Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1454: Tianxin vast Qiankun small

Gong Tianzun looked up, and for a moment she looked up, she was already gray-haired and had 24 wrinkles on her face.

Her body is aging.

It is reasonable to say that this is impossible. It is a godland, and life is in harmony with the heavens. The body of the gods has always been at its peak, and they are not likely to age when they have boundless life.

The sacred body of the **** is infinite, and how to reduce life can not be reduced, even if it is the singularity of her life, it is impossible to let her age.

However, her body is still inevitably aging.

This is the first time since the establishment of the Tiangong cultivation system. For the first time, I encountered a magical power that can cut the gods and even the gods.

And this magical power is created by the sacred gods who have created the life and death gods!

He broke through the boundaries between life and death, and opened up the gap between the yin and the yang, so that the sects can have an endless life in the cultivation of the gods. Now they will realize the eternal life of the avenue, and have the ability to deprive the gods of life!

Gong Tianzun desperately thinks about it, mobilizes his own knowledge, and tries his best to see his physical condition when he is young and restore his physical function.

After all, her past life is the king of the gods in the Creator. The Creator can also live forever. It is not the system of the gods, but the body of his own, and let his body stay young forever!

She still has the opportunity to sneak into the sacred moments in the moment of apology, and turn defeat into victory.

She has lived too long, and she has not put a moment of glory and disgrace on her mind. As long as she can win, no matter what means is worthwhile.

However, when she secretly thought about it, she still found that her body was inevitably slipping away to the more aging abyss. Gong Tianzun’s forehead burst into cold sweat, and his heart could not help but feel desperate.

The **** of the celestial **** raised his palm and raised a finger, a finger like a gun, stabbing her heart.

The celestial king of the heavenly city of Qiu Ren, has never been a person who has pity on the jade, and the days that have been destroyed in his hands are countless. The long horns of the eighteen bends of Tubo are the proof of heart and soul!

Gong Tianzun looked at the falling finger and silently sighed. This time, she was mostly in jeopardy.

At this time, she suddenly felt that the decline of the physical function of the body suddenly stopped, not only that, but her body began to recover again, and the function was in a straight line!

Gong Tianzun, who was lying in the starry sky waiting for death, immediately swayed and swayed away, avoiding the singer.

The sacred **** gods hit the thorns and suddenly there was a feeling of being locked. This feeling is very bad. It seems that the secluded road meets the nemesis and gives him a very uncomfortable feeling.

The celestial gods retracted their fingers, and took advantage of the twenty-fifth heavy road to get rid of this lock, straightened up and turned around, facing the strong who locked him.

The younger singer stunned his eyes and saw the two ancient gods behind the scorpio and the scorpio.

The two ancient gods, a man and a woman, were the first human body of the snake tail, walking side by side, the snake tail swimming in the stars, and behind their heads stood a huge Taiji sand table.

It is not the scorpio that brings him a great sense of threat, but the two ancient gods that describe the handsome and beautiful appearance!

On the other hand, Gong Tianzun stood firm and only felt that the physical function of the flesh was recovering at a rapid speed, so that she would soon be full of strength and the flesh became more flexible.

"You are not the nine-day respect of the Longhan era. Compared with today's Tianzun, you are truly talented."

妍天妃 moved to the footsteps, separated from the two ancient gods, and formed a triangular trend with Gong Tianzun, trapping the celestial sacred in the center, and praised: "The eyes of the first husband are still unique and old, and it has long been seen that you are different. Ordinary, seal you as Tianzun. As for our later ten-day respect, it seems inferior to you."

Gong Tianzun erased the blood on his mouth, and the sound was still hoarse: "How long is the dragon in the early years? Longhan Jiu Tian Zun is a rare character in history, and it suddenly appeared in the same era. As for the millions of years in the future, there is no such thing as a genius emerging in an era."

Yu Tianzun looked at them silently, put the mask that was crying in the face on his face, and said nothing.

The two Taiji gods watched this young Tianzun and couldn’t help but say: "Outstanding people like you, you should be able to see that you have no chance of winning. You are still there, I am joining the world. Grinding the heart, don't want to kill the dazzling star in the red dust. If you are willing to leave, let us open a road."

