Talented Genius

Chapter 2987: Kneel down, kowtow

A dozen Chinese-clothed men and women poured into the door, and the snow-white Jin Guanxi walked in front, each with a brutal expression, which changed the atmosphere of the hall.

Confucius stood up: "Uncle Jin, it's inappropriate to say such things on this occasion, right?"

Jin Guanxi glanced at Confucius: "Didn't your father teach you, adults speak, children don't interrupt."

Confucius was speechless for a while. Although he was more expensive than Jin Guanxi, he was indeed lower than Jin Guanxi in terms of seniority.

"Uncle Jin, Zixiong is also kind."

Baishi Kang Mianli hides the needle: "No matter what your grievances are with Ye Shao, today is the funeral of Rong Lao. If you are so inappropriate, people will criticize the Jin family."

Jin Guanxi obviously harbored a grudge against the virgin forest, no matter how he wanted to win a little prize, so he ignored Bai Shikang's words, yin and yang:

"Mother and son teamed up to steal Rong's home wealth, so shameless things can be done. What am I to toss about at the funeral?"

"And I did this precisely for the sake of Rong's rest, reminding the Rong family's nephew not to make people seek fortune."

Jin Guanxi pointed at the portrait of Rong Shengli and laughed: "The spirit of old Rong in the sky will not blame me, but will only praise me."

Rong's nephew was very angry at Jin Guanxi's trouble, but what he said made them solemn, after all, this was their worry.

The nephew of the Rong family hopes that Rong Susu will preside over the overall situation of the Rong family, but also hope that Ye Tianlong will support him, but he is also worried that Ye Tianlong will eat into the Rong family.

Rong Susu was slightly frustrated, but he was about to go wild but saw Ye Tianlong shook his head, indicating that she should not lose her demeanor at this time.

But Xing Tianjiao couldn't help it: "Don't talk nonsense, and then provoke discord, I will let you out."

Jin Guanxi did not respond to Xing Tianjiao, but just stared at Ye Tianlong with a smile: "Ye Shao, do you want to swear to cleanse yourself in front of Rong Lao's coffin?"

Ye Tianlong ignored him, just took Muxiang, put it on Rong Shengli respectfully, and then spoke to Rong Susu and the others:

"Sorrow and change."

Rong Susu and the others nodded gently.

"Sorrow and change?"

Jin Guanxi smiled and didn't smile: "Ye Shao's heart must have changed smoothly. No, it's the happy blooming. The mother and the child are in harmony with each other. The meat on the cutting board of the Rong family."

Jin Guanxi's rants and disregards surprised many people present, wondering why he slammed Ye Tianlong like this?

Isn't Jin Guanxi not clear about Ye Tianlong's background and skills?

But this is impossible. Ordinary dignitaries may not understand Ye Tianlong, but it is impossible for Jin Guanxi not to understand Ye Tianlong. It seems that the two sides have already formed a bridge.

Xing Tianjiao and Confucius were angry when they saw this, but when they were about to stand up, they saw Ye Tianlong wave their hands to stop them.

Ye Tianlong turned around and walked over to Jin Guanxi and the others, his face was as gentle as ever: "Jin Guanxi? Jin Shao?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong approaching, more than a dozen Chinese-clothed men and women subconsciously moved forward, forming several walls of people to block Ye Tianlong intentionally or unintentionally.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's question, Jin Guanxi smiled noncommittal: "It's really an honor for Ye Shao to know me."

"What? Are you going to hit someone?"

"I know Ye Shao is a ninth-level master, killing people is like killing a chicken, are you going to kill me in front of everyone?"

"If it is, then you have to prepare a few more coffins today, me, Ye Shao, Miss Rong, or the rest."

While speaking, Jin Guanxi pulled open her shirt, revealing a bunch of bandages on her snow-white muscles, with twelve explosives stuck on them, all golden.



Seeing this scene, all the guests in the room took a breath. They didn't expect Jin Guanxi to wear explosives on her face today.

Confucius was also infuriated: "Asshole, did he lose his heart today? Is this kind of behavior, this kind of occasion, looking for death?"

Bai Shikang said in a low voice while shifting his position, "Bacheng Ye Shao dug his ancestral grave."

Xing Tianjiao also shouted angrily: "What are you going to do?"

Jin Guanxi patted twelve dynamites, then fused around his waist, and looked at Ye Tianlong with a smile: "Ye Shao, the dynamite seems to have blown up to the 9th level?"

Confucius roared: "Jin Guanxi, do you know the consequences if you do this?"

"Consequence? What are the consequences?"

Jin Guanxi smiled noncommitantly: "I didn't detonate, and I didn't hurt people. What are the consequences?"

"I have some explosives on my body, just to follow the trend and get some non-mainstream decorations."

"Young people like to pierce their ears, nose, and stomach. I just like to wrap a few dynamite to scare people who want to kill me."

He sighed softly: "Besides, you can bring guns, but I can't bring explosives? Only state officials are allowed to set fires, and people are not allowed to light lights?"

"Do you think a few explosives can deter me? Or stop me from killing you?"

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop Confucius and the others from talking: "Too naive."


In the next second, Ye Tianlong directly smashed the Chinese-clothed men and women, and approached Jin Guanxi like a meteor. The momentum was not fierce, but it was irresistible.

The men and women in Chinese clothes who were blocking them flew bang and bang, fell to the ground very embarrassed, and when they got up, they were gray-headed and gray-faced.


Jin Guanxi retreated subconsciously, and at the same time held the dynamite button on his waist, but although his movements were fast, Ye Tianlong was half a beat slower.

Ye Tianlong stood in front of Jin Guanxi instantly, with one hand on his thick shoulder.

A simple grip stopped all Jin Guanxi's movements.

Jin Guanxi's hand was only an inch away from the button, but she couldn't touch it at all. Her whole body was paralyzed and stiff by Ye Tianlong's brute force.

Jin Guanxi's face was ugly, she didn't expect it, she tried her best, but she was still slow.

The master moves, the slightest difference is a thousand miles away.

Rong Susu was worried about Ye Tianlong's ruthless hand, and hurriedly shouted out: "Tianlong, it is not suitable to see blood in funerals. Don't kill him."

Bai Shikang also agreed: "Tianlong, someone will punish him."

His own funeral homicide, new blood pressure and old blood, how unlucky, will discredit Ye Tianlong's reputation.

Ye Tianlong smiled harmlessly: "Today is the funeral of Mr. Rong, how could I kill someone and splatter blood?"

"It's just that Young Master Jin and the others are here, and they always have to kowtow to Old Man Rong."

He whispered: "Young Master Jin, are you right?"

Jin Guanxi's face was extremely ugly, she tried her best to break free, but she could not avoid Ye Tianlong's hand.

His whole body, even flesh and bones, seemed to be tightly bound by people, let alone a fight, even raising his hand didn't have the strength.

"How can you... be so strong?"

Jin Guanxi struggled to squeeze out a sentence, with an indescribable shock on his face. He had studied with Lone Star Master too much before, but there was no way he could not fight back now.

A simple contest, he was controlled by Ye Tianlong.

"You are too weak."

Ye Tianlong ripped off the explosive fuze and slapped Jin Guanxi with a backhand:

"Kneel! Kob your head!"

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