Talented Genius

Chapter 585: Can't you understand?

Chapter 585: Don't You Understand?

Wang Guojun and Zeng Taoyan turned gloomy in an instant.

This gloomy is not because I feel that Ye Tianlong is rude to Ning Caiwei in public, but because he believes that the relationship between the two people makes them angry.

They all know that Ning Caiwei is not a casual person. At this moment, he is willing to let Ye Tianlong kiss in public. What else is there besides the relationship between lovers?

Ye Tianlong is Ning Caiwei's boyfriend!

After confirming this relationship, Wang Guojun and Zeng Taoyan were very annoyed because this seriously affected their plans.

They originally believed that Ning Caiwei did not have a boyfriend, and then put pressure on her, forcing her to have a blind date with a diamond king who they wanted.

The person had seen Ning Caiwei and was very satisfied with her. He also hinted that as long as Ning Caiwei was willing to follow him, he would loan 80 million to Wang Guojun at a low interest rate.

Guoyan Pharmaceuticals has a problem with its capital chain and is about to face bankruptcy. Wang Guojun and his wife hope to use Ning Caiwei as a bargaining chip to turn around.

Now, Ye Tianlong's existence has blocked their plans, and their dreams are about to fall to the ground. How can they not be angry?

After the two looked at each other, Zeng Taoyan snorted strangely: "It's really a lover, but it's not so good. Seeing that the parents don't even have gifts? It's so rude!"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "I'm sorry, I just got off work and came in a hurry. I must make up for my third uncle and aunt the next day."

"Parents, we are back. There are a few Jianjian friends over there, all of whom are rich or expensive. It took a long time."

At this moment, a pair of fashionable men and women walked through the entrance, it was the young Armani and the **** girl, who looked helpless:

"They brought me a few customers and drank a few glasses of wine. Hey, Jianjian has too many contacts, and I'm almost exhausted from socializing."

The Armani youth came back without saying hello, but slightly nodded to Wang Guojun and Zeng Taoyan, looking very cold.

Ning Caiwei pressed Ye Tianlong's ears and said, "Cousin, Wang Nana, Turtle, just came back, Wang Yao, deputy head of business."

"The one with earplugs, Nangongjian, her boyfriend, I heard that he is a rich second-generation, or some music expert, and wears earplugs all day to pretend to be cool.

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, Nangong sword? Nangong's surname is rare. I don't know if it has anything to do with Nangongxiong?

At the same time, he glanced at Ning Caiwei again.

From this perspective, the chest is turbulent, and the curve of the shirt on the top of the shirt is particularly hot, and the button on the chest seems to be slammed at any time.

He cried out really high.

When Ye Tianlong felt the touch brought by Ning Caiwei, Nangongjian's eyes also flicked hot, and he swept Ning Caiwei more intentionally or unintentionally.

Compared with Ning Caiwei, Wang Nana is a bit more sexy, but less youthful. Nangongjian is prematurely tired of sexy, so she is more interested in youth.

Ye Tianlong caught his gaze and was very dissatisfied. How could this guy look at the pot while eating a bowl like himself?

At this moment, seeing Wang Guojun and Zeng Taoyan coming back from their daughter and son-in-law, their cold expressions instantly eased, and smiles piled on their faces.

One person opened up the chairs for the two, and the other poured tea for them, very thoughtful.

"Master Nangong is young and promising, and Nangong is a big family. It's normal to have many contacts."

Wang Guojun said with earnest thoughts: "Nana, you must cherish and cherish the opportunities that Nangong Sword creates for you."

Zeng Taoyan also smiled and greeted the young Armani to sit down: "Master Nangong, thank you for your hard work. It is an honor for the Wang family to take care of Nana like this."

"Nana has been pampered since she was young. If anything is wrong, you can scold her. Although we are her parents, we will never shield her."

Nangongjian took off one of the earplugs and dealt with it carelessly: "Uncles and aunts don't worry, I will love Nana well."

"Parents, so are you, I'm your daughter, how can you be partial to the sword?"

Wang Nana was very happy and acted like a baby, she went to the table to pour tea and took a sip, then looked at Ye Tianlong and Ning Caiwei and shouted:

"Pluck, are you here? I thought you wouldn't dare to come tonight."

Then, she pointed a finger at Ye Tianlong: "Who is this person? How come here?"

Wang Guojun coughed and replied reluctantly: "Plucking boyfriend."

Nangong Jian stared at Ye Tianlong, his eyes somewhat hostile, as if something had been robbed, and the earplugs didn't go back.

Wang Nana glanced at Ye Tianlong and made an exaggerated expression: "Boyfriend? Caiwei really has a boyfriend? Not rented?"

Zeng Taoyan said in a weird manner: "His boyfriend is still the vice president of Huayao."

Ning Caiwei also nodded: "He is really the vice president of Huayao."

"Vice President of Huayao?"

Wang Nana was startled when she heard the words, and then she smiled: "Although I have just returned to China, it's Wang Yao's deputy director anyway, Hua Yao is the enemy."

"Liu Yongcai did resign the position of vice president for some reason, but I never received the wind. Huayao has a new vice president again."

