Talented Genius

Chapter 963: Murderous

Chapter 963

After hanging up, Ye Tianlong returned the phone to the Zhanqinglou, and then walked to the gate by himself, feeling a bit complicated.

The voice on the other end of the phone is very familiar, so familiar that Ye Tianlong can directly call out his name: Lu Xiaowu!

When he saw Pharaoh's Corpse Poison on Zhao Ditian's body, Ye Tianlong flashed Lu Xiaowu's name in his heart, feeling that the two had a close relationship.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaowu is really a person of Zhao Ditian's side, and he is still working hard for his birth, with absolute loyalty.

If the place where Lu Xiaowu was poisoned was relatively private, Ye Tianlong would even suspect that Lu Xiaowu came to find himself to detoxify at the beginning, it was a small temptation.

Judging by his own poisonous wounds, whether Ye Tianlong was able to detoxify Zhao Ditian, so that he could avoid detours.

Ye Tianlong felt that he was strong enough that he hadn't inquired about Zhao Ditian's details, let alone the true identity of Zhan Qinglou and Lu Xiaowu.

He just wondered, how will the two get along in the future?

Ye Tianlong is also a person who has experienced blood and fire. He knows that people like Zhan Qinglou will not easily give up feelings, because many people are destined to have no tomorrow.

This also means that the intersection of the two will never touch the deepest point.

In boredom, Ye Tianlong got into the Wrangler prepared for him in the Zhan Brothel, kicked the accelerator and came to the hotel of Black Tiger and White Shark.

"Ye Shao, are you here?"

When Tianmo opened the door to let Ye Tianlong in, the black tiger and the white shark also struggled to get up from the sofa and greeted Ye Tianlong respectfully.

Both are fierce and fierce hob meat, and in the prison there are still the title of the ninth villain, but behind their fierceness is the loyalty of a promise.

They decided to join Longmen and Ye Tianlong to advance and retreat together, and they regarded Ye Tianlong as the only leader.

"Sit down, your injuries are not healed, don't stand up."

Ye Tianlong let go of Lu Xiaowu's thoughts, stepped forward and pushed the two back to the sofa with a smile: "How is the situation these past two days? Is the wound better?"

White Shark smiled and said: "Ye Shao don't worry, we are the meat of the hob. We used to fight in prisons and suffered dozens of injuries a year."

"In severe cases, two or three ribs will be broken, but if you lie down for a week, you still go to war, so these injuries are nothing."

He also showed his arm: "And the wound medicine you prepared is very effective, you see, the incision is scarred."

The black tiger also smiled and waved his fists twice. The big fist of the casserole was alive, and he had an air of slaughter:

"Yeah, it is a panacea. We thought we would lie down for ten and a half days, but now we estimate that we can go to war in three to five days."

Ye Tianlong looked at their wounds and found that they had recovered a lot, and then patted their shoulders and smiled: "Scarring is good."

"If you recover earlier, I can send you back to Mingjiang, train with a thousand brothers, and take them across the south in the future."

After receiving the news of the Thirteen Leagues to test the waters, Ye Tianlong became eager to be the overlord of the South. He would not allow Zhao Wuji to get involved in wearing Tiger Wolf.

"Ye Shao don't worry, I don't know how we will achieve in the future, but you two of us don't worry, you will definitely fight this life."

The white shark banged his chest: "After calming down the south, we will go back to the north and enter the black city to kill Zhao Wuji and the others."

He blushed, thinking about the future, feeling excited.

"Ye Shao, before we leave Beijing and return to Mingjiang, can we kill Zhao Sibao and his son?"

The black tiger hesitated for a while, and finally squeezed out: "Zhao Sibao and White Shark are relatives, and the relatives stabbed knives. Are they still human?"

"Furthermore, Zhao Sibao is Zhao Wuji's general, otherwise he would not sit in the capital and kill him. The underworld in the capital would be a little messy."

