Talented Genius

Chapter 2928: Change your fate against the sky (four more)

"Hero Order!"

Rong Weiwei saw what was in Ye Tianlong's hand, subconsciously yelled out three words, and then remained motionless as if struck by lightning.

She couldn't accept this at all. Ye Tianlong was holding the highest token of Jianghu martial arts, even if he couldn't order the heroes, he could be absolutely respected.

The Rong family's nephew also stood up straight, staring at the token in Ye Tianlong's hand.

His face was surprised, dumbfounded, and his mind trembled, all.

They don't know much about the world of martial arts, but the supreme hero order still knows that it is equivalent to the token of the ‘master of the martial arts’.

Moreover, the Order of Heroes has also entered the official registration, which is equivalent to the official seal of the law of the chief official of the border, and can be used to mobilize the local government to fully assist when necessary.

Those who dare to imitate shall be sentenced to more than ten years in prison.

This endows the heroes with sufficient arena and temple value.

"Unexpectedly, you know Hero Ling. You deserve to be a Shanmen kid for a few days."

Ye Tianlong smiled at Rong Weiwei, then looked at Jia Mingzhu and said, "Jia Mingzhu, do you know this token?"

Jia Mingzhu's expression became stiff, unable to react for a while.

Of course she knows the order of heroes. It is the thing that restrains the heroes in the arena, and it is also a symbol of high power. Every major mountain gate must follow the order.

Although modern society is not as strict as before, and the heroic order may not make the mountain gate absolutely obedient, there is still enough deterrence on the bright side.

Especially the official gold content makes the hero make far-reaching significance.


Rong Shengli squinted again and sat back in the Grand Master's chair. Ye Tianlong always gave him too many surprises, which also made him wonder, how many secrets does this kid have?

Jia Mingzhu and Rong Weiwei couldn't accept this fact, so they fell into doubt after being shocked.

The hero order can only be held by the grandmother of the Ninth-Rank master who is known as the leader of the martial arts. What qualifications does the young Ye Tianlong have to hold?

For many generations of Eshanmen, Master Miaozhen was too close to the position of the leader of the martial arts.

How could Ye Tianlong surpass them at this age?

Jia Mingzhu sneered: "Ye Tianlong, imitating the hero's order is not only a slap in the face, but also a sin of China, and he will go to jail."

Glory hummed: "If you pick it up, you should return it as soon as possible, instead of picking it up and using it yourself, you still have to go to jail."

The old white-haired woman simply took out her mobile phone and called the Sun family.


Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest nonsense, and directly raised his right hand, and the hero's order fell in front of Rong Shengli, making a crisp sound:

"The hero order was given to me by my grandmother. She is going to treat me as her successor. If you don't believe me, you can call her to verify."

"Furthermore, Rong Lao is a half official. He knows whether the token is forged or not."

He lost a hot potato to Rong Shengli.

Rong Shengli glanced at Ye Tianlong, his gaze was very complicated, knowing that Ye Tianlong would be his army.

To be false, it was to slap his own face, to be honest, he would slap Jia Mingzhu in the face again, but it would not work if he didn't check it at the moment, he could only put down the teacup.

Rong Shengli was about to reach out and pick up the token. Rongguang took the first step in his hand. After examining it, he said:

"This heroic order is true."

"The material, workmanship, and serial number are all cast by Huaxia No. 8 vault, and most people cannot imitate it to this degree."

He solved a problem for Rong Shengli.

After being tested by glory, everyone was quiet again, and they didn't expect it to be real.

The white-haired old woman also put down the phone, her expression was very embarrassed, no doubt, she got confirmation from Sun's house.

"Jia Mingzhu, did you hear that, the token is real."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward with his hands on his back and stared at Jia Mingzhu coldly: "Don't you kneel down? A mountain master, don't you have to kneel when you see Hero Ling?"

Jia Mingzhu's chest rises and falls, angrily, she wants to fight back, but she doesn't know how to speak, but when she does it, Rong Siyue and Yingpo show up again.

Ye Tianlong stopped Rong Susu's pulling, taking a step forward and staring at Jia Mingzhu and shouting: "Aren't you keeping the rules?"

"Aren't you father, son, ruler, courtier and apprentice? Aren't you serving your wife and mother as your apprentice? You will abide by all the rules, why are you not following the rules of the world?

"If you can enter this door, you should abide by this rule. Now, do you want to take back your words?"

He pointed his finger: "Head Jia, answer me?"

The beautiful woman in purple crouched and said: "Ye Tianlong, how do you say your aunt is an elder, it is your grandmother, you can't be so unkind..."

