Talented Genius

Chapter 2898: Top Ten Master

Ye Tianlong woke up at five o'clock in the sleep, after washing in the water and clouds, he changed into a set of clean clothes.

He had just made a pot of black tea and drank it when someone knocked on the door of the room, and then saw the white wolf appear.


The White Wolf did not speak any nonsense. He raised his left hand and whizzed with a knife, moving eight times, with an indescribable sharpness.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly, and moved his upper body eight times, calmly avoiding eight sharp swords, unscathed.

It's just that there are eight more traces on the wall behind, showing the superb swordsmanship of the white wolf.

"Yes, it's a little better than half a year ago."

Ye Tianlong gave a compliment: "In two years at most, you can make nine changes in one stroke."

The White Wolf lowered his hand with a sharp weapon, and there was a wry smile on his face: "It is indeed a little progress, but it is too slow compared to you."

"Half a year ago, you still stood to avoid my attack, but now you sit to avoid me."

"It's not that I don't work hard, but you are too strong."

He shook his head, very depressed. For the past two years, he has been working hard to practice martial arts, hoping to narrow the distance from Ye Tianlong, but the disparity is getting bigger and bigger.

"Don't think so."

Ye Tianlong said with relief: "I am a genius, and there will be no one in a century. It is normal for you not to catch up with me."

"Furthermore, you are almost at the helm between water and clouds, martial arts is of little significance to you."

He touched his fingers: "Silver is king."

"This can only be said to be fate. Originally, I only wanted to be a warrior, but in the end I was turned into a clubhouse watchdog and also participated in the spy net between Shuiyun."

The white wolf sighed softly: "Two years have passed, the old and the old, retiring, I, a soy sauce figure, fell into the helm of water and clouds."

"It's a trick of God."

He reached out and turned off several monitors on the wall, making it impossible to see any movement in the room.

"I think it's fine now, at least you can live a peaceful life."

Ye Tianlong smiled and patted the white wolf on the shoulder, then turned to ask: "Anything in the capital recently?"

The white wolf smiled and said: "For the capital, no movement is the eternal theme, otherwise how can the first ring of the capital and the five major families live?"

"If you have to say something eye-catching, it is Rong Shengli's 60th birthday."

The white wolf added: "Not only will the Rong family brothers come back this time, but the Rong family Lafayette will also appear."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "I know, Jia Mingzhu."

White Wolf smiled and said, "It seems that your news is not bad, yes, Lafayette is Jia Mingzhu."

"Jia Mingzhu is the benefactor of the Rong family and the hostess. Although she has been away from home for many years, she has always been in the palace and no one dares to disobey."

The White Wolf took a seat next to Ye Tianlong: "On the day he fell ill, the famous doctors in the entire capital passed by, no less than Zhao Lao was seriously ill."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You have also worked **** Jia Mingzhu."

Bai Maolang directly admitted: "Of course, I spent a lot of energy paying attention to Jia Mingzhu over the years, and also studying her master Miaozhen Shitai."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Master Miaozhen is too old to calculate, it seems to be more than ninety years old, and hasn't appeared for many years. He should be dead, right?"

"Why do you study a dead person?"

He joked: "The secret to longevity?"

"She did die, but she didn't die in her nineties, she died at the age of eighty-one."

The white wolf sits upright slightly: "Master Miaozhen is a rare martial arts genius. He reached the Ninth Stage Realm at the age of 30, and he is not inferior to you."

"However, in the next fifty years she was stuck at the Ninth Rank, and she couldn't break through for a long time. Whether she was traveling around the world or practicing in retreat, she couldn't break through."

"The cultivation base at the age of eighty-one is not much different from that at the age of thirty."

Bai Maolang smiled and said: "And because of her lack of access to world affairs, her existence has gradually faded, and young warriors have more of her as a legend."

Hearing this, Ye Tianlong felt somewhat sympathetic. Although he knew that martial arts talents **** hard work, he still couldn’t be diligent for fifty years.

"Unexpectedly, on the night of the eighty-one birthday, one night of enlightenment, breaking the 9th and a half ranks, the peak of the 9th rank, and the tenth rank at dawn.

The White Wolf became excited, as if he was soaring overnight, and he couldn't wait for it to happen too.

Ye Tianlong was surprised when he heard the words: "So powerful? Break through the three realms overnight and enter the tenth rank?"


Bai Maolang nodded: "She hasn't made any progress in fifty years of penance, but at the age of eighty-one she had an epiphany and became a top ten master."

Ye Tianlong asked, "What then?"

The white wolf looked strange: "Then...dead..."

"After Master Miaozhen entered the tenth rank, the entire Eshan Gate was joyous, and felt that Eshan Gate was about to take off and would become invincible in the world."

The white wolf told what happened back then: "But three days later, Master Miaozhen passed away too much."


Ye Tianlong sprayed a sip of tea on the ground: "Passed?"

What is this grandma's? Thirty-year-old, ninth grade, fifty years of asceticism without a breakthrough, finally enlightened the Tao overnight, and passed away three days later, play?

"Yes, it's dead."

The White Wolf was very solemn: "She passed away on the top of the mountain. Although some people ranted and soared, everyone knew that she couldn't hang up anymore."

"On that day, Miaozhen's junior sister, the host of Eshanmen, passed away, and the two sisters were reunited."

"But the Eshan gate here is very embarrassing. The happy event that was originally to be celebrated has become a futile matter, and they don't know how to do it without a leader."

"In the end, Jia Mingzhu presided over the overall situation and cremated Miaozhen and the head in a low-key manner."

"Jia Mingzhu also got all of Master Miaozhen's things, which is why I became interested in Jia Mingzhu."

He told his thoughts: "Although Master Miaozhen has only been a 10-rank master for three days, I think this time is enough for her to leave valuable information."

"So Jia Mingzhu may have the experience of a top ten master, and she might even become a hidden master because of this."

"Otherwise, how could you not be Mrs. Rong's family and suffer and suffer at Eshanmen?"

Bai Maolang showed his brain power to Ye Tianlong, there was nothing he could do, he had never seen a rank ten master, so he paid attention to his apprentices.

Ye Tianlong lowered his head and drank a sip of tea. Although he didn't think that the tenth-grade experience existed, Jia Mingzhu could be turned into a tenth-grade. This was almost impossible to replicate.

However, he still showed a slight interest in the story. He didn't expect that Master Miao Zhen, who was a mess of mandarin ducks, had also been a Ten-Rank master for three days.

It's a pity that he is already dead, otherwise he must find a chance to meet.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you."

The White Wolf remembered something and lowered his voice: "I just heard a news, I guess you will be interested."

Seeing the dignity of the white wolf, Ye Tianlong showed a hint of curiosity: "What news?"

"Lin Miaomiao committed suicide in fear of crime..."

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