Talented Genius

Chapter 604: You committed a crime (four more)

Chapter 604 You Are Offended (four more)

Shen Tianmei opened her red lips and sighed faintly: "I have to say, you succeeded. Your reputation not only resounds through Mingjiang, but also spread to the capital."

"Moreover, Kong Polang was scared by you, so he was transferred to Beijing for treatment when his injury improved."

She smiled at Ye Tianlong: "You are really a younger brother who keeps surprises me. I find that I like you more and more."

Speaking of this, Shen Tianmei suddenly kicked her shoes on her feet, and then she put her slender and round thighs on Ye Tianlong's arms:

"Brother, your medicine is really a magical medicine. The sprained foot lasted for three days. I don't know why, but it hurt a bit in the past two days."

"You professional, please check for me again to see if there are any sequelae, lest my sister is lame and cannot get married."

Ye Tianlong looked at the jade feet on his palm, his face was a little speechless, the woman's thinking was jumping too hard, and then she checked it out.

After removing the socks, Shen Tianmei's feet looked more slender and delicate, and faint blood vessels appeared on the snow-white instep, and five toes were slender and slender.

The soles of the feet are slightly red, and the lines on them are clearly visible.

Ye Tianlong used one hand to support her slender beautiful feet, and the other hand gently stroked her white and tender feet, which were soft and smooth.

When his fingers touched the soles of his feet, and when her five fleshy toes turned up and down, Shen Tianmei yelled: "Ah! Tap it!"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Without a little effort, how do you know if it's good?"

He gently rubbed Shen Tianmei's toes and soles. She struggled first and then stopped talking, occasionally letting out a lazy and comfortable moan.

"It's no problem. Your foot pain should be freezing, and the coldness of tens of degrees below zero has penetrated."

Ye Tianlong made a judgment: "Keep warm and drink more **** water. If you can, stay in Mingjiang for a few more days."

Shen Tianmei looked surprised: "Ah, brother, you are so amazing, you are really a genius doctor, I did freeze in Hungarian and Mongolia, minus 40 degrees."

Ye Tianlong put on socks and shoes for the woman and smiled: "Small question, if you want to thank you, please ask me for this meal today."

"It's so insincere to have dinner."

Shen Tianmei cast a wink at Ye Tianlong: "Let's get off the sheets—"


At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open, and six policemen with live ammunition poured into them, two of them carrying guns against two female bodyguards.

"All are not allowed to move!"

The four rushed up to surround Ye Tianlong and Shen Tianmei, all holding a police gun in their hands, and pointed at them and shouted: "Put your hands on your head."

Shen Tianmei's pretty face was cold: "Who are you? Do you want to rob?"

A police officer with triangular eyes came up from behind, took out his ID and flashed: "We are the police, my name is Xiong Tianjiang, and these are my colleagues."

He stared at Shen Tianmei coldly and said: "Miss Shen is suspected of a fraud case, please follow us and step into the bureau."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the other person, did not say anything, just took a paper towel and wiped his hands, then unobtrusively pressed his pocket phone.

"I want to verify your identity. In addition, I need to inform my lawyer."

Facing the muzzle, Shen Tianmei didn't change her face, and said coldly: "After doing these two things, I will follow you."

"It seems you don't believe us?"

Xiong Tianjiang sneered: "Police, you dare to doubt, you reporter are really arrogant."

"It's just that you can't be the master today. You have to verify your identity, find a lawyer, and go back to the bureau."

He shouted: "Come here, take them all away, dare to resist and kill without mercy."

One person took a step forward, raising his gun to face Shen Tianmei's head, and another person stepped forward and confiscated her mobile phone and bag.

The two female bodyguards subconsciously wanted to protect the lord, but before they moved, their gunshots slammed their heads in deterrence.

At the same time, a big guy banged out two punches and directly hit the abdomen of the two Overlord Flowers, causing the latter to temporarily lose combat effectiveness.

"Police officer, I am not familiar with Reporter Shen..."

At this moment, Ye Tianlong raised his hands, looked at the muzzle, and tremblingly said: "I'm here to eat, I won't go?"

"Yes, you should let them all three."

Facing the brutal behavior of the police, Shen Tianmei was not angry or struggling. After a glance at Ye Tianlong, charming became quiet:

"You want to take me to assist in the investigation. It has nothing to do with these three people. Let them go and I will go with you."

Xiong Tianjiang looked at the two bodyguards in black, and then at the cowering Ye Tianlong, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth:

"It doesn't matter, it's not you or they have the final say, but the police have the final say after investigation."

He would rather kill the mistake than let it go: "I suspect they are your accomplices, so I have to take them all away."

Xiong Tianjiang yelled: "Come on, handcuff and take away."

Following his order, the police handcuffed the two bodyguards. The latter wanted to resist but was suppressed by gunpoint and could only be handcuffed by the police.

Shen Tianmei's eyes were cold, and when he was about to get rid of the handcuffs, his head was held up by the gun. Xiong Tianjiang's eyes showed killing intent, and he said coldly:

"Reporter Shen, don't move around, or the gun will go off."

Shen Tianmei sighed and let them handcuff themselves.

"I really don't know anything, I really don't know her."

Ye Tianlong waved his hands while shouting innocence to the other party: "Just let me go, I don't know anything."

"Stop talking nonsense, and then squeaky and crooked, you will be shot."

Although Xiong Tianjiang looks down on Ye Tianlong's cowardice, he will not let anyone in the room go today to avoid leaking the wind: "Handcuffed."

He personally took out the handcuffs, and Ye Tianlong shrank his hands in fear.

At this moment, a gun was placed on Ye Tianlong's head, and Xiong Tianjiang said coldly: "Put out your hand!"

Shen Tianmei also tilted her head to Ye Tianlong: "Brother, cooperate with them."

She was worried that these **** would shoot headshots, and the heroes would not suffer immediate losses.


Ye Tianlong stretched out his hands helplessly, and when Xiong Tianjiang handcuffed him, Ye Tianlong staggered and took the opportunity to slam into the opponent.

A thin needle also pierced Xiong Tianjiang's elbow joint at a very fast speed.


Seeing Ye Tianlong hit him, Xiong Tianjiang was furious: "You are looking for death, right?"

Ye Tianlong avoided repeatedly: "Police officer, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Xiong Tianjiang kicked it, Ye Tianlong staggered, moved a chair half a meter, and Xiong Tianjiang kicked the chair with an ouch.

He jumped angrily, wanting to move Ye Tianlong again, Shen Tianmei said coldly: "Police officer, time is running out, I will have a meeting tomorrow."

"Hurry up to the police station, settle the matter early, and come back early."

Xiong Tianjiang let out a sigh of heat: "Take it away!"

PS: Four more, please give a few likes HO.

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