Talented Genius

Chapter 2978: Base mutation

Huo Feifei couldn't help but flashed a slight contempt when he saw this. Zhao Zidan had already told Ye Tianlong of the seriousness, how could he not be a little dignified?

According to her assumptions, Ye Tianlong should be very scared and solemn, and then asked them what to do, how could they be calm?

Must be ignorant of the severity, not aware of the seriousness of the matter.

This kid is too far away from the previous Rong Shao.

Although Shao Rong is handsome, he still makes people feel the aura of the tyrannical family between his gestures.

And Ye Tianlong looked at him and didn't care about Zhao Zidan's reminder, just a dude.

The successors arranged by Lao Rong and Lao Wang really can't make it to the table. This time the Tianyao base is going to be a big trouble.

Huo Feifei sighed faintly in her heart: Even if Lin Chenxue came back, she was better than Ye Tianlong.

Zhao Zidan held his head high: I will see Shisansi later, and see how you can convince them? They may not completely obey Wang Gobi.

Wang Gebi did not speak, but followed Ye Tianlong respectfully.

Ye Tianlong followed Huo Feifei and them into the cave. After walking more than 30 meters, he turned three more turns before reaching an open area.

As soon as the two of them appeared, six red dots came over, and then the lights came on and six guards surrounded them.

When they saw Wang Gobi and the others, they quickly lowered their muzzles and shouted respectfully: "Old Wang, Miss Huo, Captain Zhao!"

Then he looked at Ye Tianlong behind: "This is..."

"Ye Tianlong, Ye Shao, new owner of Tianyao base."

Wang Gebi said indifferently: "I brought the new master over to see it today."

"Open the underground passage."

Huo Feifei issued an order.

"Ye Shao, please, Mr. Wang."

The six guards didn't have the slightest doubt when they heard the words, they opened a rock with agile action, revealing an elevator, and swiped their cards to activate the first steel door.

Zhao Zidan then took out a card and swiped open the second steel door, Huo Feifei followed to open the third steel door, and the elevator really opened.

Huo Feifei politely invited: "Ye Shao, Mr. Wang, please."

Ye Tianlong took Wang Gobi and the three people in, and then the elevator started to descend. I don't know how long it took, but the elevator arrived with a sound.

Ye Tianlong walked out, originally thinking that it would be blurred, but was shocked to find that his vision was clear and there was no sun, but it was as bright as daylight.

Moreover, the rain patters, and the temperature and humidity are no different from outside.

Ye Tianlong found that he was at the top of a twelve-story building. In his vision, there were busy traffic, orderly buildings, and pedestrians passing by with umbrellas.

Restaurants, hospitals, cinemas, bakeries, flower shops, playgrounds, all at a glance.

If it weren't for Wang Gobi to tell that this was the Heavenly Medicine base, Ye Tianlong would have thought that he had just strayed into the town, and it was completely a semi-closed ecosystem.

"Ye Shao, please here."

Huo Feifei smiled: "Thirteen Divisions are very busy every day. They have been waiting for Ye Shao for an hour."

"When the meeting is over, I will take Ye Shao around and get familiar with the environment after the 13th Division returns."

She looked polite, but her words secretly mocked that Shisansi was not as leisurely as Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong stopped Wang Gobi from going crazy and said faintly: "Okay, go, go to the meeting room."

Ten minutes later, Huo Feifei and Zhao Zidan took Ye Tianlong to a building.

This is a twelve-storey Hui-shaped building, but its floors are implanted underground, so the floor that Ye Tianlong walked into was the twelfth floor.

Enter the hall, walk seven or eight meters forward, there is a stainless steel railing, behind the railing is a back-shaped patio, standing next to it, you can see the bottom of the building at a glance.

It's just that each patio is equipped with a large piece of toughened glass.

Above Ye Tianlong's head, the patio on the twelfth floor was also blocked by a piece of glass to prevent rainwater from dripping and to make each floor relatively independent.

However, even though it is separated by bulletproof glass, the movement of each layer can still be heard, the air circulation is also very smooth, and the design seems to have worked hard.

At this moment, the lights are on on every floor, and there are people walking on every floor, and sounds are heard from time to time, which seems very lively.

"Compared with other buildings, this one is considered underground, it is an administrative center."

"By building it to the bottom, you can hide here for evacuation and command in time when an accident occurs at the base."

"The twelfth floor, the lower the floor, the more important the floor is. The third floor is the base conference room, and the second floor is the new main office and emergency command center."

Huo Feifei introduced to Ye Tianlong: "The first floor is the medicine and sample storage center..."

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "Understood, thank you Miss Huo."

Without waiting for Huo Feifei's response, Zhao Zidan urged Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao, don't watch it, go to the meeting, the thirteenth division and others are impatient."

"If you don't go down, they are likely to go back."

"They are the heads of the various departments of the base. Although they are not high-ranking officials, they are also veteran and have a big temper. They are difficult to serve."

Zhao Zidan's smile is very playful: "They have a temper to even Rong Lao..."

At this moment, several dissatisfied male and female voices came up clearly from downstairs:

"Nangong, isn't a new master coming over today? Why is there no shadow yet?"

"Yeah, we still have a lot of things to deal with, how can we spend a few hours here?"

"Eldest grandson, you said, he will show up later, do we want to give you a chance?"

"What's going to get off the horse? Just hit the face and let him show his skills, otherwise, grandma Rong won't give face to him."

"He doesn't have the patience, he can be the new owner, but he must not interfere with our affairs. He plays his own, and we do ours."

"Lao Rong is also really, get a new master, so that Mr. Lin, Mr. Da Rong Xiao Rong, even if led by Wang Nima, are more reliable than this late guy."

Hearing these words, Wang Gobi's face became ugly. He didn't expect Rong Shengli's bones to be cold, and these veterans would be so presumptuous one by one.

Ye Tianlong waved his hand gently, indicating that Wang Gobi didn't need to be angry.

Zhao Zidan gloated at Ye Tianlong and seemed to have a good show soon.

Seeing that Ye Tianlong was not angry like this, Huo Feifei's pretty face also showed contempt, not bloody, and then faintly said:

"Shao Ye, let's take the elevator down..."


At this moment, there was a crashing sound from the patio on the first floor, and then a gorilla rushed out and six experimenters flew around.

It also held an old man in a white coat in its hand, waving in the air like a toy.

"Boom, boom—"

The few experimenters who fell to the ground hadn't gotten up yet, and they were knocked to the ground without mercy.

Blood splattered.

Huo Feifei was surprised and lost her voice: "Dr. Jiang's Black King Kong?"

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