Talented Genius

Chapter 2959: wait for what

Rongguang They are all familiar with Rong Shengli's style, and they never bluff when doing things, which gives them a touch of solemnity.

After Jia Mingzhu's eyelids twitched, he kept quiet and hummed, "Arrangement? What arrangement can you make?"

"The entire Rong family is in our hands, and Wang Gobi is estimated to have lost a lot of money now. What other arrangements do you have to make a storm?"

Jia Mingzhu stimulated Rong Shengli: "Rong Shengli, don't think about delaying time, it's useless."


Rong Shengli laughed: "So confident, then wait for the victory tonight, then you will know how naive you are."

After speaking, he squeezed the wedding ring from his finger, turning it into a pile of scrap iron, and even an electronic component inside it cracked and cracked.

Then, he stretched out his hand to wipe off the powder from his eyes, and wanted to open it to take a look, but he felt a fire spreading, obviously the powder was really poisonous.

Moreover, the rainy night tonight and the coldness of the four corners made Rong Shengli want to eat a bowl of bird's nest.

However, despite the various emotions in his heart, he did not show it on the surface, always facing Jia Mingzhu and others indifferently.

Seeing that Rong Shengli was so confident, Rong Guang took a step forward and said with a sneer:

"My father is my father, and he does everything at every step. Even Lin Miaomiao, you can design a **** to test me. I really admire him."

"It's just that you shouldn't leak your cards to us to deter us."

"Don't tell us, maybe you gritted your teeth and carried it for half an hour."

"But now, you have no chance..."

"I will never let you live for more than half an hour. No matter what hole cards or reinforcements you have, as long as you kill you, everything will be empty."

Regardless of whether Rong Shengli is bluffing or not, Rong Guang feels that he must make a quick decision. For this reason, he still made a gesture without attracting attention.

"Full attack!"

Rongguang roared: "Fifteen minutes to end the battle!"

Jia Mingzhu also sternly echoed: "Kill—"

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of assassins with ears plugged, one by one showed a fierce light, turned their whole body power into a blow, and attacked Rong Shengli.

They don't want to kill Rong Shengli in one fell swoop, as long as they can slash Rong Shengli and get 100 million, then they are satisfied.

Dozens of people attacked like wheat in a field, one after another, one after another, attacking the past.


Compared with the frenzied attacks of these people dying and struggling, Rong Shengli showed a stronger side.

In the face of an attacking enemy, Rong Shengli not only does not retreat, but also often fights back with faster, more fierce, more ruthless, and more fierce moves.

He closed his eyes, but he was very precise, as if those ears were his eyes.

With every knife he cuts, the enemy will scream and fall, or the head will fall, or be broken in two.

The splash of blood made the whole hall shocking.

In a blink of an eye, Rong Shengli had already killed more than 30 people, and the saber was still shining like a sharp light, showing no signs of softness.

This manifestation of life-threatening viciousness makes all the assassins who participated in the attack feel frightened.

However, Rong Shengli didn't have much smile either. His ears not only listened to the assassin coming, but also fell on the sky at the door from time to time...

He seems to be waiting for something...

At this moment, the rain in the night sky plunged the entire capital into confusion, and also made the night a bit more quiet.

Although the water and clouds are brightly lit, the traffic has been reduced. After the prelude of the sensual dog and horse, the moment of life and death began to be drunk.

As soon as the white wolf, who was just going to rest, arrived at the door, he instinctively stopped, and then walked to the terrace to look at the sky not far away.


In the hazy rain, ten helicopters roared in. The dazzling lights, the ear-piercing roar, and the machine guns that protruded all showed that it was unstoppable.

When the white wolf frowned, the helicopter stopped in the open space in front of the clubhouse, and then the cabin opened, and several women with strong clothes got out.

It was Baguli who led the team.

The woman who used to **** Tianyao No. 1 with Ye Tianlong in the past, with her heroic looks and murderousness flowing straight to the back garden between water and clouds.

When the guards and the children of Longbu appeared to block the water and clouds, Baguli took out his credentials and shouted at the bamboo building:

"Rong's Baguli, come to meet Miss Rong."

Ignoring the rain hitting her face, Baguli hurriedly approached the bamboo building, with a breathtaking momentum, and passed the clubhouse guards to the bamboo building in an instant.

The security personnel between the water and the cloud tried to stop him, but they could only give way when seeing Baguli's documents.

The White Wolf glanced at her upstairs, then looked at the large army waiting outside, and dissipated the thought of blocking.

"Swish swish--"

Just before she could find Rong Susu, nearly a hundred crossbow arrows flashed out of the dark, pointing towards Baguli in a fan shape, and the arrows deterred them indifferently.

At the same time, ten children of Longbu also stood in front of the bamboo building, holding legal firearms in their hands.

Tian Mo walked out of a bamboo building with a cold voice: "No outsiders can enter without Ye Shao's instruction."

"You go one step further and kill it."

He stared at Baguli with cold eyes, with no emotion on his face. He had dealt with Tianyao No. 1 when he was escorting Tianyao. He knew the temperament of this woman.

Tian Mo didn't like her, so he didn't give face.

Baguli wanted to take a few steps forward, but finally stopped in fear of Tianmo's murderous intent, and then knelt down to the dark night, with a sad voice:

"The Rong family is in danger, and the old man is in danger. Baguli asked Miss Rong to see him."

"A week ago, Mr. Rong, feeling the crisis in the Rong family, gave Baguli a locator."

"As long as the locator keeps flashing a red dot, it means that Mr. Rong is safe. Once the red dot goes out, it means that Mr. Rong is in trouble."

"Fifteen minutes ago, the red dot went out."

"Baguli personally led the Beijing Helicopter Brigade to welcome Miss Rong to the Rong's house to preside over the overall situation."

Baguli knelt upright and waited for Rong Susu to appear. She knew in her heart that they would not be able to enter the sky above Rong Susu's garden without Rong Susu's leadership.

As for reporting to the police or appealing to the police, Jia Mingzhu and Rong Zong will have no effect at all.

So Rong Susu's yellow robe can only be added.

After the words fell, the bamboo building was still quiet, only the dripping rain dripped, beating Bagguli and their hearts.

"Miss Rong, I know you and Mr. Rong have a lot of displeasure, but after all, blood is thicker than water, and Mr. Rong has always been heartbroken to you."

"He is indifferent to the others, but he has a deep affection for you."

Baguli was desperate: "I hope Miss Rong can help."


At this moment, a bamboo door suddenly opened, and Rong Susu walked out of it...

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