Talented Genius

Chapter 964: Jin Shao, long time no see

Chapter 964: Young Master Jin, Long Time No See

After talking with Ansina, Ye Tianlong made another call to Zhan Qinglou and verified that the attack 20 minutes ago had no water.

However, Zhan Qinglou told that as long as they entered the territory of China, Lu Xiaowu and the others would not be in danger, and the reception team had already arrived.

Hearing the affirmation of Zhan Qinglou, Ye Tianlong felt relieved, and he asked if he knew who attacked.

Zhan Qinglou's response is not yet known. There is no sign of information on the other party, but she will use all means to dig out the other party's details.

She also promised that if she finds the identity of the locked enemy, she will inform Ye Tianlong.

After the phone call, Ye Tianlong told the white shark and the black tiger to take good care of their injuries, and then went downstairs to go to the pharmacy to prepare some medicine for the two.

After exiting the elevator, Ye Tianlong did not walk to the front hall, but walked to the back door, and the car stopped behind.

"Got it!"

Ye Tianlong walked unhurriedly, but when he walked out of the door, at the corner, a hurried shadow rushed towards Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong didn't know who the other party was for a while, so he made some subconscious reactions, and he ducked slightly to the right.

The shadow that rushed over seemed to be chasing behind, so the speed was so fast that there was no time to stop.

When she realized that she was about to hit a passerby, she could only abruptly try to stabilize her body, but the inertia and speed were too great.


Qianying staggered to fall back, and there were six steps behind her, she was absolutely bruised and swollen when she fell down, so she couldn't stop screaming.

"Be careful!"

Ye Tianlong recognized that she was not a bad person, so he took a step forward, took the woman's hand, and yanked her into his arms.

Qianying wears light makeup and looks in her twenties. She wears a standard lady's suit. The top is tall and the thin coat is raised high.

A piece of snow was exposed under the neck, and a touch of white greasy could be vaguely seen under the head.

And the black short skirt under her exposed her slender, smooth and beautiful legs that made countless leg lovers heartbeat.

Looking at her eyes again, those pupils were as bright as autumn water, and the gleaming light in those eyes was like crystal clear stars in the sky.

Ye Tianlong couldn't help but stared at her closely, his eyes were not willing to leave at all, even his body got closer to her, and at the same time he found that he was a little familiar:

"Are you OK?"

The woman shook her head, showing a trace of gratitude: "It's okay! Sorry, I ran too fast."

She stood up from Ye Tianlong's arms, and said softly, "Thank you."

Ye Tianlong smiled calmly: "You're welcome."

The beautiful woman had a good impression of Ye Tianlong's politeness, and then stared at Ye Tianlong a little confused: "Where did I see you..."

Ye Tianlong smiled heartily: "Really? If it wasn't for you to look so beautiful, I would suspect your old tactics to strike up a conversation with me."


Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, the beautiful woman gave a chuckle, then her inspiration flashed and she shouted with great joy: "I remember."

"You are from Mingjiang, and you are Ye Tianlong."

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly. He didn't expect this woman to really know him, but he also felt that this woman was familiar: "You are?"

"Don't you remember me?"

There was a hint of excitement on the beautiful woman's face, and she subconsciously took Ye Tianlong's hand to remind: "In Mingjiang Bar, you sang "Kiss Goodbye"."

"I think you sing very well, so I chased it out to find you, wanting to invite you to participate in Mingjiang's Best Chinese Singers audition."

There was a hint of resentment on her pretty face: "It's just that you rejected me."


Ye Tianlong slapped his head and remembered who the other party was: "Zhao Yaoyao...Deputy Director of Southern TV Station?"

Zhao Yaoyao smiled and nodded: "Yes, I am Zhao Yaoyao, you finally remembered, hey, where is your cute little girlfriend?"

She thought of Lan Xiaomo who was entangled in Ye Tianlong like an octopus.

"She is not my girlfriend... She is in Mingjiang."

Ye Tianlong looked at the fashionable woman: "Director Zhao, why have you come to the capital? Don't you need to preside over the overall election?"

"I came to Beijing for the audition... There was a small problem during the audition. I came to help solve it. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Zhao Yaoyao obviously has a good impression of Ye Tianlong: "How about you? Why did you come to the capital? Racing with others?"

