Talented Genius

Chapter 2899: See the road

The news that Lin Miaomiao committed suicide made Ye Tianlong slightly surprised. He didn't expect that his knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, but let Lin Miaomiao go to ruin.

He felt that there was something in it, but the white wolf couldn't provide much information, so he had to send a message to the oriole, asking him to check the matter.

Ye Tianlong did not stay with the White Wolf for too long. After learning about some conditions in the capital, he asked the White Wolf to go back to take care of the clubhouse, and he was also preparing to leave.

Five minutes later, Canshou came to pick up Ye Tianlong, and Ye Tianlong got into the car and left.

At this moment, when the lanterns first came on, the lights of the capital came on successively, illuminating the road, and suggesting the arrival of night.

"How about Wu Drunk?"

As the car was moving forward, Ye Tianlong asked, after the explosion in the Lan County locker room yesterday, he let people transfer Tang Wuzui secretly.

He didn't want Tang Wuzui to know the calculations behind the bracelet, nor did he want her to be the **** of the black hand behind the scenes again.

"she's fine."

Canshou turned the steering wheel while taking over Ye Tianlong's topic:

"I was transferred to Longmen Hospital for treatment. It is a place dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of the high-level Longmen. There will be no outsiders except the backbone of Longmen."

"So Tang Wuzui is safe for the time being."

Canshou added: "In three days, I will send someone back to the border to keep her away from the whirlpool of Beijing."

Ye Tianlong nodded in satisfaction: "Very good."

Canshou drove the car steadily: "Bai Lihua also found a few people close to Mu Guosheng, and dug out his grudges and Glory from them."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly: "What kind of grudge?"

Canshou said softly: "Mu Guosheng said that he had hidden more than 15 billion in secret before he was arrested."

"He would rather go to jail for fifteen years without telling him, just wanting to give himself and his family a fulfillment for the rest of his life."

"15 billion fifteen years ago, enough for three generations to enjoy."

"In order not to search for this money from the Disciplinary Department, and to make it safer and more circulated, Mu Guosheng bought bearer bonds and deposited them in a Swiss bank."

"He also asked Glory to keep and manage the money for him, and all the authority and contacts are also given to him."

"Mu Guosheng said to those people who worked so hard, let them fully cooperate with Glory for everything."

"Whoever dares to be disrespectful to Glory or stumble, he will let anyone enter the prison to accompany him, after all, he has too many handles in his hand."

"This also established the position of Glory on the border."

Canshou told everything: "When he was in prison, Mu Guosheng entrusted his wife and daughter to take care of him."

Ye Tianlong nodded slightly: "It seems that Mu Guosheng is pretty good to Honor."

Although there is an element of the Rong family in this arrogance, it may be that the two sides traded to save his life, but it can not erase his knowledge and trust in Honor.

Otherwise, how could Mu Guosheng let him take care of 15 billion?

"Mu Guosheng has been out for 15 years..."

Canshou continued the topic just now: "It turns out that his wife has become the mistress of Glory, his daughter is also called Godfather of Glory, and the name of the cigarette factory has been changed."

"Fifteen billion is even more completely swallowed. To be more precise, it is 30 billion. In 15 years, the value of bonds has already doubled."

"Although Glory is sorry to Mu Guosheng, but Mu Guosheng, who has seen everything thoroughly, didn't die at first, just looking for glory to get back 10 billion."

"For people like Mu Guosheng, with 10 billion in hand, he can make a comeback at any time and become the king of the border again."

"It's just that Glory killed him and didn't admit that he had the money. He only offered to give Mu Guosheng one million in retirement, and he asked him to go abroad to settle and not stay in China."

"He also cut off contact after two communications and only let Lin Miaomiao deal with Mu Guosheng's claim."

"Mu Guosheng was beaten seven or eight times by Lin Miaomiao, and once he used a car accident to frighten him. If he hadn't had Mu Guosheng's name, he would have been killed."

Canshou told Ye Tianlong all the information: "Mu Guosheng couldn't withstand this blow, so he went crazy and hijacked the plane to talk."

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "Although I want to say that Mu Guosheng is a bastard, glory is not a good thing..."

He was ashamed of this uncle.

Then, he frowned and asked again: "Glory has occupied so many things, you should know that one day you will meet the king."

"According to his character and methods, he should kill Mu Guosheng in prison. How could he be given a chance to come out of prison to find himself?"

He had a hint of concern: "At least, glory can make Mu Guosheng sentence more years."

Canshou took the topic: "Bai Lihua also considered this issue, so she also checked it and asked someone to check it."

"In the past fifteen years, Mu Guosheng has had more than 30 dangerous situations, either in a fight and being hit by someone breaking his ribs and bleeding, or he was hit by a leak while making clothes."

"The most serious time, when he was digging a hill, he was almost killed by a stone."

"It's just that despite more than 30 dangerous situations, Mu Guosheng ordered Dafu to escape. Either he found out the clues in time, or his inmates helped solve them."

Canshou smiled: "In short, Mu Guosheng is just like Castro, extremely dangerous but safe."

Ye Tianlong thoughtfully: "So amazing?"

Canshou hesitated for a while: "It's not so magical, Bailihua said, she suspects that there is another force to protect Mu Guosheng."

"It's not just to protect his safety in prison, it's also a contest on the sentence."

"The prison has made five excuses to impose additional sentences on Mu Guosheng. Even half a year before he was released from prison, he still filed a report. Mu Guosheng is a dangerous person."

Canshou sighed: "But the court didn't approve..."

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up slightly: "Someone protects Mu Guosheng? What's the point? If you really want to protect, why don't you help at the airport?"

"I don't know this."

Canshou gently shook his head: "Maybe, his value is drained..."

Ye Tianlong's expression stagnated, thinking of the explosion in the locker room, the death of Lin Miaomiao, the hands of Rong Siyue, and the increasingly muddy situation...


The car stopped when passing the Houhai Bar in the capital, waiting for the traffic lights to change.

Ye Tianlong also dropped the car window, feeling the night wind blowing, making himself more sober.


At this moment, he smelled a familiar fragrance, frowned slightly and looked up, seeing Shi Bing swaying past him.

Tall, graceful, exquisite face, white legs, especially sultry in this night.

In addition to the fragrance of perfume, her body also has a strong smell of alcohol. It is obvious that she has drunk a lot, and her mouth is still burning:

"Go away, go away for this lady, get out of it all."

She staggered towards her car: "This lady will have a drink, and all the flies are stuck..."

"President Shi, where are you going? Where is my car."

At this moment, another young man with a flat head ran over, took Shi Bing who was walking towards the red BMW, and walked to the nanny car at the other end, smiling evilly:

"Let’s say yes, let’s play together..."

He pulled Shi Bing forward hard: "You can't go, you have to have fun tonight."

"Go away, go away, I won't go with you..."

Shi Bing struggled hard, but he didn't have any strength at all, and his body swayed more severely, as if he had taken medicine.


When Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes, the babysitter car also opened the door with a loud noise, and four more hands pulled Shi Bing, who he didn't want to approach.

The back seat seemed to be full, so they threw Shi Bing directly into the passenger seat.

When the door was ajar, a familiar face also caught Ye Tianlong's vision.

Ye Tianlong was joking slightly, what a coincidence:

Peng Lu.

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