Ye Tianlong stared at the beautiful woman in purple clothes: "As the head of Jia said, the rules are the rules. Once you enter the door, you must abide by the rules. Do you want her to be unsafe for the night?"

The beautiful woman in purple almost died of anger: "You--"

Ye Tianlong turned his gaze back to Jia Mingzhu: "Chief Jia, are you going to break the rules?"

Facing Ye Tianlong's momentum, Jia Mingzhu subconsciously took a half step back, incomparably humiliated, but looked helpless.

Ye Tianlong didn't show Jia Mingzhu the slightest face, but he slapped Jia Mingzhu with a reprimand:

"If you don't follow the rules today, don't tell me the rules in the future."

"Whether I enter the door of Rong's house or not, you are not qualified to tell me the rules."

"In the 21st century, I died early in the morning. Don't lean on the old and sell the old in front of me, or I don't mind giving you a few mouthfuls."

Ye Tianlong unceremoniously threw out a few words, and then walked back to Rong Susu with a look of contempt.


Jia Mingzhu couldn't fight back because of the loss, but he had never suffered such rebellion. He was so angry that he was full of blood at the corner of his mouth.

She staggered back, staggering to fall.


"Old lady!"


The white-haired old woman and Rong Zong all stepped forward when they saw this, and helped Jia Mingzhu to sit back on the armchair.

"Rong Susu, what do you think of your good son?"

The beautiful woman in purple yelled at Rong Susu again: "You **** don't care?"

Rong Zong also had a straight face: "Sister, you are too presumptuous."

No one talks about rules anymore, and no one wants Ye Tianlong to know respect and inferiority.

Rong Susu is neither overbearing nor overbearing: "Tianlong has made no mistakes. It has always been justified and well-founded. Why should I manage?"

The beautiful woman in purple is also speechless for a while: "You--"

At this time, Rong Zong and Honor looked at each other, and stepped forward and shouted to Rong Shengli:

"Dad, you don't let us do anything to hurt the little girl's emotions, but you can't let Ye Tianlong toss."

"Yeah, we understand that you cherish the little girl, but we always want a bowl of water to be smooth. Ye Tianlong is so presumptuous, you can't just sit back and watch."

"April has severed hands and feet, Weiwei mother and daughter were beaten, aunt vomits blood, father, you have to be fair."

"If you don't ask for justice today and spread it out, the entire Rong family will lose face."

Even Jia Mingzhu was vomiting blood with anger. Rong Zong and Rong Weiwei can only hope that Yu Rong will win, otherwise they will be really depressed and get home today.

Dozens of Rong family nephews also looked towards Rong Shengli.

Rong Shengli didn't make a sound immediately, but sat quietly on the Grand Master's chair and took a bowl of bird's nest from Wang Gobi.


Rong Shengli lifted the lid, the fragrance of the bird's nest overflowed, ignoring the crowd, picked up the spoon, and finished eating slowly.

The audience was silent, the hall was dead, and time passed by, all watching Rong Shengli eating bird's nest.

Ye Tianlong suddenly remembered something. He was in Lin Chenxue's car when he heard Rong Shengli's cough, which was a cough with a serious root cause.

Now watching Rong Shengli eating bird's nest, he remembered Rong Shengli's old illness at that time.

Bird's nest relieves cough, Rong Shengli's disease, I'm afraid it has been suppressed, not broken.


A bowl of bird's nest was finally finished, Rong Shengli handed the porcelain cup to Wang Gobi, and then suddenly stood upright and stretched out his hand to beckon Ye Tianlong:

"Tianlong, come here!"

Ye Tianlong's complexion changed slightly, and his instinctive body was slightly curved, like a sharp arrow shot at any time.

The sharpness is revealed.

It turned out that when Rong Shengli waved to Ye Tianlong, Ye Tianlong felt as if the Five Finger Mountain was pressed down, with majestic strength, he wanted to pinch him in the palm of his hand.

But despite the pressure, Ye Tianlong did not pass.

Seeing Ye Tianlong bowed, Rong Shengli steadied his body still, smiled on his face and coughed.

This cough caused Ye Tianlong's ears to pull, and his eardrums hurt, but he quickly recovered his calmness and still stood still.

"Hahaha, there is no eighth rank below thirty, and the ancient precepts for a hundred years can't stop me from changing my fate against the sky."

Rong Shengli came out inexplicably, then stood up and watched Ye Tianlong laugh out loud:

"Ye Tianlong, cut the mess with a quick knife."

"I will not pursue the grievances and grievances before today, and you will no longer be attached to the hatred that both sides have had. Let's erase the past as if we erased the chalk."

"You and your mother will go back to Rong's house together. From now on, our family will be one minded..."

"Are you willing?"

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