Ye Tianlong responded with a smile: "No, just for a stroll..."

"It's rare to meet again, a fate, let's go, I invite you to have a cup of coffee."

Zhao Yaoyao took out the talent of the entertainment industry and pulled Ye Tianlong into the hotel's high-end coffee shop: "The invitation of a beautiful lady, you can't refuse."

Ye Tianlong was slightly startled, surprised at her intimacy, but he did not resist. He had always been half pushing and half pushing the tenderness of beautiful women.

"Tianlong, are you interested in participating in the audition?"

After sitting down in the coffee shop, Zhao Yaoyao ordered two cups of coffee and a few snacks, and then gave Ye Tianlong a lovely face: "I really hope you will participate."

"You sing so well, and the typhoon is quite modest. It is a pity not to participate in the audition."

Zhao Yaoyao is obviously still obsessed with Ye Tianlong's original singing, so she did not give up her advice: "I know you don't lack money, and you don't care about fame and wealth."

"But bringing good singing to everyone is another achievement in life. You are happy, everyone is happy."

She said with a touch of coquetry: "Come on, participate in the audition, give it a try and no loss, maybe you will like this circle."

Ye Tianlong's face showed helplessness: "Miss Zhao, your suggestion is very moving, I also want to participate, but I really don't have time..."

Ten minutes on stage, ten years of work off stage, how can it be so easy to deal with stage performance? Ye Tianlong didn't want to be tied to it every day.

"Time can be squeezed, and your talent is destined to not consume too much time."

Zhao Yaoyao smiled like a flower: "Tianlong, think about it..."

She always felt that Ye Tianlong would be hot, so she hoped to be his Bole.


Just when Ye Tianlong thought about rejecting it, a group of people walked into the cafe aggressively, led by a long-haired youth of 1.78 meters, wearing a pair of sunglasses.

As he walked in with his hands, he despised everyone present, as if the guests of this cafe were hard to get into his eyes.

He glanced at the audience and quickly locked Zhao Yaoyao. His eyes lit up, and the corner of his mouth raised a touch of joking, leading someone straight over.

Zhao Yaoyao also saw this group of people, Qiao Xiaoqianxi suddenly stiffened.

"Deputy Director Zhao, you have been in the capital for several days and have been avoiding me."

The long-haired young man took off his sunglasses and smiled without a smile: "I saw my car today and ran wild, why... afraid that I would eat you?"

He drew a chair with a grimace, and sat down beside Zhao Yaoyao with a gloomy smile, and the people who came with him coaxed and coaxed around with great momentum.

Many people in the coffee shop couldn't help frowning when they saw this scene. They felt that they had no quality, but when they saw this group of people, they dared not speak.

"Zhao Dafei, knowing that I am avoiding you, and you still pestering me, will it be too cheap?"

Zhao Yaoyao's pretty face was very angry and embarrassed: "I am having dinner with my friends, please leave, don't invade my personal space."


The long-haired young man sneered: "I'm really mean. I shouldn't treat you so politely. I should tie you up and throw it on the bed."

Zhao Yaoyao yelled: "Shut up! Pay attention to your quality!"

The long-haired young man took the coffee pot on the table, opened the lid and took a sip: "Quality? Quality is that you follow me, or you will be finished."

"Not only is your audition difficult, but your friends will suffer too."

The defiant Zhao Dafei squinted at Ye Tianlong: "Boy, didn't you see me flirting with Director Zhao? What are you doing here?"

At this time, the door of the cafe was opened again, and a group of men and women in Chinese clothes and a few foreigners walked into the middle of the cafe, chatting and laughing.

One of them made Ye Tianlong's eyes light up, and there was a smile on his face.

"Hurry up!"

At this time, Zhao Dafei was tapping the table and shouting aggressively: "Don't make me a light bulb, or Ben Shao will waste you."

He also stretched out his hand to pinch Ye Tianlong's face, Zhao Yaoyao was very angry.


Ye Tianlong didn't talk any nonsense, slapped Zhao Dafei's face with a slap, and the force sank. With a loud noise, Zhao Dafei fell four or five meters.

Not waiting for Zhao Dafei's comrades to get angry, Ye Tianlong got up and walked to the group of men and women in Chinese clothes, shouting to one of the young men with gold-frame glasses:

"Jin Shao, long time no see."

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