian city in his vision, with a grin on his face:

"Ye Tianlong, Chen Yaoyang, don't you think of it? The old man is back again."

He hummed heavily: "Play with me, you are still a little tender."

Zhao Chenchen came up from behind and said in a low voice: "Father, all the procedures have been completed, and I also spent 30 million RBI in Australia."

"Now this ship can freely enter and exit the three major ports of Australia. The current Minister of the National Police also allows you to temporarily lead the investigation of the sister squadron."

"Neither the Australian City Police nor Qin Ziyi will hinder what you are doing."

"The only people who can terminate your power are three global inspectors and two directors and deputies, and they can't be so coincidental in Australia City."

There was a ruthless look in her eyes: "It's time to seek justice for my sister and them."

Zhao Chenchen turned his head and glanced behind him, and fell on a few western men, with the corners of his mouth upturned, with an indescribable arrogance.

Something to do.

Zhao Dongfeng pointed his finger forward: "Let's start..."

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