The black tiger is wise and foolish: "If the capital is in a mess, the Thirteen League will put its energy into it, and its efforts to disrupt the South will be much less."

He was still thinking about the life of Zhao Sibao who betrayed them.

The white shark slapped the black tiger on the shoulder: "I want revenge, but I am not in a hurry. Although I also want to kill Zhao Sibao, we are not strong enough."

He was very enlightened: "Listen to Ye Shao's instructions."

Ye Tianlong caught a key point: "Is Zhao Wuji's base camp not in the capital?"

"There is Zhao Wuji's palace in the capital. I come to live for ten days and a half a month a year, and most of it is during the Spring Festival, to give gifts to the powerful and powerful."

White Shark clearly understands the Thirteen League: "But the base camp of the Thirteen League is not in the capital. The place where he lives and handles affairs all year round is in Heicheng."

Ye Tianlong asked: "The Black City in the Northeast?"

The white shark nodded: "That's right, it's the Black City in the northeast. The Black City is located on the border of China, only a river away from the hungry country."

"Zhao Wuji is a smart man. He knows that Huaxia officials do not blink his eyes and turn his face like a book, so he never stands under a high wall."

"He set his base camp in Heicheng, just to leave himself a way out."

He exhaled a long breath: "Once the Huaxia official acted to'kill the pig', he would rush into the hungry country to take refuge."

"I heard from Zhao Sibao that Zhao Wuji has invested in a lot of industries in the hungry country and participated in the development of natural gas over the years, which has a deep penetration."

Ye Tianlong heard the words and gave a hint of approval: "It seems that Zhao Wuji is not easy. I have thought of the way back so quickly."

The black tiger stared at Ye Tianlong and said, "Ye Shao, don't you do Zhao Sibao? This guy is more evil than us, and often ruins good women..."

"He likes to lend naked to female college students, then dominate them without spending a penny, and let them sell their bodies to pay off their debts when they are tired."

The black tiger bewitched Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao, let's stabbed him, it can be regarded as a harm to the people."

The White Shark was very helpless: "Black Tiger, Ye Shao has arrangements. We can't rush."

Ye Tianlong knew that the two of them couldn't rub sand in their eyes, and wouldn't be reconciled if Zhao Sibao stabbed a knife, so he smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Zhao Sibao will definitely get rid of it, but we are not in a hurry for these two days. You should take care of the injury first and then raise it."

He made a direct promise: "I promise you, the injury is healed, before leaving the capital, we will do Zhao Sibao."

Heihu was so happy that he hugged Ye Tianlong and shouted, "Ye Shao, I love you so much."

"Don't... don't do this, it's easy to misunderstand."

Ye Tianlong hurriedly broke away from the black tiger's embrace: "Well, you guys rest first, I'll come to see you, and I will go back later."

The black tiger let go of Ye Tianlong and replied repeatedly: "Okay, okay, Ye Shao has worked hard."


At this moment, Ye Tianlong's phone vibrated, and when the black tiger and white shark were subconsciously quiet, Ye Tianlong put on a Bluetooth headset.

"Uncle Long..."

Ansina's hesitant voice came from Ye Tianlong's ear: "There are two news for you, one good and the other bad."

Hearing the words Uncle Long, Ye Tianlong had a black line on his face, but he still asked softly, "Tell me the good news first."

Ansina smiled and said: "The good news is that the group of people you asked me to rescue successfully entered China Five minutes ago, and the core personnel were all fine."

Ye Tianlong smiled gladly: "Thank Sina, what's the bad news?"

Ansina's voice sank: "Twenty minutes ago, at the border junction, someone tried to attack them, but was killed by our people early."

"One sniper, two gunmen, three swordsmen."

Ye Tianlong's face sank: "Who?"

"Without identity information, they have nothing on them, but Ava, one of my subordinates, has a bit of an impression of one of the snipers."

Ansina informed Ye Tianlong of the situation: "She said that the sniper seemed to be from the 13th League."

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