Talented Genius

Chapter 2581: You will regret it

When Zhao Dongfeng returned to Australia in a spirited manner, Ye Tianlong was taking Xie Zuiyi, who had finished changing his clothes, and drove slowly towards Dynasty Bar Street.

After removing the makeup, Xie Zuiyi wore a set of denim clothes, denim top, denim skirt, plus a pair of flat shoes, simple and energetic.

In the moving car, she **** her long hair and joked to Ye Tianlong: "The party tonight was organized by Yang Shenghua."

Ye Tianlong tilted his head slightly: "Yang Shenghua? Is that the little Huadan who specializes in costume plays?"

Xie Zuiyi smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's her. I didn't expect you to know her existence."

"She happened to be doing commercials in Australia in the last few days, so she organized a gathering of familiar people in the circle to warm up the bar where she invested."

"The party level is not high-end, not as good as your circle, but those sisters are pretty good, I hope you can bear a little more."

The purpose of her pulling Ye Tianlong over here was not to make him accompany her to be courageous. She wanted to introduce Ye Tianlong to some good friends.

Xie Zuiyi knew very well that as long as those friends were favored by Ye Tianlong, their careers would rise to a higher level in the future.

Ye Tianlong laughed: "Who do you think of me? Do you think I am a person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich?"

"As long as there is food to eat, wine to drink, and beautiful women to watch, I feel like New Year."

Ye Tianlong smiled leisurely: "And I am more curious about your circle, and want to see your private life."

"Actually, it is not much different from normal people. There are emotions, six desires, eating, drinking and having fun, but the temptation is a little bit more."

Xie Zuiyi went on to play out: "But because of the public image, many times you need to restrain your words and deeds, and you can't act rashly."


Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded, then curiously asked: "Do you really have friendship with Sanxiaohuadan?"

Xie Zuiyi nodded honestly: "Yes, we have known each other for half a year, and we have been together several times and they have treated me well."

"I met them at the director Zhang's appreciation reception. I have a big gap with them, so I didn't want to make friends with them at first."

"It was they who came up to meet me on the initiative. They not only exchanged business cards with me, but also reminded me of the precautions in the circle."

"Afterwards, I ate a few times together. I can't talk about the deep friendship of heart and soul, but it can be regarded as my most intimate friend in the circle."

She smiled with self-deprecating smile: "Of course, my existence is also a little green, but compared to the Hong Kong and Taicheng circles, they are pretty good."

After listening to these words, Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded, how much he could guess why San Xiaohuadan had a relationship with Xie Zuiyi.

Zhang Qingmen's movie last year became the biggest dark horse, sweeping the entire Chinese film industry at the box office, and he has also risen to become a top director.

Zhao Yaoyao once said that Zhang Qingmen was sought after by countless capitals last year, and many people paid a lot of money to ask him to direct the play.

Similarly, there are countless stars who hope to become the protagonist of Zhang Qingmen's next movie, even if they are paid for nothing or join the group with money, they are willing to film his movie.

Sanxiao Huadan is also eager to squeeze in to complete the final leap.

Therefore, San Xiaohuadan saw that Zhang Qingmen treated Xie Zuiyi well, and hoped to approach her to get Zhang Qingmen's appreciation.

Seeing Ye Tianlong not speaking, Xie Zuiyi smiled and changed his conversation: "By the way, how did you withdraw from the entertainment industry?"

"Sister Yao said, as long as you like it, you can become popular in an instant, and you can conjure the gods with your voice."

"Why don't you come out to the entertainment circle again?"

She joked: "I can also follow you in the future."

Ye Tianlong smiled bitterly when he heard the words, "I want to be eye-catching too, but unfortunately there is too little time."

"I quit Huaxia Good Voice halfway through, and I can't help the audience and Yaoyao. If I don't have enough time, I won't go in and play temporarily."

Last year, Ye Tianlong sang a few songs on a whim, not only breaking a blood path in China Good Voice, but also winning praise from countless audiences.

Zhao Yaoyao also hoped that Ye Tianlong would win the championship, but it was a pity that Ye Tianlong had to withdraw from the competition in the end because of his battles.

To this end, Ye Tianlong also gave the copyright to the organizers for free to quell their complaints and disappointments with the audience.

Ye Tianlong is very sorry for this, so there is not enough free time, he will not go to the entertainment circle for the time being to mix up, so as not to burden everyone.

"A lot of people squeeze their heads and want to come in, but you are born with a good voice and disdain. It's a bit violent."

Xie Zuiyi smiled lightly and said: "But I also understand you. If you can't give the audience the greatest happiness, don't expect them."

Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up: "Long live understanding."

Xie Zuiyi smiled, then his eyelids twitched, and he screamed, "Be careful."

A few Cadillacs suddenly rushed out at the intersection ahead, without warning, and they were driving side by side. The road seemed to be driven by their home.


Ye Tianlong caught the clue in time, turned the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator, and drew an arc to avoid the front of the car.

The reason why I didn't stop there was because I was worried that I would be hit by a car behind after I stopped, while also avoiding Cadillac's containment.

Who knows if the other party is rushing to himself?

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong slowly stopped in front, spying on Cadillac's intentions, and he also pressed Xie Zuiyi's body to avoid injury.

Ye Tianlong swiftly avoided the opponent's impact, but the Mercedes behind had no time to brake and banged into the door of a Cadillac.

In the loud noise, the Mercedes-Benz headlights shattered, the Cadillac's doors collapsed, and then they turned to a stop.

Then, the other three Cadillacs were also parked on the side of the road, the door opened, and a dozen men and women in Chinese clothes emerged, moving quickly towards the crashed car.

They kept shouting:

"Wang Shao, Wang Shao, are you okay?"

"Wang Shao, are you hurt?"

"Call an ambulance..."

The hit Cadillac was quickly pulled away by them, and a round-faced youth wearing sunglasses came out with a red and swollen forehead and a gloomy expression.

He looked at the car he had crashed, and his eyes were even more angry.

At the same time, a young man with long hair emerged from the Mercedes-Benz, wearing a jade bracelet and bleeding from his jaw. He pointed to the round-faced man with a rage:

"Asshole, how did you drive?"

He angrily accused the round-faced youth: "Suddenly came out, want to scare me to death?"

The round-faced youth was also furious: "I always drive like this. You are blind and can't stop. You hit me and you dare to yell, do you want to die?"

Although the long-haired young man was single-handed, he was not afraid of the round-faced young man and took out a baseball bat from the car:


He was angrily: "Believe it or not, I abolished you?"

"Do you want to do it?"

The round-faced youth sneered: "I will teach you how to behave, brothers, beat him."

Following his instructions, five or six accomplices rushed up with the guy, surrounded the long-haired young man with murderous aura, preparing to beat him wildly.

The long-haired young man waved his club angrily and repelled the opponent who was close to him a few steps, but he was ultimately weak and lonely.

After the long-haired young man swung his club a few times, he was kicked to the ground by the opponent, and then received dozens of punches and kicks on his body, making him scream.

The round-faced youth watched this scene triumphantly, drew out a cigarette and inhaled: "I don't know whether to live or die, hit, hit me hard."

"You wait, I will take revenge..."

The long-haired young man protects his head, without the ability to resist, but still rebellious:

"You will regret it..."

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