Talented Genius

Chapter 2904: Black building

Rong Zong's injury shocked the Rong family. When calling a famous doctor for treatment overnight, they also shouted to catch the murderer.

Rong Zong endured everything, whether it was pain or reprimand, he even concealed that Ye Tianlong shot himself three times.

His description was that he disguised and drove a Hummer to look for Ye Tianlong's bad luck, and was severely injured by a Ditianju sniper.

When the members of the Rong family knew that Rong Zong was in the wild in the emperor's home, the Rong family became silent again, and it was clear what kind of forbidden area it was.

Although many people know that Emperor Zhao is thin and thin, and only a breath is left, as long as he is still alive, Ditianju will never be a presumptuous place.

Rong Shengli even reprimanded Rong Zong for being foolish, forbidding him to drink, and at the same time asked Wang Gobi to apologize for sending a gift to Ditianju.

The next morning, Rong Shengli, who had finished his morning exercise, walked into the four corners of the back garden.

This four-corner building was built to suppress the evil spirits in the Rongjia Garden after the three wives of Rong Shengli died violently. Therefore, all the Buddhas are enshrined all year round.

The hall of the four corners is also filled with woody aroma.

Especially after Jia Mingzhu came back to Rong's house, she almost lived in the four corner building, eating, drinking, sleeping, seeing guests and reciting scriptures.

When Rong Shengli entered the hall, Jia Mingzhu sat cross-legged on the futon, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand.

Rong Shengli walked to her side, did not speak to disturb, just took out three sticks of incense to light it, and put it in the purple incense burner.

"Your incense is too dirty, the Buddha will not collect it."

When Muxiang fell into the stove, Jia Mingzhu also opened his eyes and watched Muxiang jokingly: "If you take it, he will go down to eighteen levels of hell."

Rong Shengli smiled faintly: "It's his business to accept it, and it's my business to fail to accept it. When the courtesy arrives, I have a clear conscience."

"And I never believed that there are people or gods who can't be crushed by sugar-coated shells."

He smiled proudly: "If there is, it's just not enough chips."

"Have a clear conscience?"

Jia Mingzhu relentlessly attacked: "Your bottom line is too low, there is nothing in this world, you can make you feel ashamed."

"But it is, if your bottom line is higher, how can you have today's status and achievements?"

She sighed softly: "It's just that I'm surprised, haven't you had nightmares in these years?"

"What do I have to have nightmares?"

Rong Shengli maintained his strength: "Besides I have a clear heart, there is also that I am too busy to dream."

"You will never understand what kind of vision and energy you need to be a family leader and a group leader."

Rong Shengli sighed: "The Rong family became the first of the five families from the end. Do you think it is an achievement that fell from the sky? No, it is all my hard work."

Jia Mingzhu coldly snorted, "The Rong family is so awkward, why can't I seek justice for Rong April? Why can't I blame the Zhao family for Rongzong?"

"Instead, did you try to please Zhao Ditian with your tail clamped?"

There was a touch of contempt in her eyes: "Your glamour is nothing but the accumulation of incompetence."

Rong Shengli's eyes remained calm: "Get justice? Whether it's Rong April or Rong Zong, it's self-blame for falling to this point."

"Although the Rong family likes to protect their shortcomings, they still have a little reason to do things arrogantly."

"The most important point is that Ye Tianlong is the hero of the Expedition, and his names are all registered in the first ring of the capital. If he moves him, it is the interests of China."

He narrowed his eyes: "And Zhao Ditian, although only a breath is left, he is still alive after all. No one dares to be presumptuous to him."

Jia Mingzhu sneered: "To put it bluntly, it is bullying and fearing hardship."

"In addition to the deep-rooted family business of the Rong family, don't you also specialize in pulling the pigtails of China's wealthy dignitaries into the "black building"?"

"There is a lot of shameful information on Chinese dignitaries, and you are also using this method to coerce them overtly or secretly."

Jia Mingzhu pointed to a corner of the four-corner building: "You are so capable, and such a **** building is not equal to Zhao Ditian?"

Rong Shengli looked at the corner with the underground passage, which was also a corner that only he could enter and exit, with a smile on his face:

"The 13,000 copies of the black building materials. Whoever controls it is equivalent to controlling the Rong family's biggest killer, and it is also equivalent to controlling the destiny of nearly half of the powerful."

"Unfortunately, among the 13,000 documents, from the five members of the Jin family to the person in charge of the county, everyone has them, except for Zhao Ditian."

"Zhao Ditian acts in this life, everything is worthy of China, and every copper plate he earns is worthy of 1.5 billion people."

"I stared at him for decades, but I didn't catch a pigtail. You said, how did I attack him? What did I use to attack him?"

"I hope that people like Zhao Ditian will die soon, but I have to admit that I still admire him very much in my heart."

Rong Shengli looked very contradictory but calm.

Jia Mingzhu's voice was cold: "Is Zhao Di naive so perfect?"

"What he did is not perfect, but he has a heart of innocence, and what he does with this heart is enough to face the world."

Rong Shengli's smile became playful: "So it's useless if you don't like Zhao Ditian anymore, he is more upright than your master Miaozhen."

Jia Mingzhu's face changed slightly, and then he returned to calm.

"What is the heart of a child, what is open and honest, to put it bluntly, you are still selfish as always and used to save yourself."

She sneered: "Don't say that your nephew is injured and your dignity is trampled on. If you need to, you can use your relatives as the bones of your feet at any time."

"Poor three sisters who got married with a generous dowry, and pity me, the great demon that Qianfu refers to..."

"We have always been stupid to think that listening to what you do can gain your sincerity, but in the end they all become your pawns. I even killed Master."

A struggling flashed across her eyes.

"You said, if Rongzong and the others knew that your primitive accumulation was formed by their mother's family business, would they turn against you?"

Jia Mingzhu looked at Rong Shengli: "When the people betray their relatives and leave, will your xinxing change? Will you no longer be so brutal?"

Rong Shengli was not surprised: "Their mother's contribution, I have made up for them with a high position. If you want to hate me, I will spit out my position first."

"In the black building, there are not only records of many Chinese dignitaries, but also the things done by the Rong family."

He has a very peaceful tone, as if talking about things that have nothing to do with him...

"What about glory?"

Jia Mingzhu sneered again: "After being squeezed by you for decades, what did you give him? The position of the paternal host is a vain position?"

"Wait for Tianyao No.1 to be perfected..."

Rong Shengli kept calm:

"I will give him and Xueli a good home..."

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