Talented Genius

Chapter 605: Northwest Six Bandits

Chapter 605


With a big wave of his hand, Xiong Tianjiang took away the four of Ye Tianlong who were handcuffed by his hand. When they went out, they also put on headgear for the four of them.

The group walked through the back door, and Xiong Tianjiang also told the manager not to call the police.


Soon, the Xiong Tianjiang police put the four people into a van and left with a scream on the accelerator.

"This is not a police car, and you are not a policeman. Where are you taking us?"

When the black bag on her head was taken off, Shen Tianmei glanced around in the car and let out a cold voice: "What do you want to do?"

Ye Tianlong, who took off the bag, lowered his head and looked unlucky, and then another sly flashed in his eyes, scanning Xiong Tianjiang and them carefully.

There are six people in a car, all of different shapes and colors, but they all have a vicious atmosphere flowing through them. They are extremely vicious, and they are the master of the murder.

It seems that Shen Tianmei is not a small trouble this time.

However, he didn't have too many surprises. Shen Tianmei's work cut too many people's money, and even sat in prison. The person who dealt with her was naturally a gangster.

"Yo, found it?"

Xiong Tianjiang shook the gun and sneered at Shen Tianmei: "I thought that the big reporter had a short-circuit in his brain today and couldn't find the clue."

"Do you know how many brain cells we have died these days to tie you?"

He pulled off a collar and hummed, "From the capital to Mingjiang, from the day before yesterday to today, following you 24 hours a day, it is more paparazzi than a paparazzi."

"Too tired we are about to vomit blood."

They have been with Shen Tianmei for fifty hours, but they have not been able to find a suitable opportunity to start.

Shen Tianmei was either guards armed with guns from the Lu family, or was in a crowded place, and spent most of the time in the house.

"If it weren't for you to have a wave today, and secretly bring two Overlords out for a tryst, we are afraid it will take a few more days."

Xiong Tianjiang lit a cigarette and expelled a big puff of smoke: "Major reporter, just now we played a policeman, is it still qualified?"

"My trick, but from film school, it has little impact and quick results, and it can also block the mouths of witnesses."

There was a trace of pride on his face: "It seems that in the future, I will watch a few more movies and learn the creativity on the screen, with less cost and less risk."

The big guy next to him lightly snorted: "It must be qualified, otherwise, how can I fool the restaurant people and make the big reporter get in the car?"

While speaking, the big guy stared at Shen Tianmei's tall chest with aggressive eyes, wishing to peel off the latter and press it up immediately.

"Who are you?"

Shen Tianmei could feel the rush of the other party's breath, moved her body close to Ye Tianlong, and then her eyes became cold: "Why kidnap us?"

"Who are we? You will know soon."

Xiong Tianjiang said gloomily: "You will still know today, who is killing you, don't worry, there will be answers to everything in the long night."

The big guy also licked his lips: "Baby, we will treat you well."

A cold light flashed in Shen Tianmei's eyes: "Give me a price to get out of life."

"How much is the other party giving you, I will give you double the money, no, I will give you all the net worth."

"With this money, you can enjoy happiness wherever you go."

Shen Tianmei knew in her heart that all the people she offended were extremely wicked people. Today, I am afraid that there will be no good or bad things. It is useless to threaten these people and can only lure them.

But the other party was unmoved, Xiong Tianjiang sneered: "Shen Tianmei, don't play tricks, what money can you have as a reporter?"

"Even if we have money, we will not let you go. Although we are engaged in murder and arson, we are equally credible."

"If you let the money go, how do we explain it to the employer? How will we pick up business in the future?"

Xiong Tianjiang slowly spit out a circle: "Besides, the last time Mingjiang Highway chased and killed you, several of our brothers were killed by your bodyguard."

What he said was the chase on the Mingjiang Highway. It was obviously the time when Shen Tianmei was drunk and Ye Tianlong took her home. Seven brothers were killed by Ye Tianlong.

Fortunately, apart from Ye Tianlong himself, there is no third person who knows what he made, including Shen Tianmei.

Seeing the other party rejecting herself, Shen Tianmei yelled again: "Don't talk nonsense! Is 50 million enough?"

These words immediately attracted the whole car to look over.

A gleam of light flashed in Shen Tianmei's eyes, and the iron was hot and shouted: "Let me go, I will give you 50 million now."

"Don't be fooled by her."

Xiong Tianjiang hummed to several of his companions: "She is a reporter and has a hair of fifty million. She is just talking nonsense to survive."

His voice sank: "Besides, even if she has fifty million, who of you dare to let her go?"

The hunk waiting for a few people heard the last sentence, and the heat on his face instantly disappeared without a trace, and it was clear that she had let go of her miserable end.

"You have taken 50 million, you can go abroad to escape at any time, what's to be afraid of?"

Shen Tianmei's red lips and Zhang Qi: "The retaliation of the Lu family and the Shen family is definitely not less than the risk of the employer's attack on you. It is better to take the money and leave."

"Don't confuse people, Miss Shen, the employer is not something you can compete with."

Xiong Tianjiang didn't do what he did: "If you want to survive, go to the employer later."

"But now take it to me honestly, don't make us angry, or I will scratch your face, if you look so beautiful, it won't be good to disfigure your face."

If it is not for rushing business, Xiong Tianjiang would like to enjoy Shen Tianmei. He can play with such a stunner, and he would be willing to live a few years less.

At the same time, there was an idea in his heart that before dealing with Shen Tianmei, he would borrow Shen Tianmei from his employer for an hour, one to enjoy it, and the other to extract it.

Although they couldn't let Shen Tianmei off with fifty million, they could trick her over fifty million before killing her. Thinking of this, Xiong Tianjiang smiled.

He smiled wickedly and proudly, letting Ye Tianlong catch the danger.

"I am Mingjiang's chief reporter. There are a bunch of related stakeholders behind me. Have you ever thought about the consequences if you moved me?"

Seeing that the temptation is not enough, Shen Tianmei can only remind these people: "Once I die, it will definitely be a big case, and the capital will deal with it."

"There will be a special case team to follow up, and they will definitely not let you go."

Hearing this, a car of people laughed, and Xiong Tianjiang sneered: "We dare to tie you, and we don't care about the consequences."

The big guy also sneered: "That is, we, the six bandits in the Northwest, never put the police in their eyes—"

Halfway through the conversation, the big guy hurriedly shut up again, apparently realizing that he had missed his mouth.

Xiong Tianjiang also glared at him, but quickly recovered his calmness without much blame.

Ye Tianlong, who had been silent, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the words of the six bandits in the northwest not only revealed the origin of the other party, but also made him guess what was behind the scenes.

Jiang Zihao.

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