Talented Genius

Chapter 586: My purse

Chapter 586: My Wallet

Ye Tianlong's words made Wang Guojun's family silent, and Ning Caiwei also looked surprised.

No one seems to have thought that Ye Tianlong not only understands Tchaikovsky, but can also speak the music of music so eloquently that he is in a daze.

Nangongjian was even more embarrassed. Facing the sentence Ye Tianlong said, he couldn't understand and didn't know how to respond.

If you understand, it's easy to get slapped in the face. If you don't understand, and a little embarrassed, he can only shake the corner of his mouth and squeeze out three words with difficulty: "It's OK."

"Yes, it's good to understand. I thought that a rich second-generation like you just didn't know how to pretend to be arty."

Ye Tianlong took a sip of the tea, and then dangling out a sentence: "I happen to understand a little bit, and I can communicate when I have a chance."

Despite Ye Tianlong's sincere posture, no one could hear the meaning of the instruction. Nangong Jian snorted and did not respond.

His expression told everyone that he was very angry.

"What is arty, my family is a master of swordsman music, has more than 100,000 fans, and monthly advertisements are 30,000 or 40,000."

Wang Nana's pretty face is ugly: "Of course, Jianjian never takes this little money in his eyes. He wants money and can get 180 million from home at any time."

She originally wanted to slap Ye Tianlong's face severely, and by the way stepped on Ning Caiwei, who was younger and more beautiful than herself, but she didn't expect to be slapped by Ye Tianlong instead.

So Wang Nana was very annoyed: "You think you are like you, and you don't even have a serious job. When you see your parents, you still talk about the vice president of Huayao."

"Do you think that if you understand a little mess of music, you will be the best in the world? Can you eat or buy a house."

When Ning Caiwei wanted to refute, Ye Tianlong stretched out to refute: "Can't the singer eat or buy a house?"

"People are singers, well-known, of course they can eat and make money.

Wang Nana joked: "But what about you? Are you a singer? No, you don't even have a fan. How can you buy a house with music?"

Wang Guojun picked up the cigarette again, but glanced at Nangongjian and put it down: "Young people, don't neglect your business. Moving bricks is the kingly way."

"If you were my son, and you didn't do your job properly, I would have interrupted your leg long ago."

Zeng Taoyan also echoed: "That is, I don't have any background, and I pretend to be noble."

Ye Tianlong counterattacked neither salty nor indifferent: "Elegance never pretends, grandson pretends."

In a word, Wang Guojun's family was angry immediately: "You--"

While Ye Tianlong smiled without saying a word, Wang Nana looked at Ning Caiwei, Hate House and Wu:

"Caiwei, it's not that my sister said you, your boyfriend is unreliable, you don't have a better job, and you still learn how to play music."

Wang Nana vented her hatred in one breath: "Is this money-burning game that you can afford? Besides, it is poisonous and has no emotional intelligence."

Nangongjian also looked at Ye Tianlong coldly: "EQ is indeed low."

Ning Caiwei wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ye Tianlong's small hand. He wanted to attract firepower: "Low EQ is better than IQ."

He is an outsider, and he is not afraid to offend Wang Guojun and them, but Ning Caiwei and them are a family, and Ye Tianlong does not want to make Ning Caiwei have no way out.

Wang Nana was about to be mad at Ye Tianlong and looked at Wang Guojun and Zeng Taoyan: "Parents, Cai Wei doesn't know good people, let's not pay attention."

"If you want to have any boyfriend, let her make it."

"At that time, she will suffer a loss and hit the south wall. She will regret it herself. If you care about her, it will be totally thankless."

"She is now dazzled by love. She doesn't understand that you are doing her good, and she still thinks that you are nosy."

Ning Caiwei subconsciously said: "Cousin, I'm not dissatisfied--"

"It's not dissatisfaction, you would choose such a man, and you don't like the diamond king that your parents introduced to you?"

Wang Nana snorted, pinched her slender legs, and outlined a sultry arc: "You are disgusting us."

"By the way, parents, don't worry about your factory, Jianjian will spend five million to help you through the difficulties."

