Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1453: Fried fish teenager

Gong Tianzun’s mind is not good, and the body of Yutian Zun is recovering quickly, and soon transforms from old age to teenager!

The original sacred statue is an old man who is drooping. He is known as the old man, which is why.

He stayed in the secluded city all the year round, the body has long been defeated, no vitality, but also appears very dark, always appearing in the night, alone in the light of the lantern, stacked with paper people.

His notoriety, in the heavens and the world, mentioning the old man, is enough to make the courage of the greatest demon, enough to let the children stop.

Now, the celestial reverence has changed back to the young, and the deep suffocation has disappeared from him. It seems to be a teenager who is so lonely and away from the crowd that he likes to sit alone at the water and smash a magical power into the Yaochi.

He is not the kind of teenager who is a little bit hard and muscle-stricken and majestic. On the contrary, he is very thin and his face is pale and does not give a great threat.

However, compared to when he fished fish at Yaochi, he was obviously more cheerful and confident. His eyes were filled with warfare!

"Shentong is not old-fashioned, and it is still a young man."

Yu Tianzun slowly raised his head, behind him, the vast majority of the gods also slowly raised their heads.

Gong Tianzun looked up, the vastness of this **** is enough to stand up against the existence of Tiangong Tubo!

For a long time, everyone thought that the celestial glory has fallen, and the celestial glory is silent in the secluded capital. There is no contact with the outside **** channel method, and there is no experience of the dragon-revolutionary revolution, the emperor’s reform, the emperor’s reform, and the Yankang reform. The Taoist magical powers must be outdated and cannot keep up with the times.

However, Tian Tian’s ten-day esteem did not neglect him. Heaven established the meditation, let Yin Tianzi take charge of the meditation, and secluded with the solitude, and led the dead creatures and demons to the meditation.

The purpose of the heavenly court, in addition to weakening the power of the solitude, is to avoid letting the celestial gods master the magic of the world through these dead.

Only Longhan Jiutian Zun, can understand the horror of the potential of the celestial celestial being one of the Longhan Jiutian esteems, so 昊天尊 and 火天尊 will not give him the opportunity to grow up.

However, everyone has overlooked that the celestial sacredness is in the secluded capital, with hundreds of millions of avatars, and his avatars are spread all over the world, leading the dead.

The strength of each of these avatars is equivalent to the ordinary gods.

The channel of the gods that the deceased brought to Youdu made him grow, but it really made him grow to the extent that others could not imagine.

He was originally the singer of the soul, the first peerless genius who broke through the boundaries of life and death. After he came to Youdu, his **** was stronger and stronger.

The tens of thousands of people is a powerful expression of his god.

In the battle of Xuandu, the quilt was already empty, and all the sorrows were taken back by him. When these sorrows returned to his body, his gods were enough to shock the universe!

In front of Gong Tianzun, when the **** of the gods raised his head, the low and melodious secluded avenues made a sound, like the slang of countless souls, like mortals chanting in the temple, full of mystery and unpredictability.

Sixty-four different secluded avenues converge behind his head. His gods and the secluded avenues of the Yuanshen are in the midst of the Xuandu and the heavenly courts, and they form a separate secluded capital!

"Perhaps... Maybe Virtual Heaven is not the perfect person to inherit from Tubo, maybe he is..." Gong Tianzun’s heart suddenly popped up with this terrible thought.

The **** of the celestial **** is so vast and so powerful that she has a sense of trepidation in the face of Tubo.

Although she is no longer a creator, although she has already made up for the weakness of the creator's soul, but in the face of the celestial respect, the feeling of trepidation has come to my heart, causing her heart to twitch, the muscles tremble, and the bones tremble.

Even her **** is shaking!

"However, Longhan Jiutian Zun has passed, and now is the ten-day respect of the world!"

Gong Tianzun screamed and shouted. The heavenly court composed of thirty-five heavenly palaces sent a loud horn sound, which made her blood boil and soared. This woman is brave and brave. It is one of the few people who dare to cut the emperor and the beginning, even if it is quiet. Tianzun has the strongest **** in history, and she is fearless and dare to fight!

The ancestral whip in her hand is shaking, straight like a gun, grabbing the celestial respect, and screaming!

Even if it is the strongest god, the celestial sorrow is in the illusion of her gods. She has been hurt by her storm and rain, and her strength is definitely a big discount!

She used the Taidi's shooting method!

A shot of the thorns, the treasures of the Zu Ting Longmai suddenly resurrected like a long-running dragon vein, changing in the air, shaking the space!

The majestic mountain is like a dragon scale, the dragon body is squatting, and the mountain root is like a dragon claw.

This powerful atmosphere, coupled with the majestic power of the thirty-five heavenly palaces, has raised her strength to the pinnacle of life!

The power of Yu Tian Zun is definitely not as good as her, this is the key to her victory!

She wants to use her own mana and treasures to fight the celestial respect from the youth to the old age, and to return to depression from the cheerful!

A shock came, and Gong Tianzun’s good cheeks were shaken by the wrinkles. Oh, it was a shock, and the shock formed a fold on her face, and the folds could not be smoothed.

