Talented Genius

Chapter 2976: New era

A killer jump.

"Yes, I have been."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "It is true that you sneaked in with your pass to avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Wang Gebi asked again: "Ye Shao went to the Rong's house after I was in a coma. With Ye Shao's skill, when I arrived at the Rong's house, Mr. Rong should be alive?"

He let his body bend down two more points, and put on his incomparably humble posture, but the words have a tenacity to investigate the bottom line.

"Elder Wang, you are also an old slippery, shouting not to avenge Rong Shengli, but you don't forget the revenge in your heart."

Ye Tianlong bloomed with a bright smile. Even if the rain is flying, Wang Gobi can still feel the joke: "I know what you want to say."

"Do you want to ask, does Rong Shengli's death have anything to do with me?"

He hummed noncommitantly: "Or when Rong Shengli died, did I watch from the sidelines?"

Wang Gobi lowered his head: "The old slave dare not, just want to solve the puzzle."

"I'm telling you, although I got your pass, it will save a lot of trouble and sneak into Rong's house..."

Ye Tianlong straightened his chest: "Ke Rong's house is so big, there are so many agencies, and the guards are so dense. Do you think I can find the Four Corners at once?"

Wang Gebi said softly: "Ye Shao is a 9th-Rank master. He sees all directions and listens to all directions. It is normal to catch the movement of the four corners."

Ye Tianlong ignored his hand holding Yuanhuan and approached step by step, his voice also carrying a majestic tone:

"According to the on-site feedback description, when Rong Shengli and Rong Guang started fighting, they used swords and other cold weapons."

"The purpose is not to disturb the Rong family nephew and the front yard guard."

"At that time, it happened to be heavy and rainy, and even the nephew of the Rong family who was close by could not hear the fight. What do you think I can hear as an outsider?"

Ye Tianlong snorted: "No matter how hard I am, my ears can penetrate wind and rain, go through doors and windows, and hear Rong Shengli fighting?"

The corners of Wang Gebi's mouth kept moving, but his expression eased a lot, and the hand holding the ring was released by two points.

Ye Tianlong walked forward slowly: "I can still tell you that when I found Rong Shengli, he was indeed still alive."

"I also want to watch from the sidelines, and I want to make him a shot."

Ye Tianlong stared at Wang Gobi: "But without this opportunity, Rong Shengli had already won at that time, and Baguli and the others had arrived."

"Furthermore, Uncle Wang, you only saw me enter the Rong's house, you only saw Rong Shengli died, but you didn't see that Rong Shengli shot suicide."

"This is enough to prove that his death has nothing to do with me."

Ye Tianlong asked coldly: "Do you think I can mentally control Rong to commit suicide?"

Wang Gebi's body trembled, yes, he only paid attention to details, only thinking of conspiracy, but forgot that Rong Shengli was shooting suicide.

This means that Ye Tianlong is not the murderer of Rong Shengli.

Moreover, Ye Tianlong did not watch from the sidelines, otherwise Rong Shengli would not have survived until Baguli rushed. He was like a fisherman, so he would make up his gun immediately.

"It's just, how could Elder Rong commit suicide?"

Wang Gebi muttered to himself: "How can you commit suicide?"

This is also his heart knot these days, and because of these heart knots, his thinking is a little confused.

"Why do you commit suicide?"

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth evoked a joking: "I know the answer."

Wang Gebi was startled: "Do you know the answer?"

"Of course I know the answer."

Ye Tianlong stood in front of Wang Gobi: "Pharaoh, I actually don't want to tell you the truth, lest you suffer from it in your heart."

Wang Gebi was slightly at a loss: "Pain?"

Ye Tianlong said coldly: "Yes, pain, this pain is not only self-blame, but also disappointment, disappointed in this world and Rong Shengli."

Wang Gebi's throat tightened, and then he squeezed out a sentence: "Please Ye Shao Ming, it's better to have a pain than living in entanglement."

Ye Tianlong looked at Wang Gobi's resolute expression, then looked at the long and narrow iron ropes ahead, and sighed softly, "Rong Shengli died on the spring back ground."

"The return of spring?"

Wang Gebi struck a spirit: "Life-saving pills?"

Ye Tianlong told Wang Gobi the true ending of the night: "Rong Shengli fought with Rong Guang. Although he survived, he was also seriously injured."

"My mother and Baguli rushed over, and saw that he was seriously injured, so they called the doctor for treatment and gave him life protection pills."

"Shortly after taking Baoming Pill, Rong Shengli woke up. After a while, he took the gun and committed suicide."

He sighed softly: "His suicide made me feel as strange as you do. After all, Rong Shengli is a person who cherishes himself more than everything."

"I guess there is a problem with that spring home."

Ye Tianlong clicked until: "This is the only explanation for Rong Shengli's suicide."

"There is a problem with the Spring Festival? How is this possible?"

Wang Gebi subconsciously yelled, "This life-saving pill is the heart of Elder Rong to Ye Shao..."

Halfway through, Wang Gobi's body trembled. He was also an old world, and he soon realized something.

The life-saving pill is not the mind, but the killing intent of Rong Shengli.

In order to confuse Ye Tianlong and Rong Susu, Rong Shengli not only gave him the story, but also deceived him, and the life-saving pill's murderous intent could not be mediated.

Therefore, Rong Shengli had to commit suicide after accidentally eating, to avoid the toxins of Baoming pills torment him.

Thinking of this, Wang Gobi stiffened uncontrollably, and wrinkles on his face became more invisible, as if he was ten years old suddenly.


At this time, when the mountain breeze blew, Wang Gebi's body shook, his center of gravity was unstable, and he slid to the side gap.

Fast and urgent.

"Be careful!"

Ye Tianlong stepped forward, pulling the iron rope with one hand, and holding Wang Gobi's wrist with one hand.

One second later, Wang Gobi would fall into the abyss.

Just using too much force, Ye Tianlong's palm was torn a **** mouth by the iron cable, blood was flowing, but he didn't care.

He forcefully pulled the limp Wang Gobi up.

Ye Tianlong yelled: "Pharaoh, what are you doing?"

"Ye Shao, why do you save me?"

Wang Gebi reacted and looked at Ye Tianlong with a sad expression: "I'm not worth your rescue..."

He, who truly yearned for Rong Shengli to reconcile with Ye Tianlong, never thought that his longing heart would be used by Rong Shengli.

This makes him very uncomfortable.

Ye Tianlong asked him to stabilize his body: "Don't talk nonsense, an acquaintance, how can I watch you die?"

"Besides, it's normal for you to question just now."

"Also, don't think about Rong Shengli."

"Your loyalty is worthy of Rong Shengli's respect these years."

"Rong Shengli's kindness can also make up for his calculations for you. You are both clear."

Ye Tianlong's expression is very solemn: "The most important thing is that when a person dies, all grievances and grievances have passed. You have to learn to look forward."

Wang Gobi's heart warmed and felt a little better: "Ye Shao, thank you for your enlightenment..."

Ye Tianlong patted him on the shoulder: "It's good to know that I'm enlightening, don't say it, go first, or there will be another gust of wind, and the two will fall."

At the same time, he whispered in his heart, Heilou and Tianyao base have not been mastered yet, wouldn't you be in vain if you fell?

"Ye Shao Renyi."

When the two cautiously walked to the other end of the chain, Wang Gobi knelt down straight: "From now on, Wang Gobi will follow Ye Shao to death."

"Go through fire and water, never hesitate to die..."

His announcement symbolized the end of his loyalty to Rong Shengli.

New master, new era.

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