Hao Tianqi frowned, but did not speak.

Taiyin Niangniang said: "You are in control of Youdu Avenue, and you are still climbing the road. You have not reached the end of your potential. But even if you reach the end of your potential, you are not the opponent of our two. Our way is just Restrain on you. Let's go now, have time, don't go it alone."

The ancient Sun Shinto said: "Since the opening of heaven and earth, we have been born, and we have only been born, so we are also practicing in the red dust like you, seeking the detachment. Since the birth, we have not got blood on our hands, the same We are not trying to contaminate your blood on the seekers on this road."

Under the mask, the sacred scorpion stunned the sly scorpion and looked at them calmly. Suddenly his eyes narrowed and the face under the mask should be laughing.

"I promised my friends to stay here, then here is the Thunder Pool."

His gods gathered together as a wall, waving a hand, and appearing across the walls of the Xuandu, like the barriers of the sky, in front of the three.

The glory of the heavens praised the chin and seemed a little proud: "You want to go to the thunder pool and step on my body!"

When he said this, he no longer wanted to say something to them.

The eyes of Hao Tianyu fell on the two Taiji ancient gods, whispering: "Two brothers, now you have nothing to say?"

The two ancient gods sighed with a sigh of relief, and their eyes slid down a tear, and they said the same thing: "It’s just that."

Taiji Ancient God, Gong Tianzun, and Tian Tianyi almost simultaneously shot at the same time. The four breaths shook the earth and shook the entire Xuan Du, and at the same time attacked the secluded heaven!

At this time, Qin Mu took the butcher and other people, and Yue Tianzun and the sacred king of the king smashed into the battlefield of Tiangong. The situation of Tiangong was extremely critical. He was besieged by the four great gods and three artifacts, Yu Tianzun, even if it was to reduce the flesh and improve himself. The speed of action is also inevitable and wounded again and again.

At this time, the will of heaven is imposed on Tiangong, and the will of heaven is strong, suppressing the consciousness of Tiangong.

The changes in Heaven have been clarified by Hong Tianzun, Sui Tianyi, Xuan Xuan and Shi Qiluo. Tiandao has no creativity, no subjectivity, and only objective.

Tiandao imposes a heavenly consciousness on Tiangong. When confronted with an attack, it is often the soldiers who will block, follow the tricks, and be far less creative and change than others.

This is the drawback of Heaven.

Coupled with Hong Tianzun, the person who knows the heavens and the heavens, the speed of the death of Tiangong is beyond the expectations of others. Even Xuan Xuan and Yan Tianqi did not expect to eradicate the Tiangong Society.

It’s just that Moon Tianzun and Yulian’s killings have caused them some trouble. Coupled with Qin Mu and other five people, even if they do not threaten their lives, they also make them quite big.

Since the Shiqiluo Trail has been separated from the battlefield and blocked them, he has manipulated and controlled three artifacts, Yu Tianzun, and his strength is strong. Together with his ever-changing body, he can transform himself into a variety of different treasures. He is also a powerful figure.

When the moon, Tianzun did not contend with him at all. He couldn’t strike a shot and continued to attack Hong Tianzun, Yan Tianqi and others, and let Shi Qiluo sigh.

What makes Shi Qiluo more difficult is that the **** of the gods invades the artifacts, and competes with him for control of the artifacts. He even invaded his body, trying to control him and treating him as a **** artifact. Go to attack Xuan Xuan and others.

Fortunately, he is the master of the Father's Temple, leaving various secret doors in the body of the artifact, even if his body has hidden many hidden doors, and the king of God can not seize the control, but still harass, Let him be a little crazy.

"I am coming!"

Suddenly, the Emperor Xuan’s sudden outburst of consciousness broke out, and the sacred king of the gods had a hard time, and Shen Yuanyi pointed through the layers of space, and forced the moon to stand out, and the sleeves were smashed, and the five people of Qin Mu were shaken out of the 30th void. , lightly said: "Shi Qiluo, you go to help Hong Tianzun."

