Talented Genius

Chapter 909: Last battle

Chapter 909

"Boom boom!"

Twelve rounds of armor-piercing bullets directly destroyed Dai's elite door defense line. Dozens of people fell to the ground either dead or injured, and 80% lost their combat effectiveness.

Then, another whistling came, and a miniature rocket rushed into the park, inflicting heavy damage on Dai's elite for the second time.


The flames rose, and a earth-shaking explosion sounded.

The entire cemetery received the baptism of death once, and objects such as swords, guns, stone tablets, and corpses all flew into the sky with the sound of a strong explosion.

Ye Tianlong, who rushed behind the white marble foundation stone, could feel the ground being shaken "buzzing", as if an earthquake.

A huge fireball soared into the sky, and the waves of steam made the remaining tombstones trembling.

Ye Tianlong's condensed eyes could clearly see that many of the Dai's elites were directly blasted into the sky, and their body armor was fragile like a paper matchbox.

They were smashed by the violent explosion, and the weapon in their hands turned a few somersaults vertically in the air before they fell heavily to the ground.

He also glanced at Han Xiaolong, hiding behind a tombstone, lying on the ground, but there was no anger or killing intent on his face, and it became miserable.

It seems that the explosion just now gave him a great shock.

"Unexpectedly, they even use this heavy weapon."

Dai Hulang, who was hiding behind the white marble base, was still calm, and slowly spit out a puff of smoke in his pipe: "What is this called?"

Demingzi took the topic: "God must make him crazy if he wants to perish."

Dai Hulang laughed loudly: "Girl, that's what I meant."

"Mr. Dai, we guess we have to break through."

Aunt Wa frowned and shook hands with the satellite phone: "The support was blocked, and the police were a bit surprised. It will take half an hour at the earliest."

"If the other party doesn't have this heavy weapon, it won't be a problem for us to last an hour."

The third uncle whispered: "But now, the opponent will break through the line of defense at once. Later, the army will definitely be crushed. We will die for at most ten minutes."

Dai Hulang turned his head and looked at Ye Tianlong: "Tianlong, what do you mean."

"The opponent's strength and firepower are beyond our imagination. It is indeed the danger of making dumplings to stick to it, but now it is more dangerous to break through."

Ye Tianlong touched the dust and said: "Stay here, we can still fight to the death. If we go out, we can easily be divided or killed by a sniper."

Qin Bu nodded: "I think what the little brother said is reasonable. He goes out to die faster. It's better to stay here and work hard. Maybe it can last half an hour."

Ye Tianlong straightened up slightly: "As long as San Shu and Aunt Wa can protect his uncle and Mingzi, I can deal with them for half an hour."

Although he was not very sure, he knew he had to give confidence.

Dai Hulang patted Ye Tianlong's hand: "Okay, listen to you and stay."

Ye Tianlong picked up the gun and turned his head to several Dai's guards: "Go!"

At this time, six hearses had rushed to the door, and more than sixty men in black emerged from the door opening, with a crossbow arrow in the left hand and a saber in the right hand, and they charged directly.

The other killers followed behind.

"Swish swish!"

The black-clothed man kept shooting crossbow arrows in his hand and fell into the guard of the Dai family in front of him, regardless of whether it was the wounded or the dead.

Their eyeballs seemed to drip with blood, and the blood shot, making the flames smaller.

Suddenly, the arrow shook loudly, and the distance of 30 meters filled with the light of crossbow arrows. Tombstones, trees, and those who could not be avoided were all shot over.

Several dazed guards from the Dai family screamed and fell from the commanding heights.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong and Qin Bu led six Dai Jia elites to fight out, and decisively fired at the enemy pressing in front, and the bullets immediately poured out at the opponent.

More than twenty bullets shot into the body of the black-clothed dead soldier, sputtering a stream of blood, and more than ten people in front of him immediately snorted.

There were a few more bullet holes in their bodies, which also made the killer behind subconsciously stagnate.

But they quickly rushed up with a roar, and the crossbow arrows in their hands shot out again.


There was a rain of bullets, bullets and arrows rushed, people on both sides fell, and blood once again filled the cemetery that was about to become ruins.

Although the black-clothed dead men were aggressive and menacing, and they could clean the cemetery at any time, Ye Tianlong and their firepower and combat power just blocked the attack.

"Swish swish!"

The bullet was precisely shot into the assassin at the forefront, and a gorgeous ripples bloomed with the blood.

The remaining wounded from the Dai family took the opportunity to breathe, crawled over and grabbed the weapon and knocked to the end.

Although it was only the last line of defense that was crumbling, it brought out an impenetrable steel bunker.


A killer shot a crossbow arrow into the throat of an elite Dai Jia, and Ye Tianlong raised his hand with a shot, exploding his head to retaliate.

The white brain splashed the faces of the killers behind, and Qin Bu and the others opened fire, killing those who wanted to go ahead.


Seeing that Ye Tianlong's marksmanship was so precise, the assassin who rushed forward slightly stagnated, and subconsciously lowered his body by two points.

Approaching in a roundabout way through the mess of tombstones.


When the two sides were in a brief confrontation, more than a dozen figures of cypress trees on both sides turned in, and they flashed out of the gunpowder smoke as quickly as possible.

The saber in his hand rushed towards the Dai Jiarui who was blocking, and the eight Dai Jia guards were injured by them before they could respond.

Suddenly, there was an incision of blood in everyone's throat.

It's like the kind of red silk cut that a person accidentally leaves when he shaves his sideburns with a razor.

Eight rays of light as thin as awning silk, eight bloodshot incisions, blood spurting like a fountain, and light like lightning.

Sixteen figures wearing bulletproof vests with daggers in their waists, sabers dripping blood in their hands, and their eyes staring at Ye Tianlong and the others like beasts.

Very gloomy.

Ye Tianlong's face changed, and he whispered: "Yanhuang Killer!"

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong, Qin Bu and other people shot out a bullet from a missed muzzle, wounding the shoulders of three people, but all the others flashed out.

When they rolled out of hiding on the spot, they also threw out the dagger in their hands and screamed four more times. The four injured Dai Jia had knives in their chests and fell to the ground.

"Boom boom!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Tianlong and Qin Bu shot quickly, and evacuated to the white marble base as soon as possible, so as not to be made dumplings by the dead Shangguan and Yanhuang killers.

Only after turning over the four killers, Ye Tianlong and Qin Bu lost their bullets, and their guns creaked.


When Ye Tianlong was about to return to Dai Hulang, a cypress tree trembled, and then a masked man flew down from above.

He fell into the middle of Qin Bu and others, and the masked man took the tiger wolf directly.

He flew with both hands to repel Qin Bu and Aunt Wa, and then knocked the six gray-clothed men into flight.


Then, the masked man raised his leg, and one leg pointed at Dai Hulang's upper body, making a strong and violent movement.

Without waiting for the third uncle to make a move, Ye Tianlong subconsciously blocked it, and then unambiguously punched out.

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