Talented Genius

Chapter 2897: Commit suicide in fear of sin (four more)

Ye Tianlong ignored Shi Bing, who left in despair.

People always have to learn to mature and grow up. He has been guilty of being a man, and trying to fish in troubled waters from Confucius is even more an idiot.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong was not surprised that Shi Bing suffered this blow, but he did not fall into the trap. This woman is not worthy of another footstep.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ye Tianlong sent out a few photos and messages, and then continued to talk to Confucius and the others, and enjoyed the whole afternoon.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, when Ye Tianlong was slumbering, Wang Gebi was honoring Wang Gobi and asked him to enter Rong's study.

I don't know why, when he stepped in, Glory felt that the temperature in the study was cold, as if he had entered an ice cave.

"Does Lin Miaomiao mean what you mean?"

Without any nonsense, Rong Shengli snorted with a majestic expression, making his eyelids unstoppable.

Afterwards, Glory bit his lip and nodded: "Lin Miaomiao and I were born and died for fifteen years. Her meaning can represent my meaning."

Lin Miaomiao has always stood in his position and considered his interests, so what Lin Miaomiao did, Glory believed that he would not want to go with him.


As soon as the voice of glory fell, Rong Shengli slapped over.

With a big palm like a fan, he slapped the glory four or five meters away, hitting the wall at the door, and stopped. When he stood up, half of his face was swollen.

"Stand here!"

Rong Shengli's voice sank.


Glory pulled the corner of his mouth and feet together, standing back in front of Rong Shengli, standing straight.


Rong Shengli slapped him away again.

Glory stand back again.


Rong Shengli slapped him again.

After three slaps, his cheeks were swollen, but he endured the pain and quickly stood up and stood back in front of Rong Shengli.

The chief official in Xinjiang was like a child at this moment, afraid to have the slightest confrontation and counterattack.

Wang Gobi had been standing by the side, did not stop or give any advice, as if he had nothing to do with him.

"Do you know why I beat you?"

After three slaps, Rong Shengli asked the second sentence.

Glory squeezed out two words: "I don't know!"


Rong Shengli slapped again and slapped the glory out again.

Glory held his cheeks and stood up, standing back again.

Rong Shengli asked again: "I didn't know if I slapped you four times?"

Glory's cheeks were sore, he thought for a while and responded: "Now I know..."


"You know you will be beaten and you dare to do it, are you really looking for death?"

In a shout of anger, Rong Shengli slapped the past again.

Glory flew out again, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, showing the strength of Rong Shengli.

Wang Gebi took out a paper currency and handed it to Rong Shengli to wipe his fingers.

"Dad, let me tell you the truth, I really don't know why you hit me?"

Glory knelt at the same place this time: "You can hit me and kill me, but please give me one to understand? I really don't know what's going on?"

"Is it related to Lin Miaomiao? Did she do something wrong?"

"You tell me things, no matter whether she is wrong or not, I am willing to take responsibility..."

He was beaten up and confused, and his heart was incomparably tormented. He didn't know what went wrong, so he could only wonder if Lin Miaomiao did something privately.

Rong Shengli put his hands on his back, not angry but majestic: "Did you instigate Xing Tianjiao to deal with Ye Tianlong?"

The corner of Glory's mouth pulled: "Yes, April is my son, Miao Miao is my beloved, they are suffering, I can't do nothing."

"I can't do it, nor can the Rong family do it, so I stimulated Xing Tianjiao."

He finished in one breath: "I hope she can teach Ye Tianlong a little lesson, even if she can't teach Ye Tianlong, she can add some obstacles to Ye Tianlong."

He did not deny this. The woman and son were humiliated and trampled. If he did not seek justice, he would soon be accused of weakness and incompetence.

In this way, the toughness and iron blood established over the years are gone.

Rong Shengli asked: "After Xing Tianjiao lost his hand, did you ask people to kill Xing Tianjiao and try to cause Qixingmen to fight with Ye Tianlong?"

His eyes became sharp, like a sword, straight into the heart of glory.

"Miekou Xing Tianjiao? Causing the murder of Shanmen and Ye Tianlong?"

Glory shook his head: "This is absolutely nothing. Although Xing Tianjiao is innocent, her character is absolutely reliable. Even if she died, she would not betray me."

"And I didn't directly order her to kill Ye Tianlong, I just cried and complained in front of her, and took out photos of severed hands to stimulate."

"There is no evidence at all that I instigated."

Although he deliberately asked Xing Tianjiao to be cannon fodder, Cunning Glory did not leave the tail at all, but only used the female sympathy to stimulate the teacher.

He looked at Rong Shengli with a firm gaze: "It is even more impossible to cause Shanmen to kill Ye Tianlong."

"Rong Shiyue's severed hand is enough for the Seven Star Gate to regard Ye Tianlong as a thorn in his eye. Why should I take the risk and kill him?"

"You know, Xing Tianjiao is a lover. Once the matter of killing her is revealed, not only will I be chased by the Seven Stars, but you will also be driven out of the house."

Glory straightened his chest and shouted: "I can swear to God, I definitely did not send anyone to assassinate Xing Tianjiao."

Rong Shengli snorted, "Is it not your problem?"

Glory shook his head: "No."

With Rong Shengli's head slightly tilted, Wang Gobi turned on the projector and opened a few photos from Ye Tianlong.

Lin Miaomiao's contact with the gangster.

Rong Shengli pointed his finger: "This woman, you should be no stranger? It is your good old friend Lin Miaomiao."

"The other man was one of the five bandits who besieged Xing Tianjiao. After the attack failed, he immediately contacted Lin Miaomiao."

He snorted: "You are fine, that is Lin Miaomiao has a problem."

Glory eyes widened invisibly: "How is this possible? How could Miao Miao know the gangster?"

"Does she feel aggrieved. After Xing Tianjiao missed her hand, she couldn't figure it out for a while, so she violated my instructions and killed Xing Tianjiao against Ye Tianlong?"

He struggled very much: "I told her that we can't do anything to Ye Tianlong, at least there shouldn't be such a move..."

"Regardless of whether this matter has anything to do with you, as long as Lin Miaomiao has contact with the gangster, then you can't get rid of it."

Rong Shengli's eyes were cold: "Everyone will think you are behind the scenes."

Glory is very entangled: "Dad, give me some time to investigate this matter. Whether or not Miao Miao is doing it alone, I am willing to take the responsibility..."

Rong Shengli walked back to his position: "No, I will let your eldest brother pick up Lin Miaomiao."


At this moment, the door of the room was knocked gently, and glory appeared silently at the door:

"Lin Miaomiao committed suicide in fear of crime..."

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