Talented Genius

Chapter 921: Prosperity

Chapter 921

When Xue Yifeng rushed to the street with people, Alto had already ran away without a trace. He was annoyed and drank a few mouthfuls of Moutai to suppress his depression.

"Quickly, send someone to stop it. In any case, Yanhuang must not be allowed to leave alive."

After suffering a loss in a row and being ran away by the opponent twice, Yan Huang's power made Xue Yifeng clear that he must cut the grass and remove the roots to sleep well, otherwise it will be troublesome later.

So he asked a team of people to chase Alto, while letting people contact the official to watch surveillance video, he wanted to take advantage of Yan Huang's injury to kill him.

It didn't take long for a cron to ran back, holding a tablet computer in his hand: "Captain Xue, we have already intercepted the picture of the car."

"It's an old Alto with a price of 20,000 yuan. I checked the license plate. The owner is a good woman named Le'an."

The cronies handed the computer to Xue Yifeng: "The registered residence address is West Lake University. I am asking people to investigate the specific situation."

Xue Yifeng took a glance at the computer and then sneered coldly: "Hurry up and find out the owner of the car to see if the driver is he."

"If it's her, immediately locate her mobile phone, if not, ask her who lent the car to."

"Anyway, we must take down Yanhuang today. He was injured and a piece of meat was bit off by a jackal.

He poured a large mouthful of Maotai into his mouth, sighed and made a judgment: "If you don't kill him at this time, it will be more difficult or even impossible in the future."

Four cronies responded together: "Yes!"

At this time, in an alley five kilometers away, the girl with bangs drove Alto behind the Cat’s Ear restaurant, unfastened her seat belt and asked Yan Huang to come out.

She whispered: "Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

The Liu Hai girl's expression is very complicated. She doesn't know why she wants to save Yanhuang. After all, everyone can see that Yanhuang has caused a big trouble.

And he is probably not a good person. This can be confirmed by a dagger in Yanhuang's waist and several arrow wounds on his body.

But when she saw Yanhuang at the intersection of the alley, the girl with Liu Hai gave a ghostly help.

Maybe it was because of his loneliness and helplessness that gave birth to compassion, or maybe it was the last time he ate cat ears and left a deep impression.

In short, there is a trace of anxiety in the girl with bangs involved in this incident.

"I'm fine... don't go to the hospital... don't hide here!"

Yanhuang endured the pain of the wound, and held down the bangs. The girl drank, "Give me your phone, and you go to the store to bring all the money."

The girl with bangs was startled slightly. Although she didn't know what Yanhuang meant, she obediently handed over her mobile phone and took the key to get the money from the store.

Business has been sluggish in the past half month. There is not much cash in the store, only more than three thousand yuan. The girl with bangs took out all of them, and even brought three fifty cents coins.

When she came out from the back door of the store, seeing Yanhuang throw her mobile phone into a tricycle collecting scraps, she ran over in shock:

"Why are you throwing away your phone?"

Yan Huang yelled: "You saved me and caused a big trouble. They will find you soon and your phone will be located by them."

He also bypassed the front of the car to the driver's seat, sat in and drove himself: "Get in the car, I will take you out of here immediately, come on!"

The girl with bangs subconsciously shouted: "We can call the police!"

Yanhuang bit her lip and joked: "They are probably the people's guards!"

The girl with bangs was in a trance, she didn't expect to help cause such a disaster, but she didn't think much, and instinctively got into the passenger seat.

"Listen, you have to remember three things."

Yan Huang steered the car with his hands and feet, and left the cat's ear shop extremely quickly: "First, you have caused a big trouble, and you will be killed."

"Whether you call the police or explain, no one will believe you. They will threaten you to torture you, or even kill you."

He exhaled a long breath: "So you and I are grasshoppers on the same rope, I live, you live, I die, and you will die too."

"Secondly, if you are with me, your safety will be guaranteed. Before I die, no one can take your life."

Yan Huang is very straightforward: "Third, this time, if I can survive this difficult time, I will give you the glory and wealth that you will not get in ten lifetimes."

"The front is an intersection. I will stop for three seconds. You can choose to get off or stay."

He looked at the traffic lights ahead: "Your car, I will pay you back ten times."

The girl with bangs jumped her eyelids, her expression a little struggling and painful, her face became paler and paler as she watched the traffic lights approaching closer and closer. The fingers are also shaking.

She knows that Yanhuang is not alarmist, she is a little hard to accept this fact, but at this moment she can't jump out of the whirlpool...

A minute later, the car appeared at an intersection. When Yanhuang was about to stop the brakes, the girl with Liu Hai gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.

There is no vocal choice, but this is already the best choice.

"Le An is good, congratulations, I didn't disappoint."

Yanhuang, who had seen the name from the driver's license, said smoothly: "Don't worry, I won't let you down."

In the next second, he stepped on the accelerator, and Alto screamed out.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Aunt Wa found Ye Tianlong in Houyuan, who had read a bunch of materials and stretched out her muscles and bones: "Tianlong, Yanhuang has gone again."

Ye Tianlong's movements were slightly stagnant: "Run again? Xue Yifeng found him? Is he still alive?"


Aunt Wa said softly: "Xue Yifeng tracked him all night and blocked him in a restaurant at six o'clock in the morning."

"Yanhuang was eating breakfast, but even though he was surrounded, he still managed to break out of the siege."

"Injured more than a dozen people, even the jackal was hit hard, and finally ran away from the back window of the restaurant."

She informed Ye Tianlong of the situation at the time: "But he was also seriously injured, and a piece of meat from his waist was bitten off by a jackal."

"Jackals are not poisonous, but they have many bacteria and large wounds. If they are not treated in time, they can easily bleed or become infected."

Aunt Wa gave a judgment: "Even if the treatment stops the bleeding, it is estimated that it will take half a month for his injury to move."

Hearing that Yanhuang was not dead, but was seriously injured and ran away, Ye Tianlong had an indescribable emotion in his heart, but he quickly recovered his reason and asked:

"Where is Xue Yifeng?"

"He is leading people to pursue, but there is no jackal to help. It will take a while to find them, but people have been arranged for each level."

Aunt Wa's tone was very positive: "He can't live without West Lake City."

"The matter of Yanhuang will be handled by Xue Yifeng."

Ye Tianlong watched as Aunt Wa issued an order: "Ask someone to give to others, ask power to give power, in short, dig out Yanhuang at any cost."

For Yan Fei's sake, Ye Tianlong decided to leave Yanhuang's life and death to God.

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