Talented Genius

Chapter 2905: Fight (four more)

Ye Tianlong didn't worry about Rongzong's affairs. He should eat, drink, and start to deal with his own affairs when he wakes up.

He first checked the injuries of Ruan Fengchun and Murong Peng to see if they still had half their lives to survive Rong Shengli's birthday.

After confirming that their lives were not in danger, Ye Tianlong visited Tang Wuzui again, chatted with her for a long time, and encouraged her to bring out a flying team.

After comforting Tang Wuzui, Ye Tianlong's phone vibrated, and then he received a text message from Xing Tianjiao.

She asked Ye Tianlong to go to the Royal Concubine Hotel to find her, her words and tone were extremely uncomfortable.

Ye Tianlong smiled and didn't care. After successfully passing the Royal Concubine Hotel, he stepped in and walked to the duplex house on the top floor according to the location.


Ye Tianlong just knocked on the door of the room and walked in. A sword stabbed him without mercy, accompanied by Xing Tianjiao's tender drink:

"Asshole, little animal, bullying me is not enough, but also bullying my senior sister."

"I have to kill you, kill—"

After Ye Tianlong dodges a sword quickly, Xing Tianjiao in her pajamas closed the door with his backhand, and then wielded a sword to beat Ye Tianlong.

Today's Xing Tianjiao is wearing white silk pajamas, which is very cool and transparent, and also shows her proud figure, which is full of reverie.

"Wow, what are you doing?"

Ye Tianlong evaded on the sofa while holding up a pillow to resist: "If you don't say anything, use the sword. Are you going to murder your husband?"

"Who is your husband? You are a livestock!"

Xing Tianjiao kicked the slippers on her foot, and pursued Ye Tianlong with her bare feet, her face flushed as if she was drunk:

"You stripped my senior sister naked, with bad intentions. If I don't kill you, you can't be a civilian."

There was both anger and unspeakable disappointment in her words: "Killing you can make women less hurt."


Ye Tianlong took the pillow and blocked the short sword that Xing Tianjiao stabbed: "I'm wrong, I didn't move Shi Bing at all, and I'm not interested in her."

Before Ye Tianlong finished speaking, Xing Tianjiao kicked Ye Tianlong a few times: "I'm not interested in taking off her clothes? I'm not interested in giving her shameful medicine?"

"If it weren't for Senior Sister, even if you wake up, would you want Qijirou again?"

"You are so good, you have the ability to come to me, what is it to bully my senior sister?"

She was evaded by Ye Tianlong even for a few kicks, so Qiaolian became even more angry: "What are you hiding from? Is it a guilty conscience?"

"Sister, you are going to die, can I not hide?"

Ye Tianlong was very depressed, and then he explained: "I really didn't want to invade your senior sister, let alone Qijirou Yiye."

"I have no interest in her at all."

"Nichiro is dedicated to you. Shi Bing is naked, and I won't go."

Ye Tianlong told what happened last night: "She was taken off because she was prescribed some medicine by Peng Lu. I fed her something to help her detoxify."

"I do not believe."

Xing Tianjiao chose to believe Shi Bing's cry last night: "You are an animal, and the senior sister said you violated her..."

While speaking, she also rushed to the sofa, threw down Ye Tianlong directly, and shouted to kill.


The dagger suddenly penetrated the pillow and pierced into Ye Tianlong's left armpit, and even his clothes broke apart.


Ye Tianlong let out a scream and fell straight on the sofa with a pained expression.

Upon seeing this, Xing Tianjiao's body shook, unconsciously let go of the hilt, and wanted to pull it back, but it seemed that the thorn was deeper and could not twitch for a while.

And she was also pressing on Ye Tianlong, panicking: "Tianlong, what's the matter with you? Did I stabb you?"

"Where did it go? Show me quickly!"

Xing Tianjiao looked anxious: "You endure it first, I'll call a doctor right away..."

"You stabbed me in the chest... Don't draw the knife, as soon as you draw it, the blood will burst out..."

Ye Tianlong hugged Xing Tianjiao, and then struggled to squeeze out: "Don't call a doctor either, it's too late, I guess I will die."

"Tianlong, don't scare me, you are fine, you must be fine."

Xing Tian's pretty face turned pale, and his eyes were very anxious. Although he was angry that Ye Tianlong had misconducted Shi Bing, he could not bear to hurt Ye Tianlong.

"I didn't scare you, this knife is very deep, don't move it."

Ye Tianlong hugged Xing Tianjiao tightly, buried her nose in the woman's hair, and then squeezed out:

"But I want to tell you, it's really not me who started with Shi Bing, but Peng Lu and the others are plotting bad things. I have a video on my phone..."

Speaking of this, Ye Tianlong took out his phone with difficulty and called up a video for Xing Tianjiao to view. It was Peng Lu's video last night.

Xing Tianjiao is also a wise man, she can understand what is going on at a glance, and then she can't denounce her anger: "Damn, three bastards, I will kill her,"

"I want to tell the senior sister to ruin them."

Then, she remembered something again, holding Ye Tianlong and crying bitterly: "Tianlong, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, I'm sorry."

"I shouldn't believe you, let alone stabbing you with a sword. I was too reckless, sorry, sorry."

Xing Tianjiao's tears fell on Ye Tianlong's face: "I hurt you. I will take you to the hospital. No matter it is disabled, I will not abandon it."

"If you die, I will also guard you and give you incense on the fifteenth day."

She tried to move Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong was touched first, and then a black line on his face, you only got incense on the fifteenth day.

"No, you don't need to go to the hospital."

Ye Tianlong looked at Xing Tianjiao's white skin with a wicked smile: "I once practiced a martial arts, a magical skill that has been lost for a long time."

"As long as I enter the state, I can force the short sword out of my body."

Ye Tianlong coughed: "The wound can heal automatically."

Xing Tianjiao was taken aback for a moment, and then she was overjoyed: "Really? Then you practice quickly?"

"This is not so good..."

Ye Tianlong hesitated for a while: "Because it needs your help, and you don't seem to like it..."

Xing Tianjiao stared at Ye Tianlong: "Hurry up, what do you do..."

Ye Tianlong whispered against her ear: "Three times a brace."

Xing Tianjiao was startled at first, then immediately woke up, knowing that she had been tricked, screamed, and drew her short sword.

Sure enough, Ye Tianlong was fine, but his clothes under his arms were slightly damaged.

"Asshole, bully me!"

Xing Tianjiao flew the dagger out, then punched and kicked Ye Tianlong.

"Anyway, I bullied you, then bully to the end."

Ye Tianlong grabbed her fist, smiled and wanted to roll over: "Otherwise, I'm sorry to bully this pot."

"Do not--"

Xing Tianjiao overturned Ye Tianlong: "This time, I will be on it..."

Outside the door, Shi Bing, who was about to push the door, stiffened his hand in midair...

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