Talented Genius

Chapter 2927: You can kneel down (three shifts)

She is not worthy?

The simple three words made the audience silent again, Glory and they all looked at him dumbfounded, as if they didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so direct.

Who is Jia Mingzhu? It is the benefactor of Rong Shengli, the main palace, the principal of Asanmen, and the disciple of Master Miaozhen, who can be said to be superior in the Rong family.

Since childhood, apart from Rong Shengli's ability to contend, no one dared to disobey Jia Mingzhu, and no one dared to insult Jia Mingzhu.

Now that Ye Tianlong said she was unworthy, it was a challenge to Jia Mingzhu's authority.

"Ye Tianlong, do you know what you are talking about?"

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the beautiful woman in purple, and she whispered:

"The aunt is the hostess of the Rong family or the leader of the Eshan Gate. I ask you to ask, why is it not worthy? The aunt is not worthy, who else is worthy?"

She buttoned her hat: "You simply lack discipline."

The white-haired old woman also looked at Ye Tianlong with bad eyes, and seemed to be annoyed at the guy who provoke the mistress.

While Rong Shengli was playfully silent, Ye Tianlong said faintly: "No matter what her identity is, she is not worthy to ask me to say hello."

"There are no rules!"

Before Rong Shengli and Rong Susu could speak, the white-haired old woman had a cold face, moved her steps and bounced her body, and she was in front of Ye Tianlong in an instant.

Without seeing how she moved, her left hand was already raised, and the eagle's claw wanted to grab Ye Tianlong's shoulder.

Fast and cruel, and full of strength, once caught, a large piece of meat will definitely be torn off.


There was no need for Ye Tianlong to act, Rong Susu's face sank, his right hand shook, and he stood in front of Ye Tianlong.

"Papa Papa--"

Two hands, one old and one tender, hit in midair for more than ten consecutive times, making a series of noises, and then with a bang, each withdrawing backwards.

Rong Susu stood back to Ye Tianlong: "Yingpo, you can't hurt my son."

The white-haired old woman said hoarsely: "Whoever dares to be rude to the mistress, I will abolish whoever."


When Ying Po was about to attack again, Rong Shengli sternly shouted, "This is the Phoenix Hall. It's all my family. No one is allowed to do it."

The corner of Ying Po's mouth moved twice, and then restrained her murderous aura, turned and walked slowly back to Jia Mingzhu.


At this moment, Ye Tianlong jumped out at a very fast speed. Without giving Yingma a chance to react, he kicked her in the back.

That agility made Rong Shengli and Rongguang's eyes light up at the same time.


Although the eagle woman tried her best to avoid it, she still couldn't avoid it. She snorted with a pain in her lower back, and flew straight forward.

She twisted her waist twice on the way, and then she stopped in front of Jia Mingzhu, otherwise she would hit someone on her back.

Because of this, the eagle woman was also tumbling with blood, a smear of blood flowing from the corner of her mouth, and a bruise on her back.

Despite being irritated, Ying Po was also shocked attentively, but she did not expect that she could not avoid Ye Tianlong with a kick.

It seems that Ye Tianlong has really become a 9th rank master.

"Asshole, Ye Tianlong!"

Rong Weiwei was angry when she saw this: "You sneak attack! You still ignored Grandpa's words, Grandpa, Ye Tianlong is too arrogant and must punish him."

Glory also shouted: "Ye Tianlong, you are too lawless."

The beautiful woman in purple clothes and the nephew of the Rong family were also angry, feeling that Ye Tianlong's attack was too much.

Rong Shengli also narrowed his eyes: "Ye Tianlong, too much, right?"


Ye Tianlong is noncommittal:

"First, it was the eagle who shot me without warning. Fortunately, my mother blocked it. Otherwise, I will lose my handsome face. I will give her what I should."

"Second, you said don't do it, your instructions are only for the Rong family nephew, I am not, so whether I do it depends on my mood."

"Third, I have already given the face of Rong Lao, otherwise the old woman will not vomit blood, and the waist can not die again."

He looked at the old woman in white who stood up with a bitter face and said, "Don't look at me like this. It makes me feel dangerous. I will kill you directly."


The aloft Jia Mingzhu couldn't control it anymore, the teacup was heavy on the wooden table, hot water splashed everywhere.

