Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1540: Extinct

Xiao Tianzun held the original stone in the hand, and looked up and down the original stone. His eyes seemed sad and happy.

Countless creators came to him, and the creator of the empty side of the bank experienced a battle with the heavenly army. It was also born and died, and became brave and good.

In addition, with the transformation of the lord, the original ancestral cult of the cult is combined with the system of the sacred temple, and the creator is sent to Yankang to absorb the results of the Yankang reform. Now the creator is stronger than the creator of the ancient times. How many.

They also cultivate the Yuanshen, and learn the Taoist system. The strength is extremely high, and the magical powers are also extremely subtle. Although they are still dominated by the gods, they are extremely powerful.

However, they have not yet come to Xiao Tianzun, and they will see the Tiangong Temple appearing behind them. The powerful power is suppressed and they can't move like mud.

The gap is too big, even if it is able to suppress the shackles of the spirits, in front of Xiaotianzun is also a general sculpture like mud, the hands are falling apart, falling apart, let alone them?

Moreover, the way of the beginning includes a congenital glimpse of the gods and the gods. The congenital glimpse is the beginning of the spirit, the vitality is extremely high, and their gods and sacred spirits are attacked by the gods, and all of them are absorbed by Xiaotianzun and become his nutrients. .

Their gods were originally obtained through the stone of the early days. For Xiao Tianzun, it is nothing but the original owner.

The sacred knowledge they cultivated, for Xiao Tianzun, only lends them to the **** stone to cultivate. These creators are just the equivalent of cultivating the gods for him.

Xiao Tianzun did not care about the strong ones among the creators who had been killed. Instead, he raised the original stone and looked at it again. The sadness on his face gradually disappeared, leaving only joy.

His joy is getting stronger and thicker, and the original stone in his hand has slowly floated up. He is trying to motivate the original stone with a fusion of the innateness of the innate and the gods.

Behind him, more creators are killed, but one is set behind him, strong as patriarchs, elders, like the time flowing around it becomes extremely slow, while the weaker ones are completely still .

The power of the beginning is very powerful!

Just as Xiao Tianzun spurred the original stone, the body of the moon, the king of the moon, began to disintegrate, and the gods collapsed and the soul broke down!

She is the most powerful creator besides 阆涴, but she has no power to deal with the existence of Xiao Tianzun.

Xiao Tian Zun is not only as simple as their nemesis, but also the origin of the gods they rely on!

In the face of such existence, there is only deep fear in their hearts!

However, the Moon God in the water is the strongest after all, she is only slowly decomposing, the physical spirit of the body is broken down into a congenital glimpse, the gods are deprived by the original stone, and for a moment they still die.

But the speed of decomposition of other patriarchs and elders is much faster.

The skin on the face of the Moon God in the water is broken down, like a layer of paper-blown paper, and the body skin burns layer by layer.

She opened her mouth and wanted to scream out the creators who were still killing here, but her voice became so long that her gods could not be sent out.

This kind of situation is like the supernatural field of Taidi. The emperor is comprehending the existence of the field and the first to realize the existence of the field. The field of supreme knowledge creates an absolute field with the knowledge of the gods. It seems that time is still.

He was invincible in this way, until he met Ling Tianzun, Ling Tianzun saw the essence of non-existence of time, created a non-mind, and broke the invincible myth of the field of supreme.

Although Xiao Tianzun has seen the field of supreme gods, but he has not been taught by the emperor, but as his gods grow wildly and rise wildly, he naturally realizes the field of supreme knowledge.

For him, everything is in order.

Not only that, his field of knowledge is more complete than the real world of Taidi, and the flaws are even smaller!

His field of knowledge is also mixed with the ingenuity of the congenital use, and the magical use of the way of the beginning, can take the physical strength of others, turn into a congenital glimpse, take the knowledge of others, and turn into their own knowledge!


The Creator at the edge of the field of supernatural knowledge perceives danger, immediately stops, bends, and flies out, screaming: "Everyone will escape!"

Other influx of creators drowned him and continued to go to Xiaotian Zun, but they were settled one by one.

More creators realized that they were sinister, and they turned around. One elder was lucky enough to escape, and he was very sad. He shouted: "The sacred king said yes, the lips are cold, there is no worry-free township, and the other side is a prisoner." Cage! All the tribes listened and immediately went to the Nether Bridge and left the other side!"

The escaping creators immediately rushed to the various tribes of their own tribes, intending to flee the empty bridge with the tribes, and if they escaped to the Void Bridge, they still have a chance to live.

However, as the piece of Taishen Stone was motivated by Xiao Tianzun, the field of Supreme God was expanding rapidly.

Although they fled at a fast speed, the speed of the expansion of the field of supernatural knowledge was also fast, and those who fell behind were quickly becoming rigid and unable to move.

