Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1537: First battle

At the source of the Yangtze River, Tianhe has been diverted to the original position with the migration of the heavenly court to the original position. At this time, there is no magnificent water flow in the river.

The river is still there, but the Tianhe has already floated into the air.

There is still water in the river, but it is shallow and turbid. There are only some fish, shrimps and aquarium in the water. The dragons who lived here have migrated to the sky along with the Tianhe River and established a magnificent palace in the sky.

However, there are many gods and devils around the river.

When Qi Tianzun visited the holy land of Montenegro, Huo Tianzun, Gong Tianzun and Taiyin Niangniang heard that Qin Mu came to rescue Ling Tianzun, so they rushed in, but they rushed.

Their status is extraordinary. It is impossible for Qin to graze for a long time. Naturally, it is impossible to stay here. The gods who are stationed here are their subordinates.

Qin Mu glanced down and saw that the gods had set up camp here, built a small **** city, and saw him as an enemy.

Among the camps and the gods, one of the gods and messengers quickly left, and wanted to come to inform Fire Tianzun and others.

Qin Mu did not take it for granted. He came to a **** city and smiled and said: "Who told me to tell Xiaotian Zun?"

The defenders in the city trembled and shouted loudly: "Muslim, you are going to be crazy, here is not you can scatter wild..."

Qin Mu’s eyes were swept away, and only one of the Yuanyuanyuans appeared in the sky above the **** city.

The keeper will be pale, and all the demons in the city will not dare to have any action.

Returning to the Great Wall of the Market, a huge gravitational tide will lock them all together, as long as Da Yuanwei can burst, they can all swallow one without leaving!

Qin Mu looks good and smiles. "Don't be afraid, I am also a goddess, and it is not a big devil who kills God and does not blink. Who will tell Xiaotian Zun with me?"

"Chen this will go!"

The keeper will rush into a divine light, and will go straight to the nearest psionic power to move the bridge.

Qin Mu San went to the Shenshen, and walked into the city of God. He came to the city building and sat down. The gods in the city were chilling and could not speak. There are a few demon warriors who are clever, and they are often served with fragrant scent, wine and fruit, and they are also singers, playing silk bamboo, singing and dancing, and helping the gods.

Qin Mu opened his mouth, and the goddess next to him hurriedly sent the peeled purple jade grape to his mouth. This grape was even picked out.

Qin Mu ate the grapes and licked his lips. Immediately, a goddess took the fragrant scent and placed it on his mouth.

Qin Mu drink tea, I saw the dancer's body graceful, the dance is beautiful and moving, the song is screaming, and I can't help but raise my hands.

The goddess on both sides hurriedly grasped the hands of Tian Zun and helped him applaud.


Qin Mu clap his hands and praised: "It's good. This song is a tribute to the soldiers who sacrificed for the heavenly court in the battle of the Yanggu Valley. A song of praise, praised the heart of the loyalty and filial piety of the heavenly court, the loyalty of the liver and the daring, the twist of the bend, the death of the unyielding It’s so good! It’s so good, I almost cried!”

The heavenly gods in the tower of the city laughed at each other. One **** said: "Singing is a little girl, and I sent Tianzun to the room at night?"

Qin Mu side body: "Let's make a good voice, then her mother is not bad..."

The **** will quickly say: "If Tianzun likes it, he will also send it to the Tianzun room..."

Qin Mu haha ​​laughed, and the gods in the tower also laughed together. Suddenly, Qin Mu’s face was cold, and the smiles on the faces of the soldiers disappeared. The towers were silent, even the sound of the bamboos stopped. .

Qin Mu slowly swallowed his mouth, and the goddess next to him hurriedly sent the peeled grapes into his hands. The heavenly crowds sighed and the silk bamboo sounded again.

Suddenly, Qin Mu grew up and laughed: "Tai Tai, you are finally here!"

The sound of silk bamboo is stopped, and everyone in the castle towers brushed to Qin Mu’s view. It’s the same voice: “Mu Tianzun, you are looking for a dead end!”

"I have already warned you, don't be crazy!"

"Don't try to save Ling Tianzun!"

Qin Mu laughed out of the tower, and saw that all the heavenly gods in the city had seen him as thousands of people, but they were all Taidi.

"And you are bent on doing it, killing all kinds!"

The tens of thousands of gods in the city made an earth-shattering explosion: "I don't even need to do it myself, other gods will kill you!"

Qin Mu looked at the camps of other great lords in the distance. In the camps and the gods, one of the gods and gods turned their necks. To him, the scene was extremely strange.

On both sides of the river, all the heavenly armymen said in unison: "I can accommodate you in the past, but now, I can't allow you!"

Qin Mu raised his hand, and Shen Shentai flew out of his spiritual fetus. Two scorpions were like two dragons entwined on the platform of the gods, filled with sighs.

"Tai Emperor, have you seen the gods and gods?"

Qin Muzui’s mouth smiled and he said: “Your scorpio has changed and has been killed by me. The gods and the gods are also in my hands. Do you still understand this scene? ”

Around the four corners of the camp and the gods, the eyes of countless gods and gods fell on the sacred gods and sacred swords, revealing the color of surprise and anger.

"I will sink into the chaotic river of Zujing Yujing City a little bit, and watch her slowly annihilate and turn into ash."

Qin Mu smiled and said: "Tai emperor, you are old, not used. Even if you pin your own knowledge in the big Luotian, you can't die, what can you do? You can only shrink there, you can only wait silently, wait until Someone grows beyond your level, then kills Da Luotian and wipes you out!"

