Talented Genius

Chapter 2903: divorce


Seeing Ye Tianlong shooting and overturning Rongzong to the ground, not only was Rongzong blinded, but Zhan Qinglou did not expect that it was too late to stop it.


Ye Tianlong fired another shot and shot Rong Zong who still wanted to get up again, causing him to roll for five or six meters, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

The alley was filled with smoke, and four or five pieces of armor fell on the ground, three of which had been shattered, and there were a few pieces of scorched clothes beside them.

There is no doubt that Ye Tianlong's three shots were all Rongzong's armor, which made Zhan Qinglou stop holding Ye Tianlong.

Watch the changes.

"My sister letting you go does not mean that I let you go."

Ye Tianlong carried his spear and moved forward slowly, his leather shoes slammed on the ground: "Ditianju doesn't care about you for the time being, but I like to pay attention to it."

"If you drove me into a car, if my brother had not reacted quickly, I am afraid that I will not die and will be seriously injured. You might even have your gun and exploded the car."

"So even though you didn't hurt me, but you have this heart, I need to ask for justice."

"Three shots, courtesy."

He walked in front of Rong Zong, grandpa and uncle, it was all clouds. He slowly pressed the muzzle and pressed it on Rong Zong's shoulder.

Although Ye Tianlong's three shots were in the armor and did not take Rongzong's life, the huge impact still severely injured Rongzong, and his whole body seemed to fall apart.

Therefore, when the gun was pressed, Rong Zong couldn't resist, and he lay down on the ground with a ‘plop’, his face covered in blood stains, endless embarrassment.

He raised his head and Ye Tianlong happened to look down. The two eyes were in the air, like blades passing by, as if there was a **** sound.

Rong Zong squeezed out a sentence: "So courageous...attack me behind..."

Ye Tianlong looked at Rong Zong and smiled: "Did you not hit me with a car? It's normal for me to shoot cold."

Rong Zong sneered: "You only smashed my armor, so you didn't dare to kill me, boy, you didn't kill me tonight. You must be in trouble in the future."

"No matter how the Ninth-Rank masters are capable, they may not be able to beat the resources in my hands."

There was rebelliousness in his eyes: "So you better shoot my head."

"Really? You really want to die?"

Ye Tianlong glanced at him. With this look, Leng Xian's killing intent was real, and Rong Zong almost swallowed the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Rong Zong has been wandering the rivers and lakes for decades, and he thought he had seen all kinds of big scenes, but at this moment, he was a bit solemn.

He could feel that Ye Tianlong really dared to kill him.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "I won't kill you with a single shot. It's not that I didn't dare to kill you, but that I made you die too early and unfulfilled."

"The cat and the mouse have to play three times."

"In addition, I want to tell you a few things so that you can die a little more clearly."

"First, Lin Miaomiao's death has nothing to do with me. For me today, let alone killing a Lin Miaomiao, I can retreat even after stepping on the Rong family."

"At most, I won't mix with China."

Ye Tianlong has a touch of confidence in his eyes: "So I am not afraid that the Rong family will explain to you, but I don't want to say a word from this black pot."

"Second, whether it's Lin Chenxue's departure, Rong Yina's grievances, or Rong April's injury, it's your Rong family's choice."

"If you didn't deceive others too much to deal with me, how could I oppose the Rong family?"

He asked back: "I'm full and hold on?"

Rongzong was silent subconsciously.

"Third, the Rong family is in a mess now, you shouldn't stare at me, you should check your eldest brother Rongguang."

Ye Tianlong smiled playfully: "He is by no means as simple as you think, at least, the talent and ability of others are not lost to you."

"Ye Tianlong, if you have the ability, you can blow my head. Don't instill in me those provocative words."

Rong Zong screamed: "I will never believe that my elder brother is doing things."

Seeing his face full of determination, Ye Tianlong's face flashed a touch of joking, it seems that Zhan Qinglou is right, Rong Zong is full of blind trust in blood.

"It's up to you to believe it or not. It's just that you have verified what I said in the future. You must not regret it."

Ye Tianlong's muzzle moved to Rong Zong's cheek: "Fourth, for my sister's sake, I will spare your life tonight and dare to attack me next time..."

"That's not three shots behind the back, but a direct headshot."

He said with a hint of sorrow: "Go away, tell Glory by the way, don't find me to avenge Lin Miaomiao, or he must be the one who suffers."

Rongzong's eyelids jumped, his eyes filled with cruelty.

"Rongzong, go back."

Before he could respond, Zhan Qinglou shouted: "Although Tianlong's words are harsh, I can guarantee that what he said is true."

Most of Rong Zong's brutality disappeared. He looked at the Zhan Brothel, then gritted his teeth and stood up, ignoring the blood dripping on his back, slowly walking outside.

"Sister, take someone to give him a ride."

Ye Tianlong looked at him from behind and said faintly: "Lest he be killed on the way back..."

Zhan Qinglou nodded...

When he escorted Rongzong back in the Zhan Qinglou, Ye Tianlong handed the spear to the canshou, then patted his hands and walked into the Emperor Tianju.

After passing through the deep front yard and corridor, he came to the back garden. He was about to walk into his yard, but he heard Zhao Ditian greet him:

"Tianlong, have you eaten? Come, come, drink and eat with me."

A pot of wine was warmed on the stone table, and there was also a steaming roast chicken, a dish of peanuts, a dish of dried tofu and five cucumbers.

Simple but inviting.

"Brother, are you eating so late?"

Ye Tianlong touched his stomach. Although he was not very hungry, it seemed that it was time for dinner, so he walked over carelessly:

"How do you eat these things? It's not good for your health. You should eat according to the recipe I've made."

Ye Tianlong took the roast chicken, tore a leg and chewed it up: "This roast chicken is good, the meat is tender and melts in the mouth."

Zhao Ditian smiled: "Occasionally change the taste."

"Don't change it randomly, persist in order to live longer."

Ye Tianlong nibbled the chicken legs, then picked up a cucumber and handed it to Zhao Ditian: "On the whole table, this one does not violate the rule of less oil and salt."

Zhao Ditian smiled helplessly: "I really led a wolf into the room."

"I'm doing it for you."

Ye Tianlong threw the bone on the table and tore off another chicken leg. He changed the conversation: "By the way, what is the relationship between my sister and the second youngest of the Rong family?"

"Look at her nervously."

"If I don't see that she cares about him, I will blast off Rongzong's **** to make him remember him with the Rong family."

Ye Tianlong didn't care about his blood relationship with Rongzong, so he had to give Zhan Qinglou face.

"Childhood sweetheart, two little guesses."

The old man sighed: "It's just that the Rong family pays great attention to the benefits, and Rong Zong is so filial, and finally gives up the brothel, and marries the rich provincial tycoon daughter, and becomes a Zhennan Hou."

"But this time when he comes back, it is both a birthday celebration and a divorce..."

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