She saw an incredible scene, with a sound concussion, the celestial respect of the incomparable stalwart of the gods, the second heavy world has appeared, followed by the third, fourth, fifth!

One after another, the world of secluded world is spread out, and the eyes of Gong Tianzun are violently beating. These secluded worlds are a heavy heaven, like the martial arts of the emperor.

However, the emperor's kendo gods are the avenues of the day after tomorrow. No one has ever stepped into the field. It is necessary to open the emperor step by step to perfect and develop.

The celestial gods of the celestial beings are directly comprehended from the sixty-four secluded avenues. From the very beginning, the sacred cult is the avenue of the solitude. In order to resurrect the mother, he specializes in researching better than anyone. Have to work hard, be serious!

Compared with the opening of the emperor, he has a huge advantage. The imperial empire has created a kendo, which is extremely difficult, but he has the uncle, but he does not understand, even if he asks Tubo.

Of course, if you don't understand it, you can ask him.

He has stayed in the quilt for millions of years. For millions of years, his deep knowledge of Youdu Avenue has been able to keep pace with Tubo. The only thing that is not as good as Tubo is that he is not as strong as Tubo.

Compared with the innate gods such as Tubo, his body is weak and I don’t know much.

"Yes, Kaihuang can ignore my illusion because his heart is too strong, and his morality has been cultivated to thirty-five heavens."

Gong Tianzun clenched his teeth and did not retreat. He did everything he could, and he was all in one shot. He still rushed to the celestial respect. He said: "But even if she is not able to escape from my illusion, she is quiet. Tian Zun has escaped, which shows that his heart is still above the animal husbandry..."

However, it is obvious that Yu Tianzun was the first to contact the Taoist world. He did not suffer hard work in this respect. Now he is still raising his own path for the first time, so the opening of the Tao is slower.

After all, it has not been many years since the Kaihuang emperor passed the Taoist cultivation system. Even if the ten-day respect is not too high in this respect.

Yu Tianzun is equivalent to enlightenment before the battle, to improve his own path, and there is no preparation beforehand, which gives Gong Tianzun hope.


Gong Tianzun’s gun was stabbed in front of the celestial celestial being, and the world of the eternal world behind his gods was as many as eighteen.

His gods stalked and greeted Gong Tianzun with a gun. Gong Tianzun snorted and the big gun in his hand was bent down, and her body was bent down!

Mana, the mana that she is proud of, the mana contained in the thirty-five heavenly palaces is still not as powerful as the magical power of the vast gods.

Her legs are bent, and the horn of the heavens is long, which makes her blood rise again!

Gong Tianzun's body straightened up, and the long gun became a long whip. The brush was wrapped around the arm of the celestial god, and she flew with her feet and kicked to the head of the sacred body!

Another wave of volatility came, and the 19th wrinkles appeared on Gong Tianzun’s face, like the old man.

Her body is aging, her vitality is passing, she is not surprised, but her strength is not diminished. Her legs are full of horrible explosive power. As long as she is kicking on the head of the celestial respect, she can only Kick the head of the singer!

At this time, the nineteenth secluded world behind the celestial gods and gods are slowly opening.

On the palm of the Yuanshen, a long whip was wrapped around it, and with a force of shaking, Gong Tianzun could not help but be shaken and flew out, and then he was pulled back!

To meet her is the other arm of the celestial god, a huge fist, squatting on her body!


The horror of the horror broke out in all directions, and the white light blade formed a ring to expand rapidly, which made the whole star of the mysterious city beat!

Gong Tianzun's body shape flew away, recovering the long whip, and the feet are full of strength. The body is almost flat in the starry sky, leaving two space cracks in the starry sky.

She stopped the regressed figure, the mouth was bleeding, and the long whip was wrapped around her right hand.

Her heavenly voice sent a more loud horn, which made her blood more high. Gong Tianzun stepped forward like a raging tiger, and the evil spirits rushed. Her war was stronger!

Another shock came on her face, and her face had a wrinkle and a twentieth wrinkle.

After the celestial reverence of the gods, the twentieth secluded world is slowly opening.

Gong Tianzun rushed to his front, the long whip danced like a dragon, interspersed with attacks, all kinds of supernatural powers flew out from the sleeves of Gong Tianzun flying, flew out of her eyebrows, and even long whip from her sleeves from time to time. Flying out, it is hard to prevent.

The goddess of the celestial gods fluttered with both hands, and blocked all her offensives so that she could not penetrate the defense of the gods and attacked the body of the celestial gods.

There is a weakness in the sacredness, and there are flaws, but she can't grasp the flaw of this weakness!



There are twenty-three wrinkles on the face of Gong Tianzun. Her body is already old, and a black and shiny hair becomes white.

The power of the celestial gods is stronger and stronger, and she is vomiting blood.


A fist slammed the palace, and Miyazaki staggered and was overturned by another fist.

Gong Tianzun stood up again and again, and the **** of the heavenly reverence once again raised his fist. Gong Tianzun’s knees were soft and suddenly fell down.

"I don't like talking to you."

At the foot of the huge Yuanshen, Yushou looked at her, as if she had returned to the mentality of the former fish-fishing boy, and expressed pride in her tone: "Because you are stupid."

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