Talented Genius

Chapter 922: Big five tied

Chapter 922

In the next two days, Ye Tianlong got acquainted with some materials of the Qin Family, familiar with some things and some people, and had an in-depth discussion with Dai Hulang.

Then he was ready to return to Mingjiang to implement the Longmen Development plan.

There are still eight months left before the end of the year, and there is a lot of time, but Ye Tianlong knows that there are even more things that need to be handled and managed, and he will go to Beijing in a few days.

Therefore, after Ye Tianlong finished lunch and arranged a few things, he left Dai's Garden with Tianmo and Canshou who came to pick him up.

During the period, he also went to see Dai Mingzi, wanting to say goodbye to her, and appease her emotions by the way, but Dai Mingzi was very strong.

She hugged Ye Tianlong heavily, raised a smile and told to take care, and immediately urged Ye Tianlong to return to Mingjiang to work early.

De Mingzi has grown up.

"How is the house?"

On the highway back to Mingjiang, Ye Tianlong leaned on his seat, looking at Canshou and Tianmo and they asked, "Nothing happened, right?"

He was worried that the Orientals would retaliate against Baishizhou, after all, the dinosaurs had killed so many elite of the Shimizu family.

"All safe."

While driving the car at high speed, Canshou responded softly to Ye Tianlong: "We are all on high alert these days when you are away."

"The Dragon Division patrols 24 hours a day, the Phoenix Group collects information everywhere, and the Tiger Division is also waiting."

Canshou's voice was very gentle: "With the addition of the oriole, it is simply fantastic for the Orientals to enter Baishizhou."

Tian Mo coughed and added the last sentence: "Xiaolan and Caiwei are also arranged to protect them."

Ye Tianlong nodded with satisfaction: "It's fine, I'm still worried about the Dongyang people doing trouble."

Canshou glanced at the speed limit sign ahead, lowered the speed a bit, and then laughed:

"In fact, whether it is Song Zhu or Liu Chuan Weiyang, they are all chess pieces used by Shangguan Xiaozhi against us."

"Now that Shangguan Xiaozhi has collapsed, our troubles have also been eliminated. The Oriental people may retaliate, but they will not come to give away their heads for the time being."

Hearing Liuchuan Weiyang, Tianmo raised his head slightly: "Next time there will be Liuchuan Weiyang, let me come."

Ye Tianlong felt Tianmo's fighting spirit and smiled leisurely: "Okay, when the **** of death comes, let you kill him."

Tian Mo didn't speak, but there was a gleam of light in his eyes, obviously eager to fight against opponents like Death.

"Ye Shao, we have no trouble, but Black Widow is in big trouble."

Just when Ye Tianlong was about to close his eyes and rest his mind, Canshou hesitated for a while, and then said softly: "There is a big game tonight."

Hearing the black widow, Ye Tianlong naturally thought of Ning Hongzhuang, his body stiffened subconsciously, and then he fixed his eyes and asked, "What big game?"

Canshou calmly told the matter: "Black Widow will play three games against Nan Han's Jin Shengshou in the gym tonight."

"Two wins in three games, with a bet of 3 billion."

Ye Tianlong was slightly surprised: "Three hundred million? Playing so big?"

He remembered what Ning Hongzhuang had said to him, that the black widow would challenge the Golden Sage when she had the opportunity, and she would buy 10 million time for each other's time.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, three billion games were played too much.

There were three off-road vehicles in front moving forward, the one behind, shaking twice from time to time, his hand turned the turn signal and turned the steering wheel to change lanes:

"Yeah, a lot of fun."

"This caused a sensation in the entire Mingjiang, and there was a lot of discussion, and people with keen business opportunities opened a handicap with good odds on the periphery."

"It is rumored that the gambling funds of underground casinos have accumulated to 5 billion, which is more than the bets of the black widow and the golden master."

Canshou added the last sentence: "But almost all of them win by buying gold, and the odds are also one hundred to one."

"Buy the gold master to win, bet one hundred, and win, only win one piece. It can be seen how many people are not optimistic about the black widow."

"Many people don't understand, why does the black widow send money?"

He glanced at the rearview mirror again, and the three off-road vehicles leaned up from the side again, and the last one still swayed twice from time to time, like a fight.

Canshou was a little curious, but when he saw that the other party was not directed at Ye Tianlong, he didn't care much, and then continued the topic just now:

"Jin Shengshou is the No. 1 chess king in Asia, with forty-nine games in three years, winning all battles, and becoming king every year."

"Although the black widow is also good at chess, she is definitely not good at chess, otherwise everyone will not be optimistic about her."

"As Bailihua said, the black widow is an amateur chess player. She is a little good, but she's really not an opponent of the golden master."

Canshou told the news that Bailihua had inquired: "And the two have played against each other."

"It seems that I have played more than a dozen games, and Black Widow lost every one. She is now directly challenging Jin Shengshou, and it is still a battle of 2 billion."

As Ye Tianlong digested these contents, Canshou gently shook his head: "I really can't figure out what she is going to do."

"Moreover, many people in the folk regard this battle as a chess battle between the two countries. If the Black Widow wins, she will be a national hero."

He said the key in one sentence: "If you lose, even the Wang Yao Group will be affected."

Fifty meters ahead is the toll road, the car started to slow down, and the hand slowed down.

At this time, the three off-road vehicles squeezed over again and drove in front of Canshou, making Canshou's eyes narrowed slightly.

He subconsciously stepped on the gas pedal again and pulled a little further away.

At this moment, after listening to the news, Ye Tianlong couldn't stop frowning, muttering to himself: "Yes, why is she giving me money?"

He knew very well in his heart that although the Black Widow had always wanted to slap Jin Shengshou in the face, she was definitely not a reckless person.

It is not even a person who knows that his skills are inferior to humans and sends three billion to his opponent. You must know that this is not three million, thirty million, but three billion.

Suddenly, Ye Tianlong thought about the incident caused by Kuangtian to rescue the land. The black widow said that he had settled it for herself. Is this chess game one of the conditions?

Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Ning Hongzhuang...


At this moment, the off-road vehicles waiting in line to pass the toll junction suddenly made a deafening noise.

A huge figure smashed into the rear carriage, rolled out like a winter melon, and bumped into Ye Tianlong's car, causing Can Shou to quickly step on the brake.


Although Canshou stepped on the brakes subconsciously, the car slid for half a metre, hitting the huge figure that hit the bumper, and back to the back of the off-road vehicle.

Although the strength is not great, but bumping back and forth, it is enough for a huge figure to eat a pot.

Ye Tianlong dropped the car window and looked at the huge figure and shouted, "Want to die?"

The huge figure was swaying and kneeling on the ground, still babbling, but with yellow tape wrapped around his mouth and his hands tied by ropes.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, fixed his eyes and blurted out: "Xu Mingmen?"

Five flowers tied.

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