Wang Nana also remembered one thing: "It seems that Wang Yao is about to set up a subsidiary recently to produce a beauty drug that will sell well."

"I have a good relationship with General Secretary Ning. I have already told her that I will give you some orders."

"General Manager Ning's secretary agreed. As long as you control the quality, the three to five billion orders will be fine."

There was a hint of pride in her pretty face: "This way, you can get through. There is no need to do thankless things."

Ye Tianlong smiled, and suddenly understood why Ning Caiwei wanted to pretend to be her boyfriend.

In addition to giving her parents an explanation, there is also to dispel Wang Guojun and Zeng Taoyan's idea of ​​giving her a blind date.

And this blind date was not for Ning Caiwei's happiness, but the Wang family wanted to benefit from it.

He swiped his cell phone a few times and quickly found news about Guoyan Factory, a factory that specializes in pharmaceutical production and packaging, and recently there was a problem with the funding chain.

Wang Guojun has become a defendant in more than a dozen cases, and he will spend the rest of his life in prison after the Spring Festival if he does not find funds to tide over the difficulties.

He guessed that someone would like Ning Caiwei, let Wang Guojun and Zeng Taoyan introduce them, and then support Guoyan Pharmaceutical Factory.

Ye Tianlong sighed: "Human heart."

Then he shook his head at Wang Nana again. It was obvious that the Wang family wanted good, but Ning Caiwei didn't know what is good or bad.

At this moment, Wang Guojun looked happy and stared at Wang Nana and shouted: "Five million? Three to five billion orders?"

Zeng Taoyan also looked excited: "Master Nangong loaned us five million? Wang Yao gave us three to five million orders?"

Wang Nana nodded: "Yes, your pharmaceutical factory is saved, Jianjian brought all the checks today, and Wang Yao's list is fine."

"The secretary is in charge of the list of production plants. Ning will only have a quick glance. There will be no problem."

She turned her head slightly to Nangong Jian: "Jianjian, give parents a surprise quickly."

"Okay, five million, which is my pocket money for half a year."

Nangongjian has removed the earplugs, and after being beaten by Ye Tianlong, he no longer wants to wear them: "Uncles and aunts have difficulties, of course I have to help."

He took out the check and wrote three in one go, and then pushed it to Wang Guojun: "A little money, uncle smiles."

Wang Guojun gave a thumbs up: "Master Nangong is a big man. It's true that Nana followed you."

Zeng Taoyan was also pleased with a smile: "That is, Nana's blessing is also our Wang's blessing."

Five million is not much for Wang Guojun and the others, nor can it solve the problem, but at least it can last ten and a half days.

When there is an order for Wangyao, things will turn around. After all, the Wangyao brand is there. As long as there is its list, customers will have more trust.

"Five million is indeed a small number for our swords, but for some people, it is an astronomical number."

Wang Nana looked at Ye Tianlong again and smiled: "Ye Tianlong, have you seen five million?"

Ning Caiwei's pretty face changed: "Sister, don't talk like that."

"Although the words are a bit uglier, they have practical lessons to stimulate him. Maybe he will be brave after he is ashamed, and he will develop a little bit later."

Wang Nana smiled playfully: "Of course, if you don't like it, I won't say it."

Ye Tianlong drank the water leisurely: "It's okay, continue to say, I have the right to listen to the drama."

"Listen to the show? Don't hold on to it. It's boring to say these beautiful things. If you have money, buy an LV for Caiwei."

Wang Nana still couldn't swallow the anger of Nangong Jian being beaten in the face, staring at the travel bag beside Ye Tianlong and sneered: "Don't use the travel bag to fool the plucking."

"This is not a travel bag, it's my wallet."

Ye Tianlong said lazily: "You use a wallet, I have more money and use a bag."

"Go out to eat and bring a bag of money? Do you think I'm a fool?"

Wang Nana sneered: "Besides, do you have a bag of money? Are you afraid that there are no coins?"

While speaking, she reached out and took the travel bag and pulled it open, trying to expose Ye Tianlong's calmness.


The zipper opened instantly, a green light made Wang Nana and the others subconsciously squinted, and then their eyes widened again: Damn!

Nangongjian was also shocked: a bag of money!

US dollars!

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