Talented Genius

Chapter 2900: misunderstanding

For veterans like Ye Tianlong, he naturally knew what Peng Lu and the others were going to do.

In addition to solving the needs of the long night, there is also the handle to hold Shi Bing, and from then on, he can take his resources and contacts to the next level.

Although Ye Tianlong didn't have a good feeling for Shi Bing, he still decided to take action after seeing her being calculated, which could be regarded as making up for Xing Tianjiao.


While Ye Tianlong's thoughts were turning, the babysitter car closed the door with a bang, and then stepped on the accelerator and drove to another road.

Ye Tianlong waved his finger: "Catch up."

Canshou nodded and turned the steering wheel to follow the babysitter's car. The babysitter's car drove very fast, in a frantic situation, as if to get to the destination earlier.

However, although they had good driving skills and drove fast, they did not find any traces of the handicapped, so there was no difficulty in chasing them.

When Ye Tianlong was about to let the can hand cross over to intercept, the babysitter car suddenly turned around and drove into a splendid crystal hotel.

Canshou bit the past.

Five minutes later, Ye Tianlong saw several young people with evil smiles on Peng Lu, and he helped Shi Bing walk into an underground elevator, and then went straight upstairs.

Ye Tianlong stood at the elevator door and watched. He saw the numbers pause on the thirteenth floor, and he got into another elevator.

Soon, he appeared on the thirteenth floor. When he came out of the elevator, he happened to see Peng Lu and the others entering the end room, and closed the thick wooden door backhand.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong not only wanted to save Shi Bing, but also wanted to stab Peng Lu to save him from doing these nasty things in the future.

So Ye Tianlong turned on the phone, walked to the end with agility, and then crawled to the bedroom with the light turned on like a spider.

"Shao Peng, that's okay."

A shrill voice shouted with excitement: "Your medicine is really effective, it's cool tonight."

A duck's voice also called out: "I wanted her a long time ago, but I have never had a chance. She doesn't keep small fresh meat. I can eat meat tonight."

Peng Lu lightly snorted: "You are really short-sighted. She is only a superficial need. Our real goal is to hold her in our hands."

Duck nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, in your hand, she is the head of the two unicorns."

"Control her, not only can you enjoy her at any time, let her serve our brothers, but you can also get 800 million yuan from her company."

The shrill voice spit out heat: "A little bit again, you can also ask her to introduce people or resources, such as the sister group, the Huachen brothers."

Duck's voice hesitated and squeezed out: "But...Peng Shao, aren't you afraid that she will wake up and call the police?"

"Call the police?"

Peng Lu snorted: "Your brain is flooded? Why is she turning her face to call the police?"

"At the bar, she drank three glasses with us, which means she knew us and was willing to hook up. The bar video can show this."

"If you really call the police, as long as you bite our acquaintance, she asked for it, and we will be fine.

Peng Lu is confident: "Moreover, she has a face and a face, and she was ruined and spread out. How will she behave in the future? How will she see customers?"

"Compared with the severe damage to the reputation of himself and the company and the loss of investors' confidence, Shi Bing will definitely choose to swallow his breath."

The shrill voice nodded: "That's right, let alone Shi Bing, those models who think of themselves as high-minded, they won't be able to bear it after we take the medicine."

"They all cherish the reputation of Na Ding, let alone a big boss like Shi Bing."

He was very proud.

"Don't say so much, quickly adjust the camera, I took off my pants."

Peng Lu snorted: "Today I was so tired from filming, and I was injured, so I don't want to vent it, I won't be emotional to film tomorrow..."

In the excitement of Duck's voice and shrill voice, Ye Tianlong heard the sound of tearing his clothes.

Then there is the sound of the button.

Ye Tianlong looked through the window and found that it was not Peng Lu and the others who tore the clothes, but Shi Bing himself.

Shi Bing looked very hot, his breath was rapid, his pretty face flushed, and he kept tearing at his clothes, and the valuable Chanel quickly broke.

And her slender legs and neck showed up immediately, blooming with a seductive breath.

Dining room table, bathroom bathtub, bedside, balcony, Peng Lu smiled evilly, fantasizing about choosing those places as battlefields later.

"President Shi, you are so beautiful."

Seeing Shi Bing's attractive body, Peng Lu couldn't hold back anymore, before swallowing his mouth water: "Let us take care of you tonight."

At this time, the scene is very similar to the sad picture of the innocent girl in the film and television drama being bullied by the bad guy.

However, without the audience, no one was filled with righteous indignation, no one was sad for her, only the lost mind was waiting for the fate to tease.

It is the greatest tragedy to tear up beautiful things for others to see. Today, tragedies are unfolding.


Ye Tianlong didn't waste any more time, jumped in from the window sill and directly faced the three of them, Peng Lu, who was about to carry his gun.

"Let go of her..."

Ye Tianlong said faintly, stopping Peng Lu and the others pulling Shi Bing's hands, causing the three of them to turn their heads subconsciously.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest nonsense, he kicked three feet directly, kicked the three of Peng Lu fiercely, hit the wall and fell, fainting with blood in his mouth and nose.

Ye Tianlong took a few photos of the three of them, then took a small video of the room, and then he heard another sound of tearing clothes.

He turned his head and saw that Shi Bing was almost completely clean.

Ye Tianlong looked a little frightened.

He picked up a sheet, ready to roll up Shi Bing and leave.

But as soon as Ye Tianlong walked to the bed, he was hugged by the hot stone ice all over his body, like an octopus clinging to Ye Tianlong, as if losing his mind.

Tempting to commit crimes.

Ye Tianlong didn't take the risk of taking people. He pushed the boat along the water to take advantage. He lifted his palm and stunned Shi Bing neatly, and then wrapped her body with a sheet.

When he went out, he took two more photos of Peng Lu, and then let Red Arrow directly post them online.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tianlong put Shi Bing in the car and asked his hand to fetch a glass of clean water, then put a pill into Shi Bing's mouth.

Shi Bing ate the love potion given by Peng Lu and the others. Simply fainting is harmful to the body, so Ye Tianlong fed him a pill to remove the toxins.


A cup of clean water was poured in slowly, and Shi Bing suddenly snorted, regaining two points of consciousness, and then opened his eyes with difficulty.

In her vision, she saw Ye Tianlong's face and the cup for feeding, and then she felt that she was not wearing clothes all over.


Shi Bing instantly hit a spirit, and when he woke up, he pushed Ye Tianlong away, furious: "Ye Tianlong, what did you do to me?"

"Are you assaulting me while I was drunk? What medicine are you giving me?"

"I tell you, if you touch me, regardless of your background and status, I must seek justice."

While speaking, she got out of the car door at the fastest speed, bit her lip, and trembled all over:

"The Seven Star Gate burns with you."

Being taken away by someone who is not a future husband, for a proud woman like her, life is better than death.


Ye Tianlong closed the car door and was too lazy to explain. He waved his finger: "Go!"

The car whizzed out of the parking lot...

Shi Bing screamed furiously behind him: "Ye Tianlong, you occupy my body, I am at odds with you."

"I won't let you go..."

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