Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1536: Kill out of worry-free township

Qin Mu saw his smile and couldn't help but smile.

After the emperor walked down the sacred platform, the two sacred knives on the platform of the gods gradually gathered together and recovered. However, it was cut off by the emperor with the supreme kendo. This time, the two **** scorpions recovered. The dragon is also overwhelmed and does not look like the former.

Qin Mu secretly regrets, said: "Zu Ting Yujingcheng trip, I also got all the Heavenly Road soldiers from the Emperor Xuan Xuan, plus the Scorpio in the sacred sword, there will be fifty days. I I want to combine the fifty days into one, and to make a one-of-a-kind heaven and earth treasure. Do you think it is feasible?"

Kaihuang revealed the color of surprise: "You still killed the Emperor Xuan Xuan?"

Qin Muqian said: "There is no dare to kill. I just defeated the seven great gods. The seven great gods joined forces to besiege me. I will beat them all. You are only one of them. Of course, I have no chance to hit. Killing Xuan Xuan, he had to take away forty-eight Heaven Road soldiers from him."

The Emperor became more and more surprised: "Beat the Seven Great Heavens? And are they teaming up to attack you?"

Qin Mu is not proud of it.

Kaihuang thought: "Zuting Yujing City must be weird, limiting the strength of the seven great gods, but it does not limit your strength. They have no resistance, so they will be defeated by you. Zuting Yujingcheng, I do not have Been to..."

Qin Mu said: "I am not coming to listen to your analysis of the reasons. Do you have any way to refine the heavens to the treasure?"

Kaihuang shook his head: "There is a specialization in the industry. I am not good at heaven."

Qin Mu hesitated, the best in the world under the heavens, naturally Tiangong, but now the reborn Tiangong is in the secluded capital, suffering in the industry.

And Qin Mu can not enter the quiet capital!

"Zu Ting Yujing City, I want to go and have a look."

Kaihuangdao: "I feel that there are two places in the ancestral court. It is also very attractive to me as an enlightened person. I am tempted to go. One of them is your territory, and the other is Zuting Yujing City. ”

Qin Mu’s face changed slightly, his face was dignified, and he said: “You don’t want to go to Zuting Yujing City!”

Kaihuang glanced at him, revealing the color of doubt.

Qin Mu Shen said: "Too easy to go there, the result fell in the fourth universe, can not return. Zuting Yujing City, far more horrible than you think, there are sacred, sacred tree hanging seven or eight fruit If you go there, you can't come back alive!"

The emperor silenced for a moment and smiled: "You can rest assured that I have my own size."

Qin Mu stared at him in disgust, and opened the emperor: "I really don't go. If you can't say it, you won't go."

Qin Mu snorted and spit out a sigh of breath, Shen Sheng said: "You are like a stupid scorpion, the more you can't say it, the more you will go. If you must go, then you must, but must be rescued. After going out to the sky, you go there again, how can you die?"

He paused and curiously said: "You just said that you have two places in the ancestral court that are attractive to you. My holy place is of course very powerful. But what I want to know is that except for the ancestral home. Besides, do you still feel that there are other places that are attractive to you?"

Kaihuangdao: "Da Luotian is omnipresent and more numerous than this universe. When my own avenue is imprinted on the sky, it does sense that there is a mysterious place in the universe. One of the places, you should know It is the place where the Chiming Yuzu is located."

Qin Mu looked awkward and said: "You become a Tao, do you feel any strange things there?"

“There are unusual avenues of volatility.”

Kaihuangdao: "But like Zuting Yujing City and Montenegro Holy Land, I can't see the depth of it."

Qin Mu’s heart jumped: “Is it too easy to ask me to save him?”

"Besides there, there is a place where I can't see the depth."

Kaihuang continued: "That place even made me feel some fear."

Qin Mu’s eyes sparkled and stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

Suddenly, the emperor said faintly: "Who is a stupid?"


Qin Mu’s pain quickly acknowledged and urged: “Hurry up and say, which place makes you feel unfathomable!”

"Under the market."

Kaihuangdao: "There is also a place where my kendo cannot enter."

Qin Mu was surprised and raised his eyebrows: "Return to the market?"

"It’s not the market, it’s under the market."

Kaihuangdao: "I realized that when my kendo stretched there, it would be swallowed up by a dark, dull hole, and all the inductions disappeared. There, even my kendo would be frightened and shuddered."

Qin Mu frowned slightly and walked around.

In the two places where Kaihuang said, he has been there. He entered the hanging community of the Chiming Yuzu in order to join hands with the Chiming Protoss, but he did not know anything about it. He only knew that Moon Tianzun had been there, almost Did not come out alive.

He returned to the Great Wall, where he found the body of Le Yuanm and Ling Tianzun. As for the depths of the Great Deep, he also went in, but it was through the shuanglian into the depths of the Great.

He didn't know what was in the Great Plains.

"These two places are indeed good places to hide things. The Emperor’s solemn mention of these two places is juxtaposed with Zuting Yujing City and the world tree. It seems that these two places may be too easy. The geographical map identifies the place..."

Kaihuang glanced at him, not salty and not faint: "You better dispel the thoughts of exploring these places. The dangers there are not what you can imagine. Even if I don't dare to say that I can retreat."

Qin Mu is indifferent: "You can rest assured that I have my own size."

Kaihuang frowned, as if he had just used this sentence to perfuse Qin Mu.

Qin Mu also found this, the two were silent for a moment, and suddenly they said the same thing: "We are not allowed to go!"

The voice just fell, the two looked at each other and suddenly laughed together.

Qin Mu got up and took the 斩神台 and 斩神玄刀, and said leisurely: "To rescue Ling Tianzun, it is not too late, the sooner the better! You are ready!"

Kaihuang gently nodded.

Qin Mu vacated and landed on the Du Shijin boat, and inadvertently saw a figure on the boat.

Kaihuang also noticed this scene, slightly frowning, he has become enlightened, but still can not see who is on the ship.

"Wait for me, Yankang Yongjiang will meet again!" Qin Mu double-sleeved, the World Gold Boat sailed off the sea and sailed away from the other side.

Kai Huangmu sent him away, and then turned back to the shape, from the high heavens to the worry-free township, too clear.

He personally slammed the drums and summoned the civil and military ministers of the thirty-three heavens of Wuyou Township.

This drum is a drum of war. It is used to mobilize the drums of the thirty-three heavens in the town of worry-free town. The drums sound, and all the civil servants responsible for war preparations must go to Taiqing.

The Emperor opened the drums and made a sound. He sat in front of the drum that was a few feet high, and closed his eyes and did not move.

Four days later, he opened his eyes and the tens of thousands of soldiers were neatly arranged in the square in front of the drum. They stood there without making any noise.

During the four days, people came here from all over the place, but after everyone came here, they did not make any noise, but silently returned to their place and waited quietly.

Moon Tianzun also came here, seeing this scene, can not help but admire the strictness of the rule of the Emperor.

Kaihuang stood up and looked sharp like a sword, sweeping through the faces of the soldiers of the new generation.

"I have become enlightened."

His voice sounded, not high or low, but powerful and powerful. His voice not only spread throughout the square, but even spread to Pingyutian, the dragon changed to heaven, Yulongtian, and passed to Taiwangtian, let the whole worry-free township In the corner, everyone can hear him.

"I have become enlightened. With enough power, you don't have to stay here again. You can leave the other side of the city without worry."

His voice is clearly introduced into everyone's ears, the language is unremarkable, and he returns to his true state like his kendo.

"There is no real worry-free town in this world. There is no sky in the sky, and there will be no outside."

He took a step and walked in front of the veterans: "After we went to the outside world, it was more dangerous than here, and more people would die."

At this time, Qin Mu stood on the gold boat of the world, drove away from the land of Taixu, and sailed into the heavens and the world. He looked closer and closer to the Yuan Dynasty, and his eyes were deep and distant.

At the same time, the other side of the sky, the voice of the emperor burst in the ears of everyone: "I want to take you, go to the Yuan, go to the place where the hometown of worry-free town, go to the place where your ancestors lived. They are there , throwing heads, sprinkling blood, every inch of land, they have their blood and sweat, every inch of land, buried the bones of your ancestors!"

On the ferry of the world, Qin Mu Yao looked at Yankang, where Yankang’s gas was prosperous.

He smiled and turned the gold boat to the river.

"Some of you are veterans who follow me. Some people are born in the town of worry-free. Some people have never left this place for the rest of their lives, thinking that this is their hometown."

"But not!"

"Hometown is where your ancestors lived!"

"This time, you may die outside, maybe your loved ones, friends, will die outside, maybe your husband, your wife, or even your children!"

"Even your surname, your family, will not leave any blood!"

"But we are going, we must go back there! Because there is the land of our ancestors! Because there is the place where we have survived and progeny for generations!"

"There is no worry-free township, the whole universe, all the world, there is no worry-free township! But we must rely on my own hands, my own sweat, my own blood, my own hard bones, to build our worry-free hometown! ”

"We used to have a brilliant civilization there, and there are countless ancestors who struggled for the ideals that they could not achieve. We are losers, and we are forced out of the losers of the Yuan Dynasty, but we are not the losers forever!"

"We have to fight back!"

Kaihuangjian sighed through the sky and shouted: "Come back with me, for the ancestors' spirit in heaven, for our former glory! Fight back"

"Come! Come with me and kill the town without worry!"

The Du Shijin boat stopped at the source of the river, Qin Mu walked down the gold boat, and the gold boat was getting smaller and smaller, flying into his eyebrows.

"Ling Tianzun, I am coming."

Congratulations on the happy birthday of the non-fish!

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