Talented Genius

Chapter 2958: Twice infidelity

"Gave a story?"

Jia Mingzhu's eyes were cold: "What do you mean?"

Rong Guang moved in his heart and seemed to smell something, but before he could speak, Rong Shengli had already taken a step forward, with noncommittal banter:

"What do you mean, slowly think about it."

Rong Shengli's voice was loud and loud: "But we are all at the point where the swordsmen meet each other. Does my calculation still make sense?"

The corner of Jia Mingzhu's mouth moved for a while, and then he lost his thoughts, staring at the powdered Rong Shengli all over his body and hummed, "It's really meaningless."

"You are dying, what's the point?"

Jia Mingzhu shouted: "After tonight, you will no longer exist in the Rong family."

Rong Shengli wiped the powder off his face: "I am a selfish person who is afraid of death, do you think you will be killed so easily?"

"As long as I don't want to die, no one can kill me."

"In my eyes, you are just a bunch of ants."

Confident and powerful.

Jia Mingzhu smiled with anger: "I have been the emperor of Tu for a long time, I really think that he is the emperor of Tu."

"Come on, kill him."

She yelled: "Cut him with a knife, one hundred million!"

Rongguang also took a few steps back and gave up the space to the killer.

Whether it was Jia Mingzhu or Rongguang, it was the first time that Rong Shengli made a shot tonight. He slapped the plum blossom assassin to death, which really surprised the two of them.

However, Rong Shengli's combat power is not far from their vision, so Jia Mingzhu firmly believes that tonight's victory belongs to him.

"Go! Kill him! Cut him to death!"

Following Jia Mingzhu's order, immediately, those black-clothed killers, like lightning, rushed towards Rong Shengli with his eyes closed.

These people, with all sabers in their hands, filled with killing intent.


The eighteen black-clothed assassins who were the first to besiege were full of brutality, raised their sabers, and slashed down against the motionless Rong Victory!

Seeing the situation of the siege, Jia Mingzhu's eyes brightened again.

In Rongguang's vision, Rong Shengli stood there quietly, as if completely frightened.

It's just that the corners of his mouth are slowly upturned, and the arc is cruel! Bloodthirsty!


Rong Shengli didn't make a move, but when he felt the bad wind, he opened his mouth and let out a roar.

This roar was powerful and breathtaking, like a thunder and diarrhoea sounding the entire four-corner building, which made people shattered and frightened.

Eighteen people couldn't stop the shock, and the offensive stagnated. All eighteen knives stopped in the air, as if they were suddenly frozen.

Eighteen people's ears, nose and mouth shed a smear of blood, and they knew that their brains had been hit hard.

One of them was even more pale, with bulging eyes, like a dead fish falling down, as if his heart was terrified.


In the next second, Rong Shengli probed his right hand, caught one person's saber, and swiftly around him, and seventeen people fell to the ground like a paper.

His chest was all cracked, and there was no sound when he twitched twice.

This result shocked Jia Mingzhu and the others again, and Rong Shengli's tyranny was a bit beyond their imagination.


However, Jia Mingzhu quickly calmed down. She has too many cards to play tonight, so she will not admit defeat until the last minute.

Following her instructions, twenty-four assassins rushed over and launched a frantic attack on Rong Shengli.


Before the twenty-four assassins surrounded him, Rong Shengli grabbed the saber and moved his feet, and his whole person disappeared out of thin air!

That's right!

In the siege of the twenty-four killers, Jia Mingzhu and their eyes, Rong Shengli, disappeared!


This scene changed the complexion of the twenty-four killers.

For some reason, an extremely strong danger enveloped them all!

That kind of feeling, as if stepping into hell, makes everyone's scalp blow up and their hairs stand up!

Rongguang subconsciously protected Jia Mingzhu back, and at the same time shouted at the bewildered killer: "Back, back, fast!"


One by one the killer's eyelids jumped, and they wanted to retreat wildly after hearing this!

It's just that it's too late!

Rong Shengli's figure fell from the shadow above his head, appearing in the crowd like a ghost.

"Swish swish-"

A cold light flashes!




These blade lights, like shooting stars, pass away in an instant!

As soon as Rong Sheng's saber was taken away, all the assassins who were about to evacuate stiffened.

"what happened?"

The twenty-four assassins were motionless, making Jia Mingzhu and the others stunned, all staring at the scene with all their doubts.

They couldn't figure out why all the killers stood in place and didn't withdraw to base camp?


However, at this moment, a smear of blood sprayed from the neck of a killer.

After that, the scene in front of him, Jia Mingzhu and the others will never forget.




The heads of all the killers fell one by one, like jumping winter melons.

In the blink of an eye, all the twenty-four assassins who had been extremely fierce had turned into a pile of dead bodies!

The head is different.


At this moment, the whole hall was dead.

Everyone looked at the tumbling head and the bright red scene, only feeling the chill behind them.


It's all dead!

Twenty-four people, their heads fall in the blink of an eye, how shocking is this?

Jia Mingzhu looked at Rong Shengli and was in a trance. Only then did she realize that she really didn't understand the person next to her pillow, at least there was a gap between her imagination and the facts.

She tried her best to overestimate Rong's victory, but she didn't expect to underestimate it. Thirty-six people turned into corpses without touching his clothes.

And Rong Shengli's eyes cannot be opened.

This ability is too difficult for Master Miao Zhen to do.

The other assassins also had similar expressions, fearing Rong Shengli.

Rongguang was still calm, as if he could still control the situation, and then shouted to the killer: "Enclose, guerrilla tactics, don't mess."

With the command of Rongguang, not only the killer recovered his due calm, but Jia Mingzhu also straightened up again, accumulating some rare fighting spirit.

"Rong Shengli, I didn't expect you to be so strong. I really missed you."

Jia Mingzhu snorted coldly: "I underestimated you a little bit, but victory must belong to us."

"You are still too naive."

The corner of Rong Shengli's mouth evoked a joking: "You think I have always trusted you so much, and I'm not wary of you?"

"Rongguang, do you remember that I asked you to find Lin Miaomiao?"

Rong Shengli smiled, very kind.

Rong Guang nodded calmly: "Remember, you want me to find her in front of you and ask her to instigate the killer to attack Xing Tianjiao."

"Unfortunately, she committed suicide in fear of sin."

He sighed softly: "Her death broke Glory's heart."

Rong Shengli smiled noncommitantly: "Suicide in fear of sin? How did she die, do you really have no idea in your heart?"

"Actually, I asked you to go to Lin Miaomiao for questioning. The purpose is to be fair to Xing Tianjiao. The essence is that I want to test your loyalty..."

"You have bombarded Ye Tianlong against my intentions once. If after I made it clear that I must not deal with Ye Tianlong, you instigated the murderer to instigate discord..."

"That means you violated my instructions twice."

"A person who violated my meaning twice, his loyalty to me no longer exists."

"So Lin Miaomiao is dead. If you confirm that you were forced to death, I know that you are already unreliable..."

Jia Mingzhu and Rong Guang changed their faces together.

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