Talented Genius

Chapter 910: no way no money

Chapter 910

The fist is fierce.

But Ye Tianlong's fist was still stubbornly carried by the masked man. He didn't retreat for half a step, and he fought in close quarters with quick movements.

He slammed into Ye Tianlong's body, but Ye Tianlong didn't evade, and crossed his hands hard.

With a muffled sound, Ye Tianlong staggered back a few steps before barely standing still, and the masked man also snorted back two or three meters.


However, the masked man didn't stand still at all. After fending off Aunt Wa's attack, he punched Ye Tianlong again.

Ye Tianlong did not back down, but also fisted hard.


The two made a sturdy punch, and the airflow of sluggish weather suddenly sank.

As expected by the masked man, Ye Tianlong rolled back to De Mingzi's side, but he didn't have a broken bone and fell to the ground.

He turned on his knees and coughed.

Although the corner of his mouth was stained with blood, Ye Tianlong still felt like he could fight again.

However, the face of the masked man changed drastically. First, he felt his entire arm numb and became a little inflexible, and then he heard a crash.

The clothes on his right arm fluttered and cracked like a twisted cane.

The masked man felt an astonishing force that broke through his five knuckles, and then spread to his wrists and shoulders.

He jittered again and again, and withdrew five or six meters in one breath, only to remove Ye Tianlong's strength.

Then, he kicked the rushing Han Xiaolong, and directly hit the latter with a foot-to-foot collision, and then took advantage of the force to eject another seven or eight meters.

Four killers stepped in to protect the masked man.

Ye Tianlong spit out blood, looked up at Yan Huang and smiled: "Yan Huang, I haven't made much progress."

The masked man said coldly: "If it wasn't for my waist injury, now you have been beaten by me."

His response directly recognized his identity.

Aunt Wa and a few people subconsciously squinted their eyes, no wonder this guy is so arrogant, it turned out to be the Yanhuang that the Dai family had been looking for.

Yan Huang's shots aroused the morale of the Shangguan, the dead and the assassin, and approached with a murderous saber:

"Encircle them and forbid them to run."

They are not in a hurry to attack, they just spread out and surround the entire white marble base.

"Uncle San, Aunt Wa, protect your uncle and Mingzi."

Ye Tianlong threw away his empty spear and picked up a saber: "I'm here to kill them. These forty people are not enough to stuff my teeth."

He exudes strong self-confidence.

It's just that he feels a little helpless. If these people are to deal with him, Ye Tianlong is confident to kill them all after paying half his life.

But when it comes to Dai Hulang and De Mingzi, he can't go all out to kill the enemy. He always needs distraction and physical strength to take care of.

Qin Bu and five or six veteran officials also stood up, holding a saber to prepare for the final fight, Han Xiaolong also gathered a few wounded and approached.

De Mingzi rushed up, grabbed Ye Tianlong and shouted, "I'm with you."

If Ye Tianlong had a way to survive, she would obey whatever he meant. If she died forever, she hoped to stay with Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong shook De Mingzi's hand: "Don't be stupid, follow your uncle, I can deal with these dozens of people."

"Ye Tianlong, don't be arrogant."

Yan Huang said coldly: "With me, don't say you take them, you can't kill it."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, and indeed forgot the existence of this guy...

Yanhuang said again: "I said, no one can protect the person I want to kill, and neither can you, Ye Tianlong."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "You have been killed for several days, but uncle is still alive."

Yan Huang was slightly silent.

"Today's battle is a bit interesting..."

When Dai Hulang saw this, he was not afraid, and he got up and took San Shu and them onto the white marble base platform, sitting on the only master chair on it.

The Grand Master's chair is made of stone, and Dai Tiger Wolf sits on it, quite majestic.

Dai Hulang held his pipe in his mouth and tilted his head slightly to Ye Tianlong: "After fighting for so long, come up and rest."

Ye Tianlong sighed, "I'm really tired."

He walked up to the high platform, holding a saber on guard, not giving the enemy a chance to come forward.


At this time, three hearses came to the door to block the gate, and then more than sixty men in black jumped off to surround the abutment at the fastest speed.

Seven or eight people picked up firearms with bullets on the ground, occupying the commanding heights with high vigilance.

Then, two more luxury RVs arrived, the doors opened, and thirteen gorgeous women emerged, all dressed up, looking heroic.

Their appearance suddenly added a hint of bright color to the cemetery where the blood was flowing.

These thirteen people opened the road very directly and checked the surrounding potential dangers. It didn't take long before they arrived in front of the white marble abutment.

They drew their crossbow arrows and stared at Dai Hulang and Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong said with a happy smile: "There are a lot of beauties today, but it's a pity that this is not suitable for you to come."

Han Xiaolong struggled to squeeze out: "Ye Tianlong, shut up, it's all you. If you listened to me, I would have taken Mr. Dai to break through."

Ye Tianlong responded unceremoniously: "If I listened to you, the team would have been broken into scrap by armor-piercing bullets and rockets."

Han Xiaolong looked angry: "You--"

"Okay, stop arguing."

Dai Hulang squinted his eyes and looked at the door: "The protagonist is about to play."

When the voice fell, I saw another RV at the door. The door opened, and I saw Shangguan Xiaozhi taking Si Koujing and other five people out.

They passed through the gunpowder smoke that had not yet dissipated, came to the front of the white marble abutment, and watched Dai Hulang on the Grand Master's chair.

Qin Bu and the five veteran officials changed their expressions and shouted together, "Shangguan, are you going to rebel?"


Shangguan Xiaozhi said faintly: "The veterans will support my action. What kind of rebellion is this? To be more objective, it is called clearing the door."

Qin Bu yelled coldly: "You have been making trouble several times, and Mr. Dai has let you go. Even if you collude with Orientals, Mr. Dai is only under house arrest."

"You dare to hire a murderer, it's crazy."

The other elders also shouted: "Yes, it's not a thing."

"Swear, scold, scold more, this is your last last word."

Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled softly: "I don't mind letting the dead say a few words."

Qin Bu waved his hand: "Don't scold everyone, this woman is not worthy of our spurning, it will dirty our mouth."

"Tiger Wolf, long time no see."

Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled noncommitantly, stepped forward and looked at Dai Hulang, with a polite face: "You are still as haggard as always."

"With you, can I not be haggard?"

Dai Hulang smiled faintly: "Today's success, it took a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, right?"

"It did spend a lot of money. It can be said that most of the personal savings have been pressed up for the current situation."

Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled softly and said: "In fact, there could have been a better situation, that is, I won the bet and won Mingjiang to take over for you."

"In that way, I get what I want, and you can enjoy your days."

"Unfortunately, it was all destroyed by Ye Tianlong. If you and my husband and wife meet each other with swordsmen, you will die here."

She swept over a dozen people from Dai Hulang and Ye Tianlong and said, "You are determined to lose. If you want to blame, blame Ye Tianlong."

Ye Tianlong was very upset: "Blame me for being a bird? If I'm not as good as a person, I'll shame you? I really regret that I didn't kill you in Broken Bridge Garden."

Shangguan Xiaozhi smiled sweetly at Ye Tianlong, and there was a lot of beauty: "Are you willing to kill me?"

"Shangguan, stop talking nonsense."

Dai Hulang slowly let out a puff of smoke: "What do you want now?"

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