Talented Genius

Chapter 2988: Three slaps

"Ye Tianlong——"

Jin Guanxi fell to the ground, her nose and face were swollen, but she did not bleed.

He was very angry, and a Gulu wanted to get up.

"Can't understand me?"

Ye Tianlong put his left hand on Jin Guanxi's shoulder again: "Kneel down, kowtow, and make Rong Lao happy."

Then, he looked at a dozen Chinese men and women who were standing up: "Kneel down and give Lao Rong incense."

After speaking, his gaze became sharp, and that fierce killing intent instantly pressed against a dozen men and women in Chinese clothes.

The body of a dozen people shook, and the moment their eyes turned to Ye Tianlong, they looked at all beings indifferently as if they were facing a high god.

The invisible huge pressure fell on them, causing them to tremble uncontrollably, and then fell to the ground one by one.

Confucius and the others were very surprised when they saw this, but also a little surprised by Ye Tianlong's powerful spirit.

"Ye Tianlong, I, Jin Guanxi, will never give in."

Jin Guanxi bit her lip and added a trace of pain, desperately supporting Yaoyao's falling body, and she also put on a squat to the bottom.

Ye Tianlong shouted: "Kneel down and speak."


A brute force spit out from Ye Tianlong's palm, as if Mount Tai was crushing Jin Guanxi's body.

Jin Guanxi couldn't hold it anymore, and with another'plop', her knees smashed back to the ground, and she threw her five bodies on the ground.

Too powerful, is this Ye Tianlong's power?

Many people at the scene trembled in their hearts, and did not expect that a character like Jin Guanxi would be like a three-year-old child in Ye Tianlong's hands.

Bai Shuangshuang's eyes flashed with light, and there was an excitement that was difficult to speak in his heart, and he admired Ye Tianlong again.

Jin Guanxi was also full of sorrow. He never thought that a person would be so strong.

When I didn't see Ye Tianlong, no matter what I looked at from the data, I couldn't realize that Ye Tianlong was powerful, and I felt that I could handle it twice.

However, he did not expect that when facing Ye Tianlong directly, he was not only vulnerable, but also his will was defeated by Ye Tianlong, giving birth to a touch of fear.

"I know you are not afraid of death, but that doesn't mean you won't die."

Ye Tianlong said softly to Jin Guanxi, "I even dared to beat the Rong brothers, how good are you compared to them?"

"It is not good to see blood today, but it is suitable for groundbreaking."

He smiled very calmly: "You said, dare I bury you alive?"

Jin Guanxi's angry expression was slightly stiff, and she smelled death for the first time.

He dared to come here today to be wild, first of all, he believed that Ye Tianlong would not dare to do the funeral.

The second is that what he said can provoke the Rong family's emotions, Ye Tianlong's move by himself is equivalent to admitting to seek the Rong family, and the third is that he is wrapped in explosives.

But now that the explosives have failed, the Rong family's emotions have not been stirred up, but Ye Tianlong has taken advantage of the trend and used himself to kneel and win the hearts of the people.

Even Ye Tianlong's last confidence that he didn't dare to kill himself collapsed in Ye Tianlong's cold eyes.

Ye Tianlong really dared to bury himself alive.

Jin Guanxi had a clear understanding.

"Come on, give Lao Rong incense."

Seeing the jealousy in Jin Guanxi's eyes dissipated, Ye Tianlong waved gently and asked Jin Guanxi and the others to bring wood incense.

Afterwards, he stood beside them, looking down at the people who once smashed the four or nine cities.

At this time, Jin Guanxi didn't have the image of pointing the country just now, and she knelt on the ground like a toad, holding five sticks of wood incense in her hand.

"Kow your head well!"

Ye Tianlong patted Jin Guanxi's head: "Knocking louder, Rong Lao's ear, don't use force, you can't hear it."

"Boom boom boom——"

Jin Guanxi's eyelids jumped, she squatted her head vigorously, and was angry in her heart. She vowed to smash Ye Tianlong a thousand swords and vent her revenge for today's kowtow.

More than a dozen Chinese men and women can only kowtow to incense.

"Boom boom boom——"

Suddenly, there was a kowtow in the entire mourning hall, and the guests on the scene looked at the dramatic scene with incomprehension in their hearts.

It was the first time that they saw Jin Guanxi, who was arrogant, like a grandson of a tortoise, with her tail sandwiched between her tails, without the arrogance and arrogance that pointed Jiangshan back then.

This also implied that Ye Tianlong's strength also meant that this piece of meat from the Rong family was really difficult to spit out, and that it would break his teeth accidentally.

Many people secretly tell the people behind this scene.

The nephew of the Rong family was still very pleased to see this scene. No matter what Ye Tianlong had done before, he defended the face of the Rong family at this moment.

The bad impression of the past has changed a lot for the Rong family.


A minute later, when Jin Guanxi and the others finished the incense, Ye Tianlong slapped Jin Guanxi's face:


Jin Guanxi staggered and almost fell, and then gave Ye Tianlong a bitter look: "I will remember these two slaps."


Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense, and slapped him again:

"Wrong, three slaps, get out."

Jin Guanxi was furious and clenched her fists, but in the end she stopped talking nonsense and left with a bunch of accomplices embarrassed.

Seeing Jin Guanxi coming with majestic power, her nose and face swollen, Confucius and the others all smiled and looked at each other, thanking Jin Guanxi for what she had done.

Confucius smiled: "With the example of Jin Guanxi, it will be much easier to go back and convince the old man."

Bai Shikang also nodded: "The path that the Bai family is going to be soft and soft will also be soft. It seems that the younger sister will have a high probability to join the Ye family."

Bai Shuangshuang's pretty face flushed even more when he heard this: "Who likes that bastard, who is arrogant to death, I won't marry him."

Confucius and the others smiled at each other, very happy.

"Tianlong, Jin Guanxi is hob meat, and insidious, with nasty methods. If you deal with him like this, he will retaliate."

At this moment, Rong Susu came to Ye Tianlong and whispered: "You must be careful when you enter and leave."

"Mom, don't worry, I will be careful."

Ye Tianlong relieved his mother: "And he had better not come to provoke me, otherwise it will be his death date next time."

Rong Susu nodded with satisfaction: "It's good if you have a sense of measure."

"Mom, you go back to your place and rest, I'll go up and say a few words."

Ye Tianlong asked Xing Tianjiao to support his mother to the seat, then he walked to the emcee and picked up the microphone to speak:

"What happened today made everyone laugh."

"When there are so many people, I will say a few words, which can be regarded as a promise."

"First, my grievances with the Rong family have been wiped out. As long as the Rong family does not come to provoke me, I will not be against the Fu Rong family."

"Secondly, I have nothing to do with the Rong family, but I and'Miss Rong' are mother and child."

"Someone wants to cannibalize the Rong family. If Miss Rong has no objection, then I have no objection."

"If Miss Rong is unhappy or hurts her, then I will retaliate mercilessly. I hope you will show some face."

"Third, during Miss Rong's lifetime, I, Ye Tianlong, will never invade the assets of the Rong family, and will not take the needle or thread in your hands."

"As for my mother a hundred years later, I will not even know whether I will attack the Rong family."

"So everyone in the Rong family, don't worry about me and my mother cannibalize the Rong family. What you have to worry about is that my mother will live a long life."

This remark not only made the guests quiet, but also stunned the Rong family's nephew. He never expected that he would make this decision.

The grievances were written off, not to occupy the Rong family's assets, not to take the needle and thread in their hands, the Rong family's nephew tears in his eyes, and he can sleep well in the future.

"Xie Ye Shao!"


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