"What I know is that Lin Chenxue is the general manager, concurrently serving as the vice president, Cai Wei, you just want to put gold on your face, and you have to tell a better lie."

She looked down on Ning Caiwei: "It's bad for you to lie like this. It's even harder to find a boyfriend. Don't do this in the future, you know?"

"I know you like to compare with me since you were young, but our family background is different, IQ is different, circle is different, you can't compare to mine at all."

"You don't need to find someone pretending to be the vice president of Huayao to overpower me just because I found a high-quality stock like Jianjian. It's really meaningless."

Ye Tianlong didn't say anything, but looked at Wang Nana very amusingly. The most interesting thing is to watch this kind of woman show her superiority.

In Nangongjian's playful gaze, Ning Caiwei looked helpless: "He is really Huayao..."

"Okay, don't round up this lie. He is really your boyfriend, and you don't need to talk about the name of the vice president of Huayao."

Wang Guojun was impatient to interrupt Ning Caiwei's words, and then looked at Ye Tianlong and asked, "When did you and my family meet?"

Ning Caiwei hurriedly squeezed out: "We met at the foundation three months ago, and he cooperated with us..."

Wang Guojun glared at Ning Caiwei: "Shut up, I didn't ask you again."

Ning Caiwei sighed and closed her mouth. She was somewhat afraid of this third uncle. In addition to his strong temperament, she owed a little love.

Third uncle sponsored a little for her university expenses.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong was pouring tea for the two of them: "Yes, we met three months ago, and work needs..."

"Three months? Did you hide it from us for three months?"

Zeng Taoyan looked very angry: "Ye Tianlong, do you think we parents do not exist, or do you just want to play with Caiwei?"

"You are not acting like a responsible man."

Ye Tianlong was stunned for a moment, and then reacted quickly: "Sorry, aunt, I absolutely don't have that idea, I..."

Zeng Taoyan interrupted Ye Tianlong's words: "Where do I live? Is there a Mingjiang household registration?"

Ye Tianlong answered honestly: "I rent a house in Baishizhou, I don't have Mingjiang registered permanent residence."

Wang Guojun and his wife looked contemptuous when they heard the words, and then Wang Guojun also asked: "What degree?"

Ye Tianlong was very embarrassed: "I don't have a degree, I haven't studied in elementary school."

His study career has been one-to-one, many-to-one, and he really never went to school.

"Have you never attended elementary school?"

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Zeng Taoyan's mouth: "Did the BMW just now belong to you?"

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "No, it's my brother's."

"At first glance, you know that you borrowed the storefront."

Zeng Taoyan and her husband looked at each other, exchanged a glance, and then categorically said: "Ye Tianlong, you are not suitable for Caiwei."

She looked at Ning Caiwei again and said, "Caiwei, you can't communicate with Tianlong. People who have no education, no household registration, no house or car, why are you married?"

"We will tell your parents about the situation. If you have filial piety, break up quickly and don't make your parents sad."

After Wang Nana learned about Ye Tianlong's situation, she didn't even believe that he was the vice president of Huayao. She smiled and said to Ning Caiwei:

"Cousin, listen to my parents, dump this hopeless man, let my parents or Jianjian introduce one to you."

"Although it is impossible to compare with my swordsman, it must be better than Ye Tianlong."

She looked proud: "You want to find a handsome, rich, and tasteful man than my sword, you can only wait for the next life."

The inconspicuous Nangongjian touched Wang Nana's leg and smiled: "Nana, don't always say that I have money, I don't like this, I have no meaning in saying it.

"Yes, yes, my swordsman is still a music expert, rich and connotative. Plucking, the man you chose is not comparable."

Wang Nana took his earplugs and looked at Ye Tianlong provocatively: "Forget it, you can sing songs, but you don't understand music 100%."

Nangong Sword turned up a little louder, and there was a burst of exciting music from the earplugs.

"Tchaikovsky's "Symphony No. 3" in D major, Master Nangong has good taste, but the battery of your battery is not suitable for listening to this song."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "The electricity your battery is charging is generated by the wind. The sense of hierarchy is very poor and the sense of hearing is dim."

"Listening to Tchaikovsky's D major, the sound field shrinks significantly, and the violin part is mixed."

When Nangongjian's body was shocked and his face was full of surprise, Ye Tianlong swayed again and said:

"With thermal power, the sound is warmer, and the sound of hydropower is colder but with high resolution. Listening to Tchaikovsky's stuff is suitable for hydropower."

"In the hydropower, the Yarlung Zangbo River's Mo Dehydration Power Station has the best electricity. The electricity from Tianshui in the mountains and snowfields makes the sound completely different."

"The best time to listen to music is from 8 to 10 in the evening."

"At this time, the tone is as cold as ice water, but the resolution is very clear, and each node of the performance can be heard clearly."

"After ten o'clock in the evening, the sound is obviously warmer, and there are some impurities, because the peak electricity uses hydropower, and the low valley electricity is mainly thermal power."

Having said that, Ye Tianlong stopped the topic and looked at the dumbfounded Nangong Jian with a smile:

"Master Nangong, don't you understand?"

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