"Ye Tianlong, this is the capital city, the Rong family, and the Phoenix Hall, not in your countryside. Just do whatever you want."

Jia Mingzhu was very angry: "If you want to enter the Rong family, you must abide by the rules of the Rong family..."

Rong Susu anxiously said: "Tianlong..."

Although Rong Susu is alone, and he doesn't have too deep feelings with a few brothers, but in his bones he hopes that Ye Tianlong can integrate into the Rong family.

This is good for Ye Tianlong's future development, and it can also prevent the kinship from becoming a laughingstock, but he didn't expect that Ye Tianlong would anger Jia Mingzhu.

Glory they are angry, Rong Susu can still use Rong Shengli to suppress, Jia Mingzhu is mad, it is difficult for her to deal with.

Rong Susu wanted to persuade Ye Tianlong to be patient, but Ye Tianlong said coldly: "Be the rules? Are you worthy?"


Jia Mingzhu smashed the wooden table with one palm, and the tea cup fell to the ground and broke. When the audience fell silent, she had stood up, with indescribable pressure:

"I am not worthy? Why am I not worthy?"

"You are Rong Susu's son, I am Rong Susu's aunt, or the mother of the Rong family, and I am your supreme elder."

"You not only have to say hello to me, call me grandma, but also stand ready to listen to my reprimand."

Jia Mingzhu said: "State-owned, national laws, family rules, enter the door of the Rong family, bleeding this way, you must abide by this rule."

Jia Mingzhu has had a smooth life, and has hardly been disobedient. Today, Ye Tianlong has been teasing him for being unworthy, and his whole person is like a tiger.

Ye Tianlong sneered again: "When you enter this door, you must abide by this rule?"


Jia Mingzhu's voice was very loud: "Moreover, it is not only the rules of the Rong family to enter the door, but also the rules of China's various industries."

"Father and son are relatives, monarchs and ministers are righteous, husbands and wives are distinguished, growing up and children are orderly, and masters and apprentices are respected. These are all rules."

"China is not a country of lawlessness, and the Rong family is not a place where you can do anything wrong."

"Ye Tianlong, today you want to recognize your ancestor and return to your ancestry. To enter this door, you must lower your head, or you will get out with your mother."

"The Rong family doesn't welcome you, or barbarians who have no rules."

"The Rong family won't have a nephew like you."

The beautiful women in purple looked at Ye Tianlong, and there was an unbearable joy between their brows.

Rong Weiwei also snorted: "Yes, the Rong family is a place where rules are kept. If you have no rules, don't come back."

Ye Tianlong sneered: "Although I never thought of entering the Rong family, and even I don't like the Rong family, I still want to slap you in the face today."

"Rules, are you embarrassed to say rules?"

His voice sank: "Jia Mingzhu, are you a person who obeys the rules?"

Glory's expression changed: "Ye Tianlong, is your aunt's name called by you?"

"It's okay, make him crazy."

Jia Mingzhu stopped Rong's nephew from scolding, and looked at Ye Tianlong with a cold smile: "Of course I am a person who obeys the rules."

"Whether it is in the Rong family, the mountain gate, the society, the rivers and lakes, or whether it is for the wife, mother, or head of the house, I am a person of good order."

"I will never be like you. I don't understand respect and inferiority and lawlessness."

"For you, say it better, young and frivolous, say ugly, lack discipline."

Jia Mingzhu had a sneer in her eyes: "You want to slap me in the face, how do you slap me in the face?"

Rong Weiwei yelled: "Ye Tianlong, don't pretend to be a ghost. If you want to enter Rong's house, you should kneel down and call grandpa to grandma, otherwise, get out."

Rong Shengli still didn't say anything, watching the play quietly with tea, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Ye Tianlong suddenly asked: "Jia Mingzhu, I heard that you are the head of the Eshan Sect?"


Jia Mingzhu proudly said: "After my master and sister died, I will assume the head of the Asanmen."

"I also formulated 38 rules to punish disciples like you."

The corner of her mouth evokes a sense of playfulness: "After you kneel down, I will use thirty-eight rules to teach you how to behave."

"It's good to be the head of Asanmen."

Ye Tianlong smiled softly, and took out a token with his left hand: "You can kneel down."

Through the ages, the country.

Hero order.

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