Talented Genius

Chapter 2977: contempt

With the emergence of the chain bridge, Wang Gobi was not only grateful to Ye Tianlong, but also unconcealed guilt.

When he was in the middle of the chain bridge, Wang Gobi wanted to kill Ye Tianlong. As long as he couldn't persuade him, Wang Gobi would pull down the ring.

As soon as the ring mechanism moved, the iron cable where Ye Tianlong was located would break, and no matter how powerful he was, it would be impossible to survive a thousand-meter-high fall.

In that way, Wang Gobi avenged Rong Shengli.

It is a pity that Ye Tianlong's truth gave Wang Gobi a heavy blow.

He didn't doubt that Ye Tianlong deceived himself. After all, if he took the spring back to the earth, he could check with Rong Susu at any time, and Ye Tianlong would not lie.

This meant that Rong Shengli, who wanted to repay his gratitude, put him together, and he regarded Ye Tianlong, who had saved his life twice, as a murderer.

Wang Gebi was very guilty, and vowed to help Ye Tianlong well and hand over the Tianyao base and the black building to him.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Gobi and Ye Tianlong were standing in a valley. After the six trees moved to the sides, a covered cave was revealed.

The cave is almost cemented and the entrance is a wide hall.

There is no furniture or decoration in the hall, but there are stone tables and stools, and there is a mountain spring next to it.

Two people stood in the hall, a rough man in his thirties and a woman with gold-frame glasses in black.

The man is burly and huge, nearly two meters tall, very coercive, and the bronzed skin gives people a sense of invulnerability.

The woman is tall and delicate, with shrewd eyes, and her temperament is similar to that of a secretary or assistant.

Seeing Wang Gobi and Ye Tianlong appear, the rough man and the golden framed woman greeted them: "Old Wang, good afternoon."

Wang Gebi nodded slightly, and then introduced Ye Tianlong to the two of them: "This is Ye Shao, grandson of Lao Rong, and the future new owner of the base."

Then he introduced to Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao, this is the security captain Zhao Zidan and the base's external liaison officer Huo Feifei."

Ye Tianlong smiled and stretched out his hands to the two of them: "Good for you two."

"Are you a grandson? The new owner of the base?"

Zhao Zidan glanced at Ye Tianlong, a trace of contempt flashed across his face, it was true that Ye Tianlong was too young, and he looked younger than Rong Xueli.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Yes, it's me."

Although the other party was very rude, Ye Tianlong was not angry. Knowing what the other party was thinking, he motioned Wang Gobi not to get angry.

"Huo Feifei."

Huo Feifei stretched out her hand and shook Ye Tianlong, and then she parted with the touch, her pretty face also had a hint of disapproval, as if she also felt that Ye Tianlong was too young.

"Zhao Zidan."

Zhao Zidan also shook hands with Ye Tianlong, but did not smile, "I heard that Ye Shao is a hero boy, and I would like to ask Ye Shao to take care of him in the future."

He was talking about taking care, but his fingers used 80% of his strength, as if he wanted to try Ye Tianlong's abilities.

Compared to the outside world, they knew almost nothing about Ye Tianlong.

"Zidan, you..."

Seeing Zhao Zidan smile and playfully, Huo Feifei's pretty face couldn't stop changing, as if she knew what he was going to do.

"Captain Zhao, what are you doing?"

Wang Gebi also saw Zhao Zidan's thoughts, his face sank, and opened his hand: "Don't be rude to Ye Shao."

Zhao Zidan was very sorry to withdraw his hand: "Elder Wang, there is no other meaning."

It only took a second to hold Ye Tianlong wow, and he could give this immature new master a horse, but it was a pity that he was destroyed by Wang Gobi.

He could only curl his lips and smile: "Old Rong Yingming Shenwu, his grandson should not be bad, his hands are itchy..."

"This is Shao Ye, the new owner of the base. How can you offend? If your hands are itchy, find someone else."

Wang Ge raised his face and reprimanded: "Quickly apologize to Ye Shao."

Zhao Zidan disapproved and said, "I'm sorry, Shao Ye, I just offended you, please forgive me."

Wang Gebi secretly shook his head and cried out that this kid really didn't know good or bad. If he didn't rescue him in time, he would be disabled, but the result would be unhappy.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "It's okay, martial arts practitioners, full of blood, normal."

"Ye Shao said quite true."

Zhao Zidan trapped Ye Tianlong's words: "Martial arts practitioners, Fang Gang, Ye Shao, this new master is easy to do, but not easy to do."

"You put your name and power, and you are legally inherited, and everyone will respect you as the master."

He glanced at Ye Tianlong: "But this kind of inheritance is only on the surface. To gain our true respect, you are afraid that you have to show some strength."

"There is something that can convince us, whether it's talent learning or martial arts, there must always be something that convinces us."

Zhao Zidan smiled and said, "After all, the members of the base are all elites, so the young master naturally has to be a little capable."

Wang Gebi shouted, "Captain Zhao, what are you talking about?"

"Elder Wang, I am doing this for the sake of the new master."

Zhao Zidan straightened up slightly and looked at Ye Tianlong with a smile: "Remind him that the world always respects the strong."

"Otherwise, even if my team leader calls you Ye Shao, the three hundred brothers may not recognize you as the new master."

He concealed the needle in the cotton and showed his attitude.

When Wang Gobi's face sank and was about to get angry, Huo Feifei hurriedly stepped forward and smiled: "Ye Shao, don't be angry, Zidan likes to joke."

"Ye Shao turned out to be a grandson of Rong's grandson, appointed by the Rong family, and assisted by the king, the Tianyao base absolutely obeys your orders."

Huo Feifei eased the tension: "Ye Shao, Mr. Wang, and the leaders of the Thirteenth Division have all been in place, waiting for you in the glass room on the third floor."

Zhao Zidan glanced at Huo Feifei helplessly, feeling that she had disrupted his plan, and then agreed provocatively:

"Although the people in the Thirteenth Division don't have much contact with the outside world, many of them deal with genetic warriors. They have seen more blood than you drink."

"It's very hostile."

"It took three months for Mr. Da Rong and Mr. Xiao Rong to establish authority. I hope that Ye Shao can also take down those arrogant lunatics as soon as possible.

He always felt that Ye Tianlong was too tender.

Ye Tianlong ignored him, but followed Huo Feifei slowly. This fell to Zhao Zidan's eyes, and he was cowardly who didn't dare to be tough.

Huo Feifei burst into a bright smile, and once again explained her responsibilities to Ye Tianlong:

"Ye Shao, I am the base's liaison officer to the outside world, and I will also be your base's secretary."

"After you become the new master of Heavenly Medicine, I will contact you directly. I will also inform you of any future movements of the base as soon as possible."

"Today I will also take you to familiarize yourself with the base 13 divisions, core assets and the environment of the entire Tianyao base."

"Anything you have, or any instruction, you can let me convey it."

She added the last sentence: "If you want to know now, you can also ask me."

"No more."

Ye Tianlong casually replied: "Lead the way..."

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