Shi Qiluo was relieved and immediately drove the artifact to the heavenly lord.

The current Emperor Xuan Xuan is the strongest attacking power in the ten-day respect. Even if it is hard-hitting with Tiangong, it does not fall into the wind. Even Hong Tianzun, who has the strongest mana, is inferior to him in attack power. .

"Moon Tianzun, I am your natural nemesis."

The Emperor Xuan Xuan is proud of his attitude. He looks at the moon and respects it. He said: "Your space is in front of me. I can't play it if I know it. You were seriously injured for 40,000 years, and it is me."

His gaze fell on the sacred king again, and he said leisurely: "The creator of the lord, your way of knowing the gods is naturally weaker than my original way. With me, my first move can hit you, Two strokes can take your life. To surrender to me, I will seal you as the emperor."

His gaze fell on the body of five people, including Qin Mu, and frowned: "Mu Tianzun, you cover your face and I recognize you. In front of me, you are screaming through trouble, what is the use of covering your face? You The five people teamed up, but the strength is just the touch of the edge of Tianzun’s combat power, and it’s hard to beat!”

Tian Hao was extremely angry and smiled at other people: "Rough, this beast actually said that we had a slap in the face! His grandmother's mouth..."

Suddenly, the heavens violently vibrate, and the heavens of the entire Xuandu are whistling, and the madness flows into the heavens!

Qin Mu’s heart sinks and feels that the power of Tian Dao’s blessing in his body is also madly lost. Xuan Du Tiandao is only aware that the situation of Tiangong has reached the most critical period, and he has recovered all the heavenly forces that cover the entire Xuan Du, and blessed him in Tiangong’s body. !

Tiangong, has reached the most dangerous moment!

The strength of Tiangong is improved, but there is no improvement in the strain. In this case, even if Tiangong has the strength to be strong, it will still die in the hands of Hong Tianzun and others.

This war is only going to be defeated.

Tian Hao and others immediately felt that the power of Tiandao blessing was flying away, and that the faces of the four of them were all changed. The reason why they could fight until now is that they have not been killed by Tianzun, relying on the blessing of the power of heaven.

Now that this power has been lost, their combat power will decline and the danger will increase greatly.

At this time, there was a sudden strong instigation in the distance. Qin Mumei opened his eyes and looked over there. He saw the situation of Gong Tianzun, Sui Tianyi and Taiji Ancient God besieging Youtianzun!

Gong Tianzun's whip and horn, the scorpion's hair and return to the market, Taiji ancient god's Taiji sand table, has been dispatched!

Under that offensive, the glory of the glory is more than a few!

Qin Mu’s brain was stunned, and suddenly his throat was sweet, and a blood rushed into his mouth, and he was forcibly swallowed back into his stomach.

"Heaven, sec..." His heart screamed and his heart was like a knife.

Suddenly, in the eyebrows of Tiangong, a breath of the sky rises and rises, the heavens roar, the sounds of the sky tremble, and the bells ring!

Hong Tianzun, who is besieging Tiangong, has changed his face. Shi Qiluo and Yan Tianyi also immediately feel the difference between the Tiangong and the talented Tiangong at this time!

The grandmother of the Emperor Xuan Xuan’s heart shocked and looked at Tiangong.

There, Tian Gong’s eyebrows, Tiangong’s gods rose, and the time of heaven’s consciousness retreated, and Tian’s consciousness took over his body.

In the distance, suddenly there is a shocking sword light rising from the sky, reflecting the mysterious billions of stars.

Tiangong smiled, and the grand voice trembled in the mysterious capital.

"The vastness of the heavens is small and small, and it is a matter of one or two!"

At this moment, Qin Mu burst into tears and was ecstatic.

The butcher glanced at him coldly and coldly said: "Great sorrow and great joy, it hurts the heart. Shepherd, you become a god!"

Having said that, his hand holding the knife was also a little trembling.

Tiangong finally got out of the nine prisons and realized the heart of heaven. The Kaihuang also came from the ancestral court. Can he not be excited?

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