Talented Genius

Chapter 2957: I just gave the story

This sword brings the power, angle, and speed to the extreme!

Obviously, the guy who shot wanted to stab Rong victory under the sword in one fell swoop!


This good swordsman had pills stuffed in his nostrils, and his eyes splashed with ferocious cold light.

Lu Guo, Mei Hua.

It was one of the Jiang Yang thieves that Wu Lingshuang and the others were looking for. He was thin, with a fierce sword, and he could kill without fail.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the plum blossom assassin had already killed Zhirong and approached victory.

Jia Mingzhu's eyes lit up, as if seeing the blood sputtered by Rong Shengli.


Lu Guomei's speed was almost at its extreme, even if Rong Shengli retreated instinctively, it still clung to it.

When Rong Shengli's left foot stepped on the futon, the tip of the sword was like a poisonous snake, sticking to Rong Shengli's throat!

One hit!

However, the next scene changed Jia Mingzhu's face drastically.


The sharp sword touching his skin was clamped by Rong Shengli's two fingers.

The piercing of the long sword came to an abrupt end. The plum blossom assassin tried his best, but still couldn't move forward half an inch!


The club assassin was stunned!

Jia Mingzhu was also dumbfounded!

Dozens of people in black who flashed out also showed surprise!

He could recognize the direction of the long sword with his eyes closed, and he was still holding the long sword with a mighty rainbow. This Rong Shengli was too incredible.

However, this is only the beginning!

After the plum blossom assassin's long sword was blocked, he felt amazing brute force from his arm, and his entire complexion changed drastically.

Jia Mingzhu subconsciously shouted:


Almost without hesitation, the footsteps of the plum blossom assassin hit the ground, and the whole person retreated quickly!

But it's too late!


Rong Shengli's left hand, wrapped in dust, hits instantly.

The terrifying coercion made the plum blossom assassin's heart trembled

"Do not--"

A miserable howl sounded, and in Jia Mingzhu's horrified eyes, Rong Shengli slapped the plum blossom assassin's head fiercely.


The screams screamed, and the plum blossom assassin was like a watermelon, his head shattered.

His body swayed a few steps under inertia, and finally fell to the ground with a plop.

Bloody and rich.

This scene made the whole world quiet!

No matter it was Jia Mingzhu holding the Buddha beads, or the dozens of black-clothed men and women who appeared, there was no sound.

Everyone's eyes widened, slowly digesting the impact of the tragic death of the plum assassin.

Rong Shengli coughed. He patted his hands to let the blood and powder dissipate. Then he was neither angry nor sad:

"Jia Mingzhu, when you came back this time, it was really unpredictable."

He closed his eyes stained with powder, but locked Jia Mingzhu as if he could see through: "Blessing my birthday is false, and seeking a Rong family is true, right?"

"Yes, I came back to stabb you down."

Jia Mingzhu's eyelids twitched first, and then he straightened up: "I thought you would not live to be forty years old. I didn't expect you to live to your sixtieth birthday."

"You have lived enough!"

"If you let you live, not only will we not be able to get to the top, but we will not be able to get back what we lost."

Jia Mingzhu did not conceal his ambition: "Besides, you have lost all your heart."

"The Rong family has lost confidence in you long ago."

"Family affection, blood, and face are not as important as yourself. Loyal to you, a person who is by nature, is better than loyal to a pig."

"And you also put the entire Rong family to shame, you lost your face on the 60th birthday, and it's meaningless to live."

"Rong Shengli, you like to change your fate against the sky, I will tell you tonight, you can never change your fate."

"Master Miaozhen was able to give you alive 40 years ago, and I can take it back for her today."

Jia Mingzhu became crazy: "It can be regarded as a compensation for you to make her crazy."

While they were speaking, a lot of people swarmed into them, each wearing the elite costumes of the Rong family, but with a mask on their faces.

Rong Shengli maintained a level of calm: "This is the Rong family, this is the capital, not the Eshan gate, can you kill me?"

"I have already said that your heart is lost. In the entire Rong family, except Wang Gobi, there will be no one to help you."

Jia Mingzhu expressed his pride: "The diehards near your study were also silently killed by the glory when you came to the Four Corners."

"The guard of the front hall of the Rong family is under the pressure of glory, so they won't come here."

"And the official patrol, let alone wind and heavy rain, even at night, Rongzong and his wife are sitting in the front hall, and they cannot enter the back garden."

"As for Wang Gobi, he will never return to Rong's house."

Jia Mingzhu laughed for a long time: "Rong Shengli, let me tell you, tonight, don't think about someone coming to save you."

Rong Shengli said mildly: "Don't forget, I'm also a master, 80% of what I have learned comes from Master Miaozhen. Can you guys win me?"

Jia Mingzhu took a few steps back, and then grinned again: "Of course I know you are strong, so it took three months tonight."

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing that I almost forgot to tell you. The white smoke you just sprayed is not only poisonous, but it can also damage your eyes."

"If you want to open your eyes, you must first wash your eyelids and eyelashes, otherwise harmful substances invade and you will become truly blind."

She remained proud: "And with your eyes closed, I really don't believe you, what storms you can make."

While she was speaking, she made a gesture, and more than fifty assassins dispersed in silence, tiptoeing forward, narrowing the distance between herself and Rong Shengli.

Rong Shengli smiled and nodded when he heard the words: "Jia Mingzhu, you really have grown up. Compared with heartlessness, you are starting to work step by step."

"However, I still don't believe that you set this round..."

"Your value lies in the three words Madam Rong and the rush to the front of Eshanmen."

He chuckled, "Rongguang gave you this idea, right?"

"Father is really wise, I can't hide you at all."

This is, another person flashed in the corner, it was the glory: "But I am just tinkering, and the aunt is the real helm."

There is a touch of sadness on Rong Shengli's face: "Rongguang, you really let me down, you didn't understand what I said to you in the study?"

Rongguang looked at the dusty old man and replied: "Of course I understand. Father said that as long as I pass the test, you will give me glory for the rest of my life."

"It's just that I don't have any feelings. In addition to your so-called glorious second half of life, it is a castle in the air, and I don't have time to wait."

"Wait any longer, my beard will be white."

Rongguang sighed: "Even if I can wait, my deceased parents can't wait, let him watch the murderer die, they will die."

"It seems you know a lot."

Rong Shengli faintly said: "Sure enough, I haven't been idle these years."

Rongguang smiled and said, "I can't help it. Although my childhood memories are limited, I can still remember someone who disassembled the brakes of my car."

Rong Shengli laughed: "Vengeance? Can't wait? Rebellion for these two?"

"Are these two reasons not enough?"

Rongguang's voice sank, with awe-inspiring righteousness: "Of course, there is another, that is, I don't want the efforts of the Rong family to be taken by you to please Ye Tianlong."


Jia Mingzhu also echoed: "You can let Wang Gobi send Spring to the Earth to Ye Tianlong tonight, and tomorrow you may give the entire Rong family to Ye Tianlong."

"The return of spring?"

Rong Shengli sneered: "What a bunch of idiots...I just gave a story..."

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