In the eyes of these settled Creator, their tribes fled at an unimaginable speed, but they seemed to be frozen by time.

Even the star-studded stars in the sky are frozen at the moment, and the super-existing field of the gods is frozen. Even the vast rivers of the stars are no longer functioning in the field of supreme knowledge.

The field of Supreme God of Xiao Tianzun is still expanding, and soon expanded to the first days.

The field swept the entire day, and the heavens inhabited more than 100,000 creators. Everyone was frozen in a moment, and the body maintained various postures. Some dragged their mouths to run, and some had already flown into the air. Hiding in the shadow of the house, and some are angry, intending to fold back and fight with Xiao Tianzun.

They are either looking scared, full of despair, or falling into fear and panic, but no one can escape.

The field of Supreme God is still expanding, and soon touches the second heavens, and then expands to the third heavens, the fourth heavens...

On the other side of the sky, the Creator built a splendid civilization here, although not as great as the ancient times, but there are millions of creators in the world.

However, no one escaped.

"How can you escape?"

Xiao Tianzun looked up at the original stone in the early days, but he did not turn his eyes, but he seemed to see the mortal life of the creator in the empty sky. He smiled and said: "You used the gods that belonged to me to build the other side of the sky, come here, and destroy. Here, it is the easiest for me. If you change to other places, my field of knowledge may not be able to expand so quickly, and it may not be so wide. But here..."

He made a slight meal and smiled: "The whole world is my territory! I just came to my territory and crushed the ants who occupied you in the nest."

He turned his head and looked at the nearest King of the Moon in his water. He said: "You haven't died yet. Supporting it until now, it can be seen that it is still not bad. But you are too stupid, and the boss is the boss." Tai Tai is as stupid, of course, the old man is not smart to go anywhere."

The smile on his face is getting thicker and thicker: "The old man thought that I would not care for my physical body, and desperately went to the Yuanjie River. He went to find the Emperor and the Moon, so he was fighting for the battle. In this way, he will deliberately release the wind and lead my son, Tian Tianzun, to deal with me."

He carried his hands and said to the moon **** in the water: "His abacus is loud, and if there are Kaihuang, Yuetianzun, and Tiantianzun, Taidi, I will be able to recapture the flesh and suffer a lot. He can benefit from fishing. But How could he fight me? He went to Kaihuang and Yuetianzun, which is what I want."

In the eyes of the **** of the moon, the **** of the moon is desperate. In her eyes, everything on the other side of the bank is frozen, and the whole world has become a solid field of supernatural knowledge.

In the field, the innate glimpse of the creator of the creator, constantly rushing to Xiaotian, into his body.

In the water, I also saw that the creators of the creators also roared and flew, and turned into the early gods, and became the nutrients of Xiaotianzun.

The death of a tribe made her heartache.

"The opening of the emperor is very powerful, and there is a slap in the face and the help of the moon, I am not sure to beat him."

Xiao Tianzun smiled at her: "So I have to wait for an opportunity to open the emperor, the moon god, and the opportunity to leave here. I will wait."

He smiled and said: "Mu Tianzun thought that I was more anxious than anyone else, but he was wrong. The most urgent person is not me, but he is a Taidi, a nephew. On the contrary, I am not in a hurry."

The creator of the creator sizzles, disintegrates in the field, his cultivation is getting higher and higher, and his mana is becoming more and more powerful.

His heavenly realm was close to perfection, and it was difficult to improve it with his strength. But now, his cultivation and strength are advancing by leaps and bounds, and he is making rapid progress all the time!

"Moon Tianzun three rooms, after all, are only treasures and magical powers. Even the moon gods can't stop me, not to mention the treasures that she refines. You rely on the three rooms for the sky, hope for others, not for yourself. Looking for a dead road?"

The starry sky on the other side began to annihilate and collapse, and the object that was conceived from the view was restored to the knowledge of God.

Those heavens, and the Creator of the heavens, are also destroyed!

For millions of years, the Creator has created everything here with his own knowledge. At this moment, everything is back to its original state!

The state of the beginning!

The annihilation is getting faster and faster, and the other side of the sky is getting smaller and smaller. The three rooms left by the moon in the distance are getting closer and closer.

Soon, the trend of annihilation spread to the vicinity of Xiaotianzun and the water moon. In the water, the moon was desperate to see a patriarch of the creator, long aging for a congenital glimpse and knowledge, and became the nutrients of Xiaotianzun.

"It's over."

Xiao Tianzun raised his hand and held the original stone. The moon in the water blew open and turned into a congenital glimpse.

He turned and walked to the three rooms and smiled: "You can't let the old man and the boss wait too long!"

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