Talented Genius

Chapter 2901: Who let you go wild? (Four more)

Seeing Ye Tianlong whizzing away, Shi Bing was half dead with anger.

In addition to her feeling that Ye Tianlong absconded in fear of sin, there was also that indifference that made her angry.

When did she have been ignored by others, and she was still a vigorous man.

She also remembered Ye Tianlong's gaze just now. There was no fluctuation, no excitement, not even a glimpse at noon.

Every man looks at his eyes, there is always something in his eyes, especially when he is not a trace.

But Ye Tianlong just now was an exception.

Shi Bing was inexplicably uncomfortable, Ye Tianlong's indifferent eyes, like a thorn, pierced deeply in her heart.


Shi Bing clenched his fists subconsciously, found a reason for himself, and drank every word:

"It must be a guilty panic that concealed desire, otherwise he would not run so fast, nor would he have such a clean look."

Afterwards, she picked up the mobile phone that was thrown on the ground by Ye Tianlong and called someone to come to the parking lot to pick up herself. After the call, she wrapped her bed sheet tightly.

At the same time, she looked at the surveillance overhead...

"Ye Shao, why don't you explain to her? Show her the phone video, and she should know that you are the fault."

In the car back, Canshou glanced at the Crystal Hotel that was going away, and smiled and said, "Looking at her, I guess I will hate you."

"There is nothing to explain, I have a clear conscience enough."

Ye Tianlong kept his due calm, tapping his fingers on the car window: "And this is an opportunity for her, it depends on whether she can grasp it."

"Hold it well, she and her two unicorns will survive."

He smiled faintly: "If you don't grasp it well, not only will her company be embezzled, but it will also be difficult for her to gain a foothold in the capital."

Canshou nodded, seemingly understanding.

On the way forward, the cardinal's phone call came in and went straight to the subject: "Ye Shao, Lin Miaomiao is indeed dead and committed suicide by jumping off the building."

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly: "Really dead?"

"Yes, he died in the afternoon."

The oriole informed Ye Tianlong of the inquiry: "When the Rongguang convoy arrived downstairs in the hospital, Lin Miaomiao jumped directly from the window."

"The head is on the ground first, and the blood is on the spot. You don't even need a rescue."

The oriole whispered: "It seems that there is a ghost in her heart, and 80% of it is related to Glory, otherwise she would not be so tragically seeking death."

Ye Tianlong didn't give up and asked, "She really did the dance by herself, didn't anyone throw her down?"

The oriole nodded: "I really jumped on her own. The monitoring of the administrative building opposite can be restored. No one forced her to jump down."

"And when she jumped down, she shouted, I am guilty."

He knew what Ye Tianlong was thinking: "Rongguang, they just opened the car door at that time, and there was no time to commit the crime or contact."

"I suspect that after the bandits failed to encircle Xing Tianjiao, Lin Miaomiao was prepared to be exposed, so he committed suicide when he saw the glory appear."

The oriole gave her own judgment: "This can not only reduce the pain of being tortured, but also preserve the true glory behind the scenes."

"If Lin Miaomiao is worried about exposure, why let the culprits go to the hospital to see him?"

Ye Tianlong turned his mind: "As long as the culprits don't go to the hospital or fall into our hands, they won't be able to involve Lin Miaomiao."

"The most important point is that Rong Shengli will at best take her to confrontation, teach Honor a lesson, give me an explanation, and will not torture her and kill her."

"Her importance and value to glory are enough to save her life."

"In other words, apart from my client who wants to kill her, neither Rong Shengli nor Honor will want her to die."

He raised his head and looked forward: "She doesn't need to commit suicide at all!"

The oriole was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded: "It makes sense, but if she didn't commit suicide in fear of sin, why would she jump off the stairs?"

Canshou hesitated to squeeze out a sentence: "Maybe she is afraid of..."

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up, thoughtfully: "It's possible..."

The oriole exhaled a long breath, and then changed the conversation: "Ye Shao, regardless of the cause of Lin Miaomiao's suicide, you must first consider your own safety."

"Lin Miaomiao is dead, no matter how she died, Glory will definitely record this blood debt on you."

"After all, in his opinion, without you and Lin Miaomiao, there would be nothing behind, so you cannot shirk responsibility for her death."

"I just received a response from the brother who monitored him. He cried like a pig in the funeral home and knocked down a dozen cabinets in one go."

"You must be careful when you come in and out, I'm afraid he will smash you."

"You are naturally not afraid of your skills, but Glory has too many resources in his hands. If you really want to die together, the lethality is still great."

The oriole is jealous of Glory: "Honor is a person who is more terrifying than ordinary enemies and can bend and stretch."

"He can both lie down and be a driver without a system, but he can also stand upright as an official in Xinjiang."

"He can be a filial son who is obedient to Rong Shengli, and he can turn his face ruthlessly to give birth to his benefactor Mu Guo."

"The information I saw also showed..."

"For the relocation of the three elderly people in the mountains, the high-speed rail tunnel was started smoothly. Glory personally knelt in front of the 80-year-old woman for a day."

"He also suffered a dozen slaps from the villagers and didn't fight back, and his eardrums were almost broken by the other party, but he didn't resist at all, and tolerated it."

"Such people are much more terrifying than Lin Miaomiao who is bluffing."

The siskin gave a reminder.

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "Okay, I understand, I will be careful..."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong thought about it for a while, and then sent out a few more messages. The situation became more and more intense, and he always wanted to do something.


Ten minutes later, the car drove into the Ditianju area and was about to drive toward the door. Suddenly a white Hummer rushed out from the side, like a mad cow.

The goal was to take the position where Ye Tianlong was sitting.


Seeing the other party's bad intentions, Canshou's complexion changed, and he used both feet together, and when he stepped on the accelerator, the car screamed out and turned around half a circle.

Almost immediately after leaving the place, the white Hummer rushed over with a loud bang, rolled up a pile of dust, and flew domineering.

If you don't get away in time, Ye Tianlong's car is expected to roll out.

"Pump puff—"

When Canshou turned the front of the car and turned on the headlights to shoot directly at the opponent, four sniper gunshots sounded indifferently in the night sky.

The bullet broke through the air and hit the white Hummer tires.


With four loud noises, the tires burst, and the white Hummer's body shuddered again, and then it lost control and rolled out.

When Ye Tianlong pushed the car door to the ground, the four red dots also pointed to the man in white who crawled out...

Ye Tianlong glanced around and found that this white-clothed man was very strange. He had never dealt with him before, but he was a little bit proud of victory.

At the same time, the Zhanqinglou also walked out of it, and walked straight to the drunk white man with a gloomy expression.

The white-clothed man smeared blood on his face, he was taken aback when he saw the Zhan Qinglou, then his eyes softened: "Broth, long time no see."


Zhan Qinglou directly slapped the face and slapped the man in white directly out of five or six meters:

"Rongzong, who gave you the courage to make trouble in Ditianju?"

She flashed a shot from her right hand and poked the man in white on the forehead:

"Do you want to die?"

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