Tens of thousands of heavenly courts roared.

"You know when you are out of date? Now you have the ability to kill Da Luotian who killed you, no less than four!"

Qin Mu smiled lightly: "Give up the idea of ​​resisting me, returning Yuntian Zun to me, let me save Ling Tianzun, I will not be troubled by your Yuanshen Mingfang. The body of the Emperor can also take it away. Otherwise this robbery You are in jeopardy, and you will inevitably become robbed like the scorpio!"

His voice just fell, suddenly the sky was twisted, the southern flames rolled, a Suzaku flew in, and the gods of the sky made the water in the river suddenly boil, and the fish, shrimps and aquarium in the water were burnt red and died!

"Fire Tianzun has not yet arrived, but the body of Nandi Suzaku has arrived first."

Qin Mu reveals the sarcasm: "When Huo Zun is killing the same family, it is still the fastest."

"Give the treasure boy!"

The tens of thousands of heavenly courts screamed in unison, and the horrible gods descended from the sky. From the ultimate emptiness of the gods, Da Luo Tianzhong came, and the whistling rushed to the south of the flesh!

The Nandi body was refining by the fire gods. When the fire gods learned that Qin Mu had arrived at the source of the river, he knew that it would take some time to rush there, so he rushed the road and directly urged the Nandi body.

The body of the Southern Emperor is the body of the Southern Emperor Suzaku, born by the fire. Wherever it passes, the sky melts, the space collapses, the space in the distance is distorted, and a heavy space halo is formed around the Suzaku, which is extremely hot and bright.

The strength of this flesh is too strong to be comparable to that of heaven.

However, in the next moment, the body of Nandi was forcibly invaded by the Emperor of the Emperor, directly obliterating the brand of Huo Tianzun and controlling the body of Nandi!

The Suzaku flapped its wings, the flame became stronger and stronger, and the speed became faster and faster. The next moment, it came to Yongjiang, and the two claws were split, and they went to Qin Mu on the city tower!

The fire lord who was rushing couldn’t help but be furious: “Tai emperor, did you dare to fight with me when you broke down?”

He moved his anger, at this moment, suddenly a bright and incomparable sword light rose from the land of too imaginary, the sword light passed through the horrible space formed by the thirty-fifth emptiness of the void bridge, a sword will be heaven The Tianting Camp, which is guarded there, runs through the place where Jianguang passes, and the heavenly courts have turned into powder.

Fire Tianzun saw the sword and his heart jumped.

That Jianguang is the kendo of the opening emperor. Obviously, Kaihuang Qinye suddenly made a disaster during this critical period!

The Tianting army was guarded in front of the virtual bridge of Taixu, and the Tianshi and Tianwang squadrons were guarded, and there were weapons of the ancient gods and four emperors, and they had been in peace.

At this time, Kaihuang murdered the other side of the empty space and came to Taixu. Is it a plan to take advantage of the gods who are not too imaginary and take the opportunity to kill the heavenly gods?

He just thought of it and saw a spectacular scene.

On the other side of the sky, a magnificent ship carrying the thirty-three heavens of Wushou Township, crossed the empty bridge and came to the opposite side of the heavenly army!

The fire of the sky is a big shock: "Qin industry is crazy! How dare he leave the other side of the sky? Is he going to commit suicide?"

Now he hesitates and hesitates. He doesn't know if he should go to the source of the river or go to the Void Bridge.

Both Kaihuang and Qin Mu are both human races. These two people have repeatedly opposed the heavenly courts and confronted the demigods, making him difficult to be a human being in the heavens, so they both want to get rid of them.

However, now both of them have big moves at the same time, which makes it difficult for him to decide who to kill first.

"Qin Mu is even more harmful! If he is succeeded, I am afraid there will be another Ling Tianzun!"

Fire Tianzun’s eyes flashed, but he flew away from the imaginary land. He said: “However, there is a great emperor who holds him in the sky, and he can’t succeed, so the most harmful thing is Kaihuang Qinye!”

At the same time, Hao Tianzun's brow wrinkled, and he was also on his way to Yongjiang, walking with the palace, the virtual, the ancestors, the ancestors and other gods, but the change of the land of too virtual made him dilemma.

"The army of heaven can not be slaughtered by the Emperor and the Worry-free township, otherwise it will cause the control of the heavens to be greatly damaged."

Yan Tianzun immediately made up his mind and continued to rush to Yongjiang: "But compared with Kaihuang Qinye, shepherd is very important. Moreover, the Emperor of Heaven can not fall behind Xiaotianzun! He was born with a powerful body. It is the strongest weapon in the world!"

Others do not know the terribleness of the Emperor's body, but he knows it clearly.

The body of the Emperor of Heaven was never hurt!

Even the existence of Tiangong and Tubo could not cause the Emperor to be physically injured.

If Xiaotianzun wins the flesh, then his heavenly palace will be completed, and he will directly climb the ultimate void and brand his own power to the ultimate empty sky.

The flesh of other people cannot enter the ultimate void, and will be assimilated by the ultimate void, but the physical body of the Emperor of Heaven will not.

"If Xiaotian Zun first stepped on the throne, I will definitely kill the killer and dismantle us all!"

Just in the moment when the Nandi flesh fluttered, Qin Mu had taken out the hairpin, and the volley took a stroke, and a Tianhe reappeared from the past